Dear Friend,
This was it.
My wedding day.

Fast. I know, but Tedd and I were excited to be husband and wife.
At least, that's what I thought.

He was freaking out slightly.
But he sure did look handsome, right?

We decided on a small wedding, family only. Tedd and I didn't really have any friends, and money right now was tight so no money to throw a huge party.

"Are you ready?" Tedd asked.
"I was ready the moment I met you." I said.
"False, the moment you met me you were running into another mans arms." He said.
"Well, I was stupid." I said stroking his cheek.

"You, you could never be stupid." Tedd said.
I blushed.
"I'm ready to be your husband." He whispered.
"I change my mind." I blurted out.
Everyone stopped talking.
"Wh-What?" Tedd asked.
"Gotcha!" I laughed.
He glared at me.
"I am ready to be your wife, forever and always." I said.

"Kiss her!" Alex yelled.
I laughed as Tedd pulled me to his lips.

I was now Mrs. Grace Altman.
The rings were exchanged, sealed with a kiss, and the cake cut and ate. Now it was time for fun!
First came our first dance, and god was I horrible!

"Just take it slow, follow my lead." Tedd said.
"Follow your lead." I repeated.
So we tried it again.

While we enjoyed our private moment, Alex and Ituxi took up karaoke!
"I don't get it." Ituxi said.
"You just sing along with the words on the screen." Alex said.
"But, why?" She asked.
"Because it's fun!" He said.
"But, I don't know the song or the words." She said.
"Me either." He told her.
"But, won't we make a fool of ourselves?" She asked.
"That's the point! Come on, let's try it!" He said.

Everyone was having a blast singing karaoke and dancing on the dance floor.

Being married felt wonderful, and I never wanted it to end.

"I don't want this to end." I said.
"So we keep dancing." Tedd told me.

"How long til you get sick of dancing with me?" I asked.
"Never." He whispered.

I was the luckiest girl in the world.
Love always,
They are married! 
Let me know what you think