On the other side of the track, I have had sims that were children of my CAS sims that got their LTW, got married, had kids. I thought that was kinda neat, of course they didn't get their happiness points, bummer, but I had a renowned surgeon, top gun, astronaut and leader of the free world and all on their own. On the other hand, I have had happen exactly what everyone else has said, standing around, retiring or working somewhere else, after I had gotten them to the top of their career. These guys are busy little sims. For the most part they stand around alot and when I do go into the household, their energy is way down, but everything else is green. I am thinking, "go to bed then silly". lol. I have not really seen too many sims go to bed on their own if I was not controlling them. I did see something kind of neat though. I had a sim at the park and I was facing the school and there was a crowd of kids and a couple of teens all standing outside the door. They were taking turns going in the door to go to class, it was around 8:30 am, but the funny part was, they all rode their bikes, not the bus. They all finally got into the school, but I had never seen that.