Author Topic: The Cremona Random Town Jump Project  (Read 4658 times)

Offline Margerita

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The Cremona Random Town Jump Project
« on: March 08, 2013, 06:00:09 AM »
Towns The Random Town Jump project will visit

1. Sunset Valley
2. Riverview
3. Twinbrook
4. Bridgeport
5. Appaloosa Plains
6. Union Cove
7. Starlight Shores
8. Lucky Palms
9. Moonlight Falls

Any towns I acquire while the Town Jump is going on will be added to the list and be available for the next Jump.

I will also roll for the LTW of all sims born into the family and after that selected the appropriate traits.

Now to roll for the first town so that I can pick my starting couple/sims.
And the result is nr 6 in other words time to hit up Union Cove!

I think I know which sim to move in, I have no bachelor in mind so I'll just let her pick anyone she likes.


All sims needs to start over sometimes, even the finisher of a Life state dynasty.

With a new last name and a new town to explore perhaps this time she can marry and finally start a family of her own...
Her traits will remain the same but I decided to pick a new LTW for her - She wants to be the CEO of a mega corporation.

She and I also decided that a new color to her everyday outfit was needed and she also wanted a new hairstyle.

Ah, new town, new house!

The house is a bit empty at the moment due to a lack of funds but she doesn't need much right now.
The tiny unremarkable bathroom, it will probably be entirely redecorated when there is more money available.

The kitchen isn't too interesting either, better things will be there eventually.

An almost empty bedroom that will also be getting new stuff eventually.

Only an easel in the living room to earn some money when she isn't out looking for an husband or working.

Time to hit the streets to start her new career and see if she can find a husband and father of her future children.

After signing up for her career she wanted to go visited the library since she couldn't count on a fridge full of food her grandmother cooked anymore.

Some of the townspeople showed up while she was reading, she decided to go and introduce herself to some of them. None of the men there interested her unfortunately nor were they very interested her either.

Time to go get some ingredients for her cooking experiments.

Final attempt to find someone for the day didn't go very well, but there is still time.

Her first work day went well but she was completly exhausted afterwards.

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Cremona Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2013, 08:53:21 AM »
And now she wants to adopt a cat despite not being able to afford any of the things it needs.

what does every girl who has had a rough start at her new life? Why yes new clothes!
I picked out two new formal outfits for her.

Another morning and another workday, better cook some more food for her to eat.

Time to meet some of her neighbours. Typically only one was at home.

It is friday and the first full moon is here! The first zombies have started to arrive.

It is saturday and thus time to go out and see if she got any luck today.
No luck at the festival but she decided to amuse herself with the hot dog eating contest which she won.

She picked some flowers as well to help out the household funds.
All in all a good day since her flower picking earned her 6715 for just one afternoon!
Now I can finally buy some good stuff for the house!

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Offline Margerita

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Re: The Cremona Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2013, 11:03:23 AM »
It is sunday and zosime decides to host a party to get to know her coworker and some more people.
But first she needs to learn a new recipes to be able to make some good food for the party.

Uhoh the cookies got burnt, but luckily some of the guests brought food enough to feed all the people that were coming!

Everybody had a good time and she got a big metric boost for tomorrow!

Time to make a choice, who shall she marry? I think I know who!

Say "Hi" to Tyson Bast, now Tyson Cremona.

Time for a quick wedding.

Tyson brought about 6500 into the household, his traits are brave, handy, athletic, friendly and daredevil, he wants to save 30 sims while being a firefighter I hope I can get it done before he dies.

Time now to have a baby!

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Cremona Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2013, 05:31:14 AM »
Time to give Tyson a slight makeover and for him to hit the gym while he has some time off from work.

Zosime on the other hand is suffering from sever nausea, less than 24 hours into her pregnancy she has already threw up 3 times.

With the money from that Tyson brought in and the piano they got as a wedding gift the house remodeling is now almost complete.

The pregnancy is showing now.

Time to gather some more flowers to have a bit of a saving fund in case of twins and also in case they need a babysitter. She earned 18 720 this time.
Oh yeah she can definitely get a spa treatment now...

The baby is coming!

Welcome baby Beulah! Her generated LTW is Celebrity psychic, her traits are insane and friendly.
Welcome baby Luciano! His generated LTW is Golden tougue/Golden fingers, his traits are virtuous and artistic.
No genies but Luciano inherited his mothers skin color!

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Cremona Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2013, 10:03:13 AM »
This is a first being asked to capture an angry gnome.

Wait, how did Beulah become friends with Nicole Bustle when she never left the house and Nicole has never been to the house ever?

Ah the final day of summer and thus the last day possible for a weeks that you can still gather flowers, time to go pick some.

Time for the twins birthday, I decided to have a simple family celebration.
First up Luciano!

Then Beulah!

Time to teach the reascals how to talk, walk and go to the toilet themselves.

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Cremona Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2013, 04:48:22 AM »
The rocking chair is heaven sent for tired parents of twin toddlers, they are so tired but the chair is comfy when they just need a break while the kids amuse themselves.

