Wow, the house is EPIC! I love how it retains the "Dojo" look, while being all modern and unique! Faints . . .
Thanks! That is exactly what I was going for. Gwenyth just doesn't seem as traditional as her mother.
Ugh, house envy. Your builds always look so amazing. I'm not even sure I could do that gate/top terrace thing if I spent hours trying!
Is Romeo going to have to give up his dreams of secret agent glory, I wonder?
Thanks! The fence thing is just a half-wall that comes with one of the Zen store sets, if that's what you mean? And nonsense, Romeo is incredible! That man can juggle like nobody's business. Seriously, you'll see.
And we're off! The house looks so cool I found the Dojos because of Everette on the Bachelorette thread (phew! long chain), spent all last night reading, and now I have a new one to read! Yay
Aw, thanks! All in one night, that's quite a compliment!
Can I go a little off-topic and say that this made me really happy? I never thought anyone would find the Dojos through my story, I thought for sure everyone would know Everette already if they read mine. I'm going to run over and link the Dojo Dynasty to his intro.
Okay, back on topic. Romeo is a brilliant choice! I love the new house, I agree it has a great modern-Dojo look. Good luck, Gwenyth! Go forth and make rainboos!
Oh Rosa, you're too modest! "Go forth and make rainboos": I love it! That is so the Dojo motto!
The house looks great, sorry to hear you had so much trouble building it. Glad it worked out. Hope I don't have the same issue in my Life States dynasty.
Romeo is a nice choice, I remember playing a file with him when Late Night came out. At least Gwenyth was honest with Romeo, a lot more honest than most dynasty founders have been. And what a great line, LOL!
Actually this isn't the part I had trouble with since I play a little further ahead than I write. I tried to do some expanding a little later, which is what caused the problems. I think any expansions will have to stay single story, but ah well! And hey, I didn't know you started a Life States dynasty. Two dynasties at once, how ambitious!
The house look fantastic! Great to see another dynasty from you.
Thanks, Louise! You're always so sweet.
The tattoos suit Gwenyth so perfectly. I love the idea of the mother-daughter bond meaning Samura shall be here for Gwenyth's dynasty too. The house looks fantastic.
I know, I love her with tattoos! So awesome. I'm glad you like it; the mother-daughter thing has a sort of special significance for me since my own mother isn't around anymore either.
Other-Worldly EncountersGwenyth was quite pleased with her little house. It was quite a bit more modern, but that suited her personality much better.
You know, this isn't exactly a traditional dojo.Gwenyth: "Well,
I'm not exactly a traditional Dojo. Besides, what's wrong with it?"
For starters, its got a hole in the ceiling.Gwenyth: "It's not a hole, mom. It's an atrium. A little way to bring the outdoors indoors, yeah? Now, shh! I'm trying to learn gardening."
Gwenyth felt a little guilty about selling Romeo's car, so she decided to give in to his requests and spent some of the funds on a pool. He forgave her instantly.
Romeo: "Whoo! Yippie!" *splash*
Then she told him she was going to need twenty-five ice sculptures, and Romeo went back to grumbling.
He requested five days off of work to focus on sculpting, but insisted he'd be a super spy someday.
While Romeo sculpted, Gwenyth checked the consignment store each day hoping to find a camera. (If only she'd waited just a little longer, she would've had one in her inventory! But alas, I started before University came out!)
She also got an opportunity to deliver produce to one of the local celebs.
Then one night, she found just who she was looking for.
His name was Sinjon, and though he'd died a vampire's death, he wasn't a vampire. He was, however, a very pale blue sim. Rumor had it, in fact, that all of the ghosts in Bridgeport were blue.
Gwenyth: "Do I really have to go through with this?"
You're going to need an heir, dear, and unfortunately immaculate conception isn't exactly an option.So she tried to explain it all as best she could.
Gwenyth: "So you see, I can never promise to be anything more to you. I can barely even promise to be a real girlfriend."
Sinjon just cradled her face in his hands and looked deep into her eyes.
Sinjon: "I understand. Really, I do. And your terms are acceptable, Gwenyth Dojo. I'll give you your children in exchange for a second life, just as soon as you learn that spell."
But while Gwenyth was having her own other-worldly encounter, poor Romeo was having one of his own!
Romeo: "Oh god, is that--?"
Romeo: "Nooooooooo!"
Gwenyth: "I'm sorry Romeo, really, I am. But at least I got you that pool, right? I'm not a horrible dynasty founder,
I have to say, death by meteor is probably preferable to this.Gwenyth: "Gee, thanks, mom."