Author Topic: Novel-Turned-Sims Storyline  (Read 5040 times)

Offline HammerOfRage

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Novel-Turned-Sims Storyline
« on: March 08, 2013, 02:43:36 AM »
I've had the same idea in my head for two weeks to take a book that I enjoy reading and try to turn it into a Sims storyline. The book in question is Memoirs of a Geisha; it's my all-time favorite novel and I could read it every week without ever getting bored. I recently re-installed WA and really wanted something different to do.

I've never tried to do a serious project like this, and while I know I wouldn't be able to re-create the book page by page, I'd do a loosely-based storyline for others to read.

Turning the novel into a Sims story would definitely be challenging, as I'd need to really think of the plotline, the rules for the challenge (such as which skills a "modern geisha" would require in the Simverse), etc.

For those of you who have done stories like this, any interest or advice would be greatly welcome for this forum newbie wanting to try something different... or if you simply want to know the book's plotline, I'll be glad to PM you or make another post.

(Also, if this is in the incorrect category, I apologize; if I can manage to organize this novel challenge for myself, I would be posting the story here anyways)
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Re: Novel-Turned-Sims Storyline
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2013, 04:44:39 AM »
A couple of things for you to think about...

Is the story in question suitable for a family friendly Forum?  I haven't read the book, but somewhere niggling in the back of my mind is that it might be an adult story.

Writing your own rules for a personal challenge is fine, of course, but if it's something that you wish to be made available for everyone on the Forum to play, you would need to submit it to me for approval before posting the rules.  We call these Projects when written by members rather than challenges and if you wish to submit a Project, here are the instructions.

A story of this nature would go on the Miscellaneous Stories board.  :)
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Offline HammerOfRage

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Re: Novel-Turned-Sims Storyline
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2013, 08:03:53 PM »
A couple of things for you to think about...

Is the story in question suitable for a family friendly Forum?  I haven't read the book, but somewhere niggling in the back of my mind is that it might be an adult story.

Writing your own rules for a personal challenge is fine, of course, but if it's something that you wish to be made available for everyone on the Forum to play, you would need to submit it to me for approval before posting the rules.  We call these Projects when written by members rather than challenges and if you wish to submit a Project, here are the instructions.

A story of this nature would go on the Miscellaneous Stories board.  :)

Thanks a bunch Pam, I didn't expect a quick reply like that!

The novel itself is mostly family-friendly; there are moments that aren't, but I would never dream of incorporating those moments into a project here (not that I would physically be able to in Sims, actually).

It might take me a bit to come up with the rules, if I decide to make it public for everyone (new job and all), but I appreciate the help nonetheless.
"Creative people aren't always in charge. And when they do their best work, they're hardly EVER in charge. They just sort of roll along with their eyes shut, yelling 'WHEEEE!!!' "

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Offline Swirl-Girl

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Re: Novel-Turned-Sims Storyline
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2013, 05:06:45 PM »
I like this idea a lot.

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