Author Topic: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 4/6/14  (Read 442244 times)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/8/13
« Reply #495 on: October 09, 2013, 04:46:39 PM »
I love Nicholaus' colouring.  The grey eyes and pale-blue skin - and that expression is adorable, which certainly helps  :).

Offline kaylas

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/8/13
« Reply #496 on: October 09, 2013, 04:54:41 PM »
Marissa is a cutie pie!!!!   And that is some shade of pink!  She reminds me of Roxy.  Speaking of which, how is everyone's favorite fairy girlie?   P.S.  If Chained to My Desk was a real book, I would be the first to buy!  ;D
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/8/13
« Reply #497 on: October 11, 2013, 03:55:15 PM »

Ooh, Nolan is cute!
As for Marissa--welcome to the world! You're pink and beautiful and beautiful and pink. Make the family proud!

She is indeed, pink and beautiful. Wait till you see her grown up!

Another purple boy named Nolan? What are the odds? Interesting to see what the game did to the children in the event of Stella's death. I'm glad they survived. I love Abner and his extreme Bridgeport cheekbones!

I was secretly hoping that Evan would have kids with Jessica Talon, just to get some interesting shades on the rainbow slider. I hope they ended up with rainbow kids, anyways.

Oh, and welcome Marissa. :)

I know, right! I was thinking the same thing, about Nolan. I'm glad they survived too. For the longest time, I thought the toddlers were just plain lost. Well, Evan's still alive in my game (he's turning out to be remarkably long lived), so maybe I'll have him try for some more with Jessica.

Pink and blueboos are the theme for this dynasty, huh?  I'm hoping that keeps up right until generation 8and then we get purple or yellow or something else random.  Just seems the way things should go for Gwenyth's crazy ways  :=)

That would be kinda fun, and probably make for a great family photo if they stood in order.

Eeee!  So cute!  Love the fact that blue and pink is the theme so far ^^  What is it with vampires expiring all the time? 

I think vampires just have a bit of a death wish. You know, creatures of the night and all that.  ::)

Welcome Marissa! I like pink sims. R.I.P. Sinjon. Even though he did cheat on Gwenyth, it's still sad that he died.

Eh, they weren't really a couple, you know? But yeah, it's sad; he died while his girlfriend was pregnant with twins!

I love Nicholaus' colouring.  The grey eyes and pale-blue skin - and that expression is adorable, which certainly helps  :).

His coloring is great! Got it all from Sinjon. He's heart-meltingly adorable.

Marissa is a cutie pie!!!!   And that is some shade of pink!  She reminds me of Roxy.  Speaking of which, how is everyone's favorite fairy girlie?   P.S.  If Chained to My Desk was a real book, I would be the first to buy!  ;D

The fairy girlie is coming up next! Read on! Haha!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/8/13
« Reply #498 on: October 11, 2013, 03:56:28 PM »
Mad House

Samura: *Ahem* So, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted . . .

Gwenyth: "Sorry, mother. Do continue."

Samura: At first, life was good for Serena.

Rhoxi and Lester paid ample amount of attention to her, her diaper was never dirty, and she was never left waiting for her bottle.

One child, even for a couple as silly as Rhoxi and Lester, was manageable. Unfortunately for little Serena, she was not bound to be an only child for very long.

Rhoxi gave birth to twin girls, Rose and Marigold. And she didn't plan on stopping there.

Rhoxi: "Hey! I wish to have a baby! And I wish to have a baby with Lester!"

Lester: "That's funny, I just popped those same wishes too! I mean, to have a baby with Rhoxi, not with myself."

Rhoxi: "Let's go home and make one, then!"

Between two burritos and a toddler, things in the household began to slide. Serena's diaper got dirty.

She waited anxiously for breakfast every morning.

And when her mother did 'the spin,' Serena knew it wasn't going to get any better.

She waited eagerly for her next birthday. For childhood. For an opportunity to speak up before the place turned into a mad house.

It was a triple birthday. Her little sisters got to go first.

Marigold aged up with the classic Dojo yellow eyes.

As the sparkles overtook Rose, Rhoxi went into labor.

She gave birth to not one . . .

Not two . . .

But three, beautiful baby boys: Leo, Perseus, and Orien.

It was utter insanity, and, in the midst of it all, Serena grew up into a rather serious, responsible young girl.

That was when the phone rang; it was Serena's salvation.

Rhoxi: "What, Gage? You again! How many times do I have to tell you we're too happy in Dragon Valley to even think about moving! Is that screaming in the background, you ask? Do I need help? Don't be silly! Gage, everything is under control! No, that's not the sound of a baby crying, and--""

Serena saw her chance, and she went for it.

Rhoxi: "Serena! Don't snatch the phone out of mommy's hand; that's rude!"

Serena: "You can thank me later, mom."

Serena: "Grandpa Gage? This place is a pigsty. My parents need all the help they can get. Count us in!"

Serena: "And Gramps?" she asked, lowering her voice. "Please, hurry!"

Offline azokka361

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/11/13
« Reply #499 on: October 11, 2013, 09:30:27 PM »
Overload . . . overload . . . eeeep.

Azokka is currently experiencing technical problems from an overload of her built-in cuteness meter. Please leave a message after the eeep.
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline hazelnut

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/11/13
« Reply #500 on: October 12, 2013, 04:38:56 AM »
Serena: "And Gramps?" she asked, lowering her voice. "Please, hurry!"

Go Serena!  She's far too young to care for five small siblings and two hopeless parents on her own  :P.

Offline kaylas

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/11/13
« Reply #501 on: October 12, 2013, 09:22:13 AM »
OH MY GRIM!!!!!   Serena is sooo cute!!!   I want to eat her up like she's a piece of strawberry saltwater taffy!  ;D
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Offline Serenity S.

