Author Topic: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 4/6/14  (Read 441969 times)

Offline Rikki8528

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 11/7/13
« Reply #660 on: November 08, 2013, 12:45:16 PM »
Congratulations on the third immortal! I see Asa still has the looks he needs to win Marissa...

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 11/7/13
« Reply #661 on: November 08, 2013, 05:31:55 PM »
Hmm, Asa's getting pretty old.  Time to trade him in for a younger maybe his sister  ;=)

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 11/7/13
« Reply #662 on: November 09, 2013, 12:12:02 PM »

Devon appreciates all the congrats; he's been ready for immortality for a long time. It's sad he lost that sexy body, though. Ah well, such is old age! I'll just address a few comments below:

You really like toddler bunny pajamas, don't you?

It's true; I use them on most of my toddlers. They're just so cute!

Congratulations on your third immortal! I just caught up and I love every single bit of this story! Your characters and screenshots are just amazing!

Aw, thanks! A new reader, yay!

Congrats, Devon!

Jaden is an adorable lump of adorableness, but he doesn't have the tilted Dojo eyes, does he? Hope they can still make a comeback!

Yeah, the Dojo eyes haven't had good luck in this dynasty. So far, none of the heirs got them, but Giles and Evan did. Maybe one of their kids will get them back into the gene pool?

Congratulations on the third immortal! I see Asa still has the looks he needs to win Marissa...

He's a good looking elder, although it is disappointing he aged up so very fast.

Hmm, Asa's getting pretty old.  Time to trade him in for a younger maybe his sister  ;=)


Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 11/7/13
« Reply #663 on: November 09, 2013, 12:12:19 PM »
The Next-Gen Scientist

For his property, Devon had upgraded Boggart Overlook into a small Asian-style restaurant.

It made for a great place for Marissa to practice her mixology, and Asa was always happy to tag along and help by ordering drinks.

Jaden's toddler years passed swiftly, and he aged up into a child.

Being somewhat neurotic, he insisted that all of his clothes be white, just to make sure any dirt could be easily spotted and dealt with.

He was a bit of a strange child, who enjoyed spending a lot of time alone. He couldn't wait for the day when he'd be big enough to use that white, sparkling lab.

Maybe that was why he liked hanging out with Evan so much. Grandma Gwenyth said he took after his great Uncle Evan and his grandfather Giles, who he'd never met.

Unfortunately, Evan wouldn't be around to see his little prodigy age up. At the tender young age of 114, he decided it was time to go.

Strangely, he still insisted that he wanted more time.

Evan: "But Grim, I'm a father! I have nooboos!"

And it was true, Evan had fathered twenty-two children and two of them quite recently!

Upon advice from a certain forum-member (lookin' at you Trip!), he decided to try again with Jessica Talon, and he managed to father a child at the other end of the rainbow!

Laura and Ifran, however, were still far too young for Jaden to play with.

Instead, he preferred to hang out with another of Evan's daughters--Joy Chique. She was actually far, far older than him, but had been stuck in childhood for ages due to the werewolf curse.

Jaden thought that sounded awful, so he decided to help her out.

Joy was thrilled.

And then it was time for another birthday.

Offline Rikki8528

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 11/9/13
« Reply #664 on: November 09, 2013, 12:23:14 PM »
Joy may be rainbow, but her face doesn't look good in the picture of her as a human. Maybe wait and see what Laura turns out like?

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 11/9/13
« Reply #665 on: November 09, 2013, 12:48:27 PM »
22 children?!?!?!  Oh Evan........that is sooooo you! That picture of Marissa practicing her mixology in the first collage cracks me up!  ;D   P.S. It's nice to see another green baby. P.P.S Is Laura a vampire? P.P.P.S If Jaden can marry her (Laura), he should!
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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 11/9/13
« Reply #666 on: November 09, 2013, 12:55:32 PM »
Get that greenboo into the family! I knew that Jessica would come through for you. ;D

RIP Evan.

Also, Jaden is an absolutely adorable little boy and I like the Chique girl too. And who's the purple cook in the first picture collage?
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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 11/9/13
« Reply #667 on: November 09, 2013, 01:59:01 PM »
22 kids  :o!  And the game let you do that?!

*Bows down and worships your computer*

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 11/9/13
« Reply #668 on: November 09, 2013, 04:12:42 PM »

Joy may be rainbow, but her face doesn't look good in the picture of her as a human. Maybe wait and see what Laura turns out like?

Joy is certainly odd looking. I can't decide if she's pretty or not. See pics of both, coming right up!

22 children?!?!?!  Oh Evan........that is sooooo you! That picture of Marissa practicing her mixology in the first collage cracks me up!  ;D   P.S. It's nice to see another green baby. P.P.S Is Laura a vampire? P.P.P.S If Jaden can marry her (Laura), he should!

Marissa's mixology faces are a world of cuteness. Laura is not a vampire, but she is considerably younger than Jaden. You can vote for her to be the next gen's wife though. Poll coming right up!

Get that greenboo into the family! I knew that Jessica would come through for you. ;D

RIP Evan.

Also, Jaden is an absolutely adorable little boy and I like the Chique girl too. And who's the purple cook in the first picture collage?

