Is she thinking about how the apple might not fall far from the tree?
Oh, and Vera is SO ADORABLE. The pinkness just suits her so well.
Haha! Gwenyth always does seem to be in the garden when important moments happen, but at least it makes for some good thought bubbles!
Uh . . . because Gwenyth is the second generation, so great (3) great (4) great (5) great (6) great (7) great niece! I think that's Rhoxi. Doubt I got all the "greats" right, however!
Oh, you're quite right! I don't know why I wasn't thinking in terms of nieces but . . . yes, Rhoxi would be a great, great, great, great niece. Sometimes who is related to who and how just gets so convoluted!
Oh wow, what a pretty baby! I'm jealous. She's going to be a complete knockout.
I didn't she would be at first, but I've since changed my mind about that. She's a lot more Sinjon than Gwenyth, but she has quickly become a favorite of mine.
She is really pretty! At first I was surprised there was another baby coming. That I thought about it. Of course someone has to populate Bridgeport with rainboos!
Of course! You know how I love breeding rainboos! Even if it is a little weird with the story, but I like to think Gwenyth appreciates the importance of rainbow children to breed spouses.
TransitionsGwenyth: "Oh goodness, the baby!"

Gwenyth: "You know, mom, this would be, like, a really great moment for another of your distracting stories."
About the family? Who do you want to hear about next?Gwenyth: "Why should I care? Just pick---OOOWWWWW!"

Okay, well then let's start with--Gwenyth: "Wait, I'm sorry! I take that back. Pain talking. Everette. Tell me how my grandson is doing."
As you like, although I'm afraid I don't have the greatest news on that point . . .While everyone one else moved away to new towns, only Everette remained to tend to the dojo.
He wasn't prepared for just how lonely it would be. For the last hundred and sixty or some odd years, he'd lived in a bustling home, jam packed with family and friends. Now the house felt so empty, almost like a ghost town. Just a fragment of itself from better days.
He felt lost. Directionless. For the first time in his life, he was free to do anything, go anywhere, but since he didn't know what it was that he wanted, he just wandered around the bones of the empty house, brooding.
He took Samura's death and Gwenyth's disappearance to heart, too.
Then he got Gage and Marivell's wedding invitation. That got him out of the house, at least, but . . . it just made him feel more lonely than before.
Gwenyth: "Yes, Gage's wedding. I remember, but . . . you told me Gage said something to Everette that I didn't quite understand. About not getting his hopes up since they haven't even met? What was that all about?"

Oh! Right. Well, I guess you wouldn't have heard. Everette signed on board to do this television show, The Bachelorette.Gwenyth: "Seriously? You mean Ombradellarosa's
The Bachelorette? I love that show! So what's going on with that?"
Well, so far he's been introduced by the show's host, which was going pretty well . . .Devin Ashton: "Hi! I'm Devin Ashton, host of the hit SNBC show, The Bachelorette!"

Devin: "Here with us today is Everette Dojo."

Devin: "So, Everette, I hear you just got back from your father's wedding."

Everette: "Yes, it was quite a lovely wedding, too: on the beach at sunset!"

Devin: "How did that make you feel?"
Everette: "Well, it's great seeing my parents get re-married, but it also made me realize how alone I am, you know?"

Devin: "Yeah, I get that. Like how happy couples just seem to be everywhere when you're not in a relationship."

Everette: "Exactly! So, I'm really excited to meet--oh!"
Well, as you can imagine, things kinda went downhill from there.
I guess he did get to try out that fabulous pool a little early, though.
Gwenyth: "Aw, poor Everette! He really does seem to be going through a transition right now."
He's not the only one! I'd say you're about to go through a little transition of your own.Gwenyth: "Trust me, this transition isn't little, but yes--the baby's coming!"

Aw, we got a blueboo! What are you going to call him?
Gwenyth: "His name is Giles."
He's perfect.Gwenyth: "Well, of course he is! He is my son, after all."