Author Topic: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 4/6/14  (Read 442309 times)

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/21/13
« Reply #555 on: October 22, 2013, 06:16:24 PM »
Giles flirting with Marissa was a little disgusting, but Giles is just to lovable to gag at. ::) It happens sometimes in my game too. Anyway, Marissa looks great as a teen. Congratulations for Devon winning the tournament.
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/21/13
« Reply #556 on: October 23, 2013, 08:44:00 PM »

Awwww!  That is just too sweet!  Oh Giles... you are adorable XD  *sniff*  I hate that he's an elder... lol I love the look Marissa gave when she aged up.

Haha, poor dear! She looks pretty embarrassed.

Good thing Shannon is unflirty; we don't need to repeat William's mistakes with someone else and add an icky layer of in-law love to it.

And getting to the top of the tournament in one trip? Wow. I recall that it took Samhain at least three. :P

I was really relieved she had that trait. It never occurred to me how important it would be with Giles around! It was weird, too. He never flirted with her until Elvira died, and then bam! He was all, 'I'm single and I'm looking!'

I was pretty intent about getting it done in one trip, so I got the traveler reward for extra days and gave them moodlet managers and never let them sleep. Devon originally did the tournament during his teen years, but I had to get permission to re-do his entire teenhood due to that bug where sims disappear and become unplayable.

Even in her unmentionables Marissa is a beauty!

Hehe, yup!

lol...I love the picture where they are both glaring at each other in disgust. I've never thought of the unflirty trait as a benefit, but I may have to reconsider that now!

Yes, the benefits of that trait have become quite apparent! Who would've thought? It seemed like every time I checked up on what Giles or Shannon was doing, I'd find them doing some thing similar and be like, "Giiiiiiles, were you hitting on your nephew's wife again? Bad dog!"

Ah, very clever. Using Giles' advances of Shannon to hide the lack of a teenage makeover for Marissa. Guess we'll have to wait until next time for that. Very clever, Rhoxi!  ;)

Perhaps I underestimated the suspense to see the makeover pics! But hey, the next update begins with them, so, that's nice!

Giles flirting with Marissa was a little disgusting, but Giles is just to lovable to gag at. ::) It happens sometimes in my game too. Anyway, Marissa looks great as a teen. Congratulations for Devon winning the tournament.

Yeah, it's . . . pretty icky, to put it mildly. I'm very glad Shannon was just not having it, at all.

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/21/13
« Reply #557 on: October 23, 2013, 08:44:24 PM »

Marissa aged up into a teen who had clearly inherited her mother's features.

Marissa Dojo: Generation Four, Teen

Traits: Excitable, Friendly, Social Butterfly, Diva, Snob (jock social influence)

Prom was fast approaching, so she invited all of her teenage second-cousins over to celebrate Snow Flake Day.

It was just the sort of celebration that Gwenyth had been dreaming of: a room full of colorful, loving family members.

It was quite a memorable day for Marissa, too. Quite the eye-opener, in fact.

For, you see, out of the eight romance-eligible teens she invited . . .

She realized she was attracted to all three of the ladies, but to only one of the five gents.

So while Devon was busy terrorizing the males . . .

Devon: "Goochie-goochie--goo! Who's a good werewolf? That's right! You are. And if you hurt my daughter you'll never live to get another tummy rub again, isn't that right?"

He probably should've turned around to realize that said werewolf's sister was much more likely to be a source of heart ache.

Gwenyth just observed them silently and tried to hope for the best.

Still, Marissa really wanted to go to prom and, knowing the inevitability of dynasty requirements, she figured she had better make the best of things.

Oh yes, she knew all about the dynasty, thanks to her uncle Giles's constant hints about supermaxes and whatnot. And she quite embraced the idea of being the heiress to a great and powerful family of immortals.

So she invited that one boy she had attraction with over, and Nolan promptly died on their doorstep.

After all, Marissa had a way of getting what she wanted.

Marissa: "Mwah! Mwah! Good-bye Nolan!"

And she very much wanted to go to prom with a certain female someone.

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/23/13
« Reply #558 on: October 23, 2013, 08:51:00 PM »
I laughed way too hard at the last couple panels XD  I think that makes me a bad person, but I love the fact that because Marissa wanted to go to prom with someone else, the perspective date died XD

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/23/13
« Reply #559 on: October 23, 2013, 08:53:54 PM »
Whoever Marissa chooses, she'll inevitably make beautiful nooboos with then because she's a total babe. Look at all those attractive kids, though!
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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/23/13
« Reply #560 on: October 23, 2013, 08:58:41 PM »
Oh yeah! Go for it, Marissa!

I love how this dynasty's features are so distinctly different from Samura's dynasty. No baby-face Everettes here!
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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/23/13
« Reply #561 on: October 24, 2013, 04:45:56 AM »

Marissa aged up into a teen who had clearly inherited her mother's features.