I'm glad you suggested it, and that Evan obliged and lived long enough to get the deed done! Jaden is super cute; he has such an expressive face! And the purple cook is Shawna Hemlock, one of Evan's daughters with Morrigan Hemlock (she looks just like her mom, too!)

22 kids  :o!  And the game let you do that?!

*Bows down and worships your computer*

My new computer is indeed boss. I'm enjoying it quite a lot!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 11/9/13
« Reply #669 on: November 09, 2013, 04:13:56 PM »
Sorry to rush through Jaden's teen years like this, but he's one day from aging up into a young adult, and I don't want to wait any longer. Get ready to vote for your favorite gals!

Time to Vote

Jaden was pleased that he aged up in his favorite color, white, so he took some time to eat cake with the family before running off to fix his wardrobe.

He decided to spice things up by adding some black.

Jaden Dojo: Teen

Daredevil, Neurotic, Loner, Never Nude

He also decided that he didn't like to take his clothes off. Ever.

Yes, Jaden continued to have a little trouble adjusting to the world around him.

Good thing a nice freak out session always had a way of mellowing him out.

Plus the science lab was always a nice and clean place to retreat.

Family life was good, even if his parents were usually too busy visiting the local bars to hang out much.

But that was alright, grams was always around for some tutoring.

And gramps, well, he was just a big goofball.

Seeing as the next day was love day, he decided to ask the only girl his age that he knew on a date.

Joy Chique was almost a strange as he was, being both grumpy and hydrophobic. He didn't really understand that second part; water made everything clean. What was to be afraid of? Well, even if they were both totally crazy in their own different ways, they really hit it off.

They had a nice date, even if some creeper paparazzo with Emmett hair totally stalked him when he went to use the restroom. Seriously, a little privacy please?

He was pleased when Joy called him up and invited him to go to prom together.

They came home going steady.

And Joy even seemed to be keeping her hydrophobia in check.

Later he met Wanda, a fellow never nude.

And her older sister Shawna, a fellow loner.

Apparently most of Evan's daughters were as strange and as maladjusted as him!

Well, except for Courtney, she seemed pretty normal and well put-together, with surprisingly good fashion sense for a townie.

Oh, and Felicia, Joy's older sister. She was relatively normal once you got past the fact that she was a werewolf.

Thanks to Evan's bedtime stories, Jaden knew that when he grew up, he'd have to chose one of them to marry and a second one to take a DNA sample from.

So, who will be the lucky girls? You decide!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 11/9/13
« Reply #670 on: November 09, 2013, 04:29:56 PM »
The Options

Wanda Hemlock: Young Adult

Traits: Sailor, Clumsy, Never Nude, Grumpy, Angler
Age: 10 days to adult
Pros: Shares a trait with Jaden (Never Nude), Yellow Eyes, the Dojo Eye Tilt, Townie Features (lips)

Shawna Hemlock: Adult

Traits: Loner, Brave, Natural Cook, Perceptive, Light Sleeper
Age: 14 days to elder
Pros: Shares a trait with Jaden (Loner), Yellow Eyes, Townie Features (pretty much everything)

Courtney Striker: Adult

Traits: Brave, Hates the Outdoors, Excitable, Bookworm, Dog Person
Age: 3 days to elder
Pros: Grey Eyes, Townie Features (cheek bones, eye shape)

Joy Chique: Young Adult

Traits: Clumpsy, Photographer's Eye, Hydrophobic, Grumpy, Mooch
Age: 19 days to adult
Pros: Blue Eyes, the Dojo Eye Tilt, Townie Features (cheek bones, jaw line, nose?)

Felicia Chique: Young Adult

Traits: Workaholic, Inappropriate, Angler, Artistic, Brave
Age: 19 days to elder (should age up to adult upon being cured of werewolf)
Pros: Possibly Yellow Eyes (unclear because of werewolf?), the Dojo Eye Tilt

Laura Talon: Teen

Traits: Slob, Good, Light Sleeper, Kleptomaniac
Age: 13 days to young adult
Pros: A New Color of the Rainbow, Townie Features (cheek bones)
Note: Too young for Jaden, Gen Six option only

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 11/9/13
« Reply #671 on: November 09, 2013, 04:36:50 PM »
Team Joy here! She is beautiful and her color is just awesome( I'm pretty obsessed with every type of blue) and I just can't resist the eye tilt.
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 11/9/13
« Reply #672 on: November 09, 2013, 04:39:04 PM »

Okay, first poll (Jaden's spouse) is now up. It looks like I can't initiate a second one to chose Gen Six's spouse (who to grab a DNA sample from) until the first one closes.

Have fun!

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 11/9/13 (Vote Now for Your Favorite Spouse Pick!)
« Reply #673 on: November 09, 2013, 04:45:31 PM »
I cast my vote, but there's only one choice that would actually disappoint me, so I really can't wait to see who Jaden marries regardless of who wins!

On another note, congrats on getting your very own cute neurotic heir. ;D Well, I guess he was cute all along, but he needed to hit teenhood just for me to be sure.
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Offline Rikki8528

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 11/9/13 (Vote Now for Your Favorite Spouse Pick!)
« Reply #674 on: November 09, 2013, 05:00:27 PM »
I was torn between Shawna, Wanda and Felicia, but I cast my vote. Shawna, with a name like that, kinda reminds me of another gen 5 spouse...