Just after midnight the first zombie shows up for this full moon.

Uh oh looks like somebody woke up more than a little bit cranky.

First workday for Zosime since before she got married and had the twins, I hope the babysitter will be decent.

First day back at work and they are already put lots of extra work on her? Ouch, better have Tyson take care of the kids tonight...

How was the babysitter? She was decent on average didn't ignore the children too much and also didn't wake the sleeping toddler much too early.

Tyson got his first job that actually had sims he needed to rescue, unfortunately there were only two on the lot.

Zosimes cooking is sort of coming along decently only 3 burned dishes so far.

Ack Zosime caught the invisible sim bug let's see if putting together a new everyday wear for her will solve it...
Yes it did!

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Cremona Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2013, 09:46:06 AM »
Ah Saturday, in other words weekend, in other words no work today, she can relax and take care of the things that needs to be done in the household without stressing herself out.

Tomorrow will be very busy since both the twins and Tyson will be celebrating their birthdays.
I think I better throw a party to get some more friends.

Time to use those birthday cakes!
First up is Luciano! he got the great sense of humour trait when he aged up.

Time Beulah to get her cake! She got the supernatural fan trait when she aged up.

Time for the final cake of the day after the guests have left.

Now that the twins have grown up it is time to replace the cribs with some proper beds.

Hmm, Beulah will need a good safe place to practice her alchemy skill when she grows up into a teen, I better build a small shed!

Looks like the Buznik family forgot to take their cat with them when they left! I wonder how long she will stay?

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Offline Margerita

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Re: The Cremona Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2013, 11:10:10 AM »
Oh boy Zosime has become a celebrity through socializing with her colleagues, I hope it won't be too bothersome.

Awsome it is Halloween and the full moon is tonight as well, Jackpot!

She is a supernatural fan and she is going to be doing alchemy, time to use that witches brew Zosime bought a few days ago.

Oh darn it, using the genie clean house magic cleans away the nectar Zosime had just bought and was going to sample!
I wonder if it works on the mixology drink trays as well? Time to test!

Ah yes it works on quick drinks so it should work on the mood drinks as well. I'll test that in life state dynasty - got a pro mixologist there already.

Ah Halloween zombies, only Beulah is awake since she decided to look under her bed and got frieghtened, both Zosime and I decided to give her the energy pot she got earlier since there was no room to put in an extra bed.

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Cremona Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2013, 01:31:54 PM »
Ah yes, the award ceremony for getting to the top of the firefighting career.

The twins will become teens tomorrow, it is time to really start thinking about who will be the heir and also who they will marry.
Zosime better start attending the parties people are always inviting her to.

Time to throw another birthday party for the twins!
First up is Luciano! I gave him the charismatic trait.

Beulah is up next! I rolled the heavy sleeper trait for her.

Oh boy late afternoon earthquake! It's already late in the night he still has one more earthquake job to complete.
Despite having a very difficult night he has now saved 12 of the 30 sims he wants to save, he finished the earthquake troubles merely 6 hours before his next work day is due to start.

I need some help deciding the heir, please help by voting in the poll below for any you prefer.

Luciano - Virtuoso, artistic, great sense of humour and charismatic - Golden Tongue/Golden Fingers
Beulah - Insane, friendly, supernatural fan, heavy sleeper - Celebrity Psychic

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Re: The Cremona Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2013, 01:33:25 PM »
I like Luciano's looks the best, but Beulah's insane trait might be entertaining.

And I always love reading more Town Jumps.
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Offline Margerita

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Re: The Cremona Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2013, 02:37:32 PM »
I like Luciano's looks the best, but Beulah's insane trait might be entertaining.

And I always love reading more Town Jumps.
I know hence why I need some advice.

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Cremona Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2013, 02:16:54 PM »
Hmmm, 7 000 or keep the job at the same level?
I'll take the money and rejoin, she is a genie she got plenty of time left.

Typical that great fire household has bugged out on me.
It says I need to visit the household but of course no one can open the door to let my sim in since there is a fire going on and I can't save that last sim since my sim isn't allowed inside.

3 snow days in a row, what are the kids doing while being free from school?
Luciano prefers to pain or to play his new guitarr.

Beulah either researches new alchemy recipes or makes a couple of elixirs.

Time for the prom! I wonder what will happen tonight?
Looks like Luciano got a romantic interest in Josefine Östbeck.
Oh god, Luciano attempted to ask the most popular guy in school for a dance but got rejected. Are you trying to tell me something Luciano?

Offline MissPlumbBob

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Re: The Cremona Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2013, 08:25:26 PM »
I voted for Beulah. Doing something different definitely spices things up! I haven't experimented with the Fortune Teller career.
Check out my new story here!

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Cremona Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2013, 03:53:57 AM »
I voted for Beulah. Doing something different definitely spices things up! I haven't experimented with the Fortune Teller career.
Don't worry about that, either twin who isn't the heir won't leave the household until they've completed their life time wishes.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Cremona Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2013, 05:05:11 AM »
I'm interested in what Beulah would get up too as well.