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/11/13
« Reply #502 on: October 12, 2013, 12:20:24 PM »
That purple hoodie is somehow what all my rainbow mamas seem to choose for maternity wear. Do they borrow it from each other and where do they hide it when none is pregnant? I've yet to find out  ::)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/11/13
« Reply #503 on: October 12, 2013, 03:32:43 PM »
Overload . . . overload . . . eeeep.

Azokka is currently experiencing technical problems from an overload of her built-in cuteness meter. Please leave a message after the eeep.

Hahaha, you always crack me up, Azokka!

Go Serena!  She's far too young to care for five small siblings and two hopeless parents on her own  :P.

I know, right? Poor Serena, why do her irresponsible parents also have to be super-fertile? Rhoxi and Lester seriously would not stop popping wishes for more kids.

OH MY GRIM!!!!!   Serena is sooo cute!!!   I want to eat her up like she's a piece of strawberry saltwater taffy!  ;D

She is indeed just super cute. Mm . . . saltwatter taffy. Been ages since I had some!

That purple hoodie is somehow what all my rainbow mamas seem to choose for maternity wear. Do they borrow it from each other and where do they hide it when none is pregnant? I've yet to find out  ::)

And surprisingly, it's actually one of the better maternity outfits. Rhoxi says she's done with it (at least for now), and will put it in the mail for you.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/11/13
« Reply #504 on: October 12, 2013, 03:33:39 PM »
Bad Dog

Samura: Now, as for Percival, well, he had been living in Riverview with relative comfort . . . that was, until *she* found him.

Thana Azokka abducted Percival, press ganging him into her personal service.

It was not fun.

Which is why he took the first opportunity he found to escape and set sail for Island Paradiso.

It was perfect! He bought a house and started a new job.

He was a hero.

And the townspeople loved him for it, especially one in particular.

He and the beautiful mermaid, Jocasta, were soon going steady. He was even thinking of asking her to move in!

Yes, life was indeed perfect . . . until she caught up with him. She strode right on in, as if she owned the place.

Thana: "Oh, good," she said, quite cavalierly, as if he hadn't run away from her service. "I see you've gone ahead and made the arrangements for our Island Paradiso Operations."

But in her eyes was a crazed look of wrath that said, "You're going to regret having tried to escape from me."

Percival trembled, but Jocasta, all unknowing, just bounced right up.

Jocasta: "Oh, Percival!" she cried, "You didn't tell me you had a daughter!"

She began to speak in a high pitched tone, as if to a puppy. Percival winced.

Jocasta: "Aren't you just the prettiest little girl I ever did see!"

Thana: "Daughter? I'm not his daughter, you fool!" she screamed. "Now leave us!"

And so she did.

Jocasta: "I think somebody in this group has some issues, and I'm not going to stick around and deal with them."

Percival was furious.

Percival: "What did you do that for? You totally interrupted my date!"

Thana: "I'm about to interrupt a lot more than your date. And good riddance; she only wanted you for your fame and fortune."

Percival: "Nuh-uh!" he protested. "She was really in to me!"

Thana: "Silence!" she shouted. "Do you dare to question the great Azokka? Did you really think I wouldn't track you down?"

"Some one has been a very . . .

bad . . .


Thana: "So you might as well become one!"

Percival: "What have you done?!" he bellowed. "My face! MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!"

Thana: "Now pack your bags, dog. This place is far too bright. It's time we left for someplace less . . . disgustingly sunny."

She pulled out her phone.

Thana: "Gage? Percival will be there."

Gage: "Hello? Who is---"


Gage: "Hm. That was strange," he mused. "Does Percival have a daughter?"

The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and Thana knew she was being watched.

Thana: "Hello, sister," she growled, without turning around. Of course it was her, who else could it be?

Ilene: "My dear sister, I see you've been quite busy. Percival? A werewolf?" She smiled. "Even I sometimes forget you have a soft side."

Thana: "Humph!"

Ilene: "You and I both know, it is the best path for him, although it's one he would never have chosen for himself."

Thana just scowled, incapable of admitting her altruistic motives.

Thana: "Stupid mutt!"

Ilene and Thana are the two halves of azokka361, featured in her Elysi Immortal Dynasty.

Offline azokka361

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/11/13
« Reply #505 on: October 12, 2013, 03:38:18 PM »
Oh, dear. Am I running around terrorizing Percy again?

In fairness, he is my favorite Dojo of all time. Evan is a close second! Lovely update, Rhoxi. Just lovely.  ;D .
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/12/13
« Reply #506 on: October 12, 2013, 03:46:35 PM »
Hahaha!  Loved the Azokka appearances in this!

Offline smartburn

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/12/13
« Reply #507 on: October 12, 2013, 06:25:08 PM »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears that he was abducted from Riverview, spent time in the alien homeland of Lunar Lakes and crash-landed in Lucky Palms when he escaped. 'Tis a very nice touch indeed!

Anyway, I'm one of your avid lurkers, I find your dynasties and the rainboos that inhabit them very entertaining. :D

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/12/13
« Reply #508 on: October 12, 2013, 06:31:31 PM »
That.  Was.  Amazing!  I love cross-overs so much... just love them!  Loved those updates!

Offline Serenity S.

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Re: Gwenyth's Dojo Dynasty: 10/12/13
« Reply #509 on: October 13, 2013, 09:06:18 AM »
The woman in brown blouse and blue shorts is Javiera, not Jocasta, i think? Lives alone in an island, is evil and makes good-looking babies if they don't inherit her mouth.

