They're brown!? The yellow eyes was me looking at a photo from a different chapter (I be smarterest) but after Rosa's comment I too thought they were pink. They do look pink though.
Nope, just brown. It would be cool to have a pink boy with pink eyes, but nope.
Immortal AgainThe morning of Gwenyth's birthday, the adults in the house rose early to prepare.
Sinjon learned and cooked ambrosia.
Gwenyth purchased and upgraded a food replicator.
Romeo, well, Romeo entertained the family with his dancing. Yeah. That's helping, right?
Then it was goodbye youth and beauty. Time for another eternity as an elder.
Gwenyth: "I was so enjoying being young again. It went by all too fast!"
But she picked her spirits up.
Gwenyth: "Well, it's not like I haven't done this before. Besides, at least this time it doesn't have to stay grey!"
Gwenyth: "Oh please, mother. You're kidding yourself if you think I'm going to spend the next couple of hundred years looking like an old foggey. That was your dynasty, remember?"
Hmph! I thought we all looked dignified.Gwenyth: "Heh. Here I am. Not bad, eh?"
She posed for her elder portraits and arranged them in the museum.
Gwenyth: "Thank you, Sinjon. I couldn't have done this without you, you know."
Sinjon: "Just promise me you'll take care of our daughter. If there's anyone who can show her how to handle immortality, it's you."
Gwenyth: "I will."
She took her first bite. It tasted sweet, but it went down bitter. Just like she remembered.
Gwenyth became an immortal.
Again. Hadn't she done this all just yesterday?
Gwenyth Dojo: Immortal the FirstSupermax: Gardening
Career: Fire Fighter
LTW: Living in the Lap of Luxury
LTRs: Fireproof Homestead, Super Green Thumb, No Bills Ever
Black Ops: Extra Appendages are Fun, Great Greens, Uncommonly Good, Fishing For Suits, Outstanding Tasting Ingredients, Celebrity Body
BFFs: Vera Dojo, Giles Dojo, Romeo Rake, Evan Dojo, Ariel Martell, Jeffrey Cook
Property: Smuggler's Cove (now Daredevil Cove)
Building: Mike's Cornerstore (now Gwenyth's Grocery)
Portraits, Sculptures, and Photographs for all life stages: Complete