Marissa Dojo: Generation Four, Teen
Traits: Excitable, Friendly, Social Butterfly, Diva, Daredevil

I do wonder if I count wrong, but, how could a teen have FIVE traits?!  :o
I have ever heard a sim that had less traits but not too much traits...
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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/23/13
« Reply #562 on: October 24, 2013, 07:04:44 AM »
She probably has an extra one thanks to social group influence.
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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/23/13
« Reply #563 on: October 24, 2013, 11:39:22 AM »
lol...he died on the doorstep.  You can't plan stuff like that!  Well someone knows how to get her way! 

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/23/13
« Reply #564 on: October 24, 2013, 03:10:02 PM »
I was staring at that picture of teenaged second cousins for ages thinking, three females?  I can only see two.  Totally missed the oh-so-girly werewolf  ::).

And what did Nolan die of?  It looks rather like the mummy's curse but can't be, surely?

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/23/13
« Reply #565 on: October 24, 2013, 03:11:27 PM »
Nolan died of thirst, which is a vampire-specific death.
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/23/13
« Reply #566 on: October 24, 2013, 03:40:18 PM »

I laughed way too hard at the last couple panels XD  I think that makes me a bad person, but I love the fact that because Marissa wanted to go to prom with someone else, the perspective date died XD

Then I guess I'm a bad person too, haha! It really reminded me of Darcy, 'killing off' the fan favorite (and my personal fav!) so he could keep dating Doreen.  ::)

Whoever Marissa chooses, she'll inevitably make beautiful nooboos with then because she's a total babe. Look at all those attractive kids, though!

Yeah, Giles and Evan did good, and that's just the teenage bunch!

Oh yeah! Go for it, Marissa!

I love how this dynasty's features are so distinctly different from Samura's dynasty. No baby-face Everettes here!

Oh, she's goin' for it!

Me too, Bridgeport has a lot of interesting features. I'm glad they've integrated well into the Dojo genes.

I do wonder if I count wrong, but, how could a teen have FIVE traits?!  :o
I have ever heard a sim that had less traits but not too much traits...

She probably has an extra one thanks to social group influence.

Whoops, sorry! Guess I forgot to note the social influence; I think I did that before with the other generations. But yeah, I'm loving the new trait slots that came with University.

I was staring at that picture of teenaged second cousins for ages thinking, three females?  I can only see two.  Totally missed the oh-so-girly werewolf  ::).

And what did Nolan die of?  It looks rather like the mummy's curse but can't be, surely?

Nolan died of thirst, which is a vampire-specific death.

Yup, he died of thirst. I haven't actually seen the mummy's curse death before, so I didn't realize that might be confusing.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/23/13
« Reply #567 on: October 24, 2013, 03:40:56 PM »

Marissa was the sort of girl who knew what she wanted to do rather early in her life. After all, her career choice was clear. She was beautiful, rich, famous, and absolutely adored the idea of hobnobbing with all of society's creme de la creme.

She aspired to be a politician, of course!

She imagined a life full of glitter and glamour, fortune and fame, and oh, so very many parties!

And if you needed to get party guests in the right mood to donate to your campaign, what better way than with the perfect cocktail? Her supermax choice was therefore similarly obvious.

Marissa: "Whoops!"


Okay, so she'd need a little practice with that part. But the hobnobbing thing she had down. The point was, she was Marissa Dojo, and she was certain that nothing in life could stand between her and her goals.

She'd tried giving the whole 'going-to-prom-with-a-boy' thing a second shot, but there just weren't any sparks.

*awkward silence*

Marissa: "Ahem! Yes, erm: fish!"

*awkward silence*

It'd taken up enough of her time that, as a consequence, she didn't get the chance to ask her crush to the dance instead, but that was no matter. Marissa headed out to prom with a lively step and a song in her heart, certain that she would be crowned prom queen and swoop her lady love off her feet.

Marissa: "Bye, grams! Don't wait up!"

Gwenyth: "Take care, Rissa."

She won the crown (of course).

And even managed to get her first kiss with that special someone later that night at the beach.

Marisela was a little surprised.

But pleasantly so.

In fact, it seemed like life was going well for everyone.

Her dad had his adult birthday, but looked much the same.

He even maxed out his career, although for some reason 'the god of rock' had to wear a tuxedo to work.

What was with that?

Even grandma Vera finally made a bold move, after dancing around Wogan for weeks insisting they were 'just friends.'

Now they were going steady, and Vera couldn't be happier.

As Marissa came home that night, heart aglow with the joys of her first kiss, Bridgeport looked full of promises in the fog.

She'd had the perfect prom and lived the teen dream. In the future, all she could see was success.

What was there that she couldn't do?

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/23/13
« Reply #568 on: October 24, 2013, 04:06:52 PM »
Yup, he died of thirst. I haven't actually seen the mummy's curse death before, so I didn't realize that might be confusing.

It doesn't look quite the same, in fact, but it's another crumbly sort of death.  (I've only seen it with Ana, in the Life States prologue.)

Marissa is beautiful.  She looks like a ballerina in her prom dress - such a long, elegant neck!

That picture of Bridgeport in the fog is pretty striking, too.  I don't generally find Late Night appealing but shots like that (and the grand piano :) ) are almost enough to change my mind.

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/24/13
« Reply #569 on: October 24, 2013, 04:09:49 PM »
Those shots of Bridgeport are just beautiful!  And go Marissa!

