I think this is the correct percentages. Seabody or someone equally smarter than me in coding will say if it isn't.
Basil: Opportunity award multiplier 110%; Promotion bonus multiplier 120%; Career gain multiplier 105%
<kOpportunityAwardMultiplier value="1.1">
<!--Range: Float. Description: Opportunity award multiplier while Sim has Basil moodlet.-->
<kCareerPromotionBonusMultiplier value="1.2">
<!--Range: Float. Description: Career promotion bonus multiplier while Sim has Basil moodlet.-->
<kCareerGainMultiplier value="1.05">
<!--Range: Float. Description: Career gain multiplier while Sim has Basil moodlet.-->
Bumbleleaf: Length of time a sim would survive on fire 4 hours
<kOnFireTimeout value="240">
<!--Range: Float. Description: Length of time (minutes) a Sim can survive being on Fire while having Bumbleleaf moodlet.-->
Buzzberry: Athletic Skill rate increase 15%
<kAthleticSkillRateBump value="0.15">
<!--Range: Float. Description: Athletic skill rate bump while having Buzzberry moodlet.-->
Chamomile: Skill Rate Increase 15%
<kInfluenceSkillRateBump value="0.15">
<!--Range: Float. Description: Influence skill rate bump while having Chamomile moodlet.-->
Cinnamon: Doesn't have any coding beyond the nausea coding they all have
<kBuffDurationMultiplier value="0.25">
<!--Range: Float. Description: Multiplier applied to Ginseng Buff duration.-->
Greenleaf: Weight loss increase 20%
<kWeightlossRateBump value="0.2">
<!--Range: Float. Description: Weight loss bump while having Greenleaf moodlet.-->
Lavender: Energy increase rate while sleeping 110%
<kEnergyRateWhileSleepingMultiplier value="1.1">
<!--Range: Float. Description: Energy regeneration multiplier while sleeping when Sim has Lavender moodlet.-->
Licorice: Hunger decays 70% slower
<kHungerDecayMultiplier value="0.7">
<!--Range: Float. Description: Hunger decay multiplier while having Licorice moodlet.-->
Peppermint: Same as Cinnamon nothing but the nausea multiplier
Sweetgrass: Same as Cinnamon, nothing but the nausea multiplier
Wonderpetal: 10% bump to study rate
<kStudyRateBump value="0.1">
<!--Range: Float. Description: Study rate increase for Sims with Wonderpetal moodlet.-->
Other coding regarding the quality and buff duration when using an herb.
8 hr base for eating an herb raw
5 hr base for eating an herb with food
3 hr base for drinking an herb
2 hr base for inhaling an herb
Multiply the base times the quality multiplier to get how long the moodlet will last.
<kBuffLength value="8, 5, 3, 2">
<!--Range: Floats. Description: Hours a Herb's buff will last based upon ingestion method. (Raw, With Food, Drink, Inhale)-->
<kBuffLengthQualityMultiplier value="0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 2, 2.5">
<!--Range: Floats. Description: Quality-based effect duration multiplier (Horrid-Putrid-Foul-Bad-Neutral-Nice-Very Nice-Great-Excellent-Outstanding-Perfect).-->
<kHerbNauseaChance value="15">
<!--Range: Float. Description: Base chance that taking a Herb will give you the Herb Nausea moodlet.-->
<kEatRawMultiplier value="2.5">
<!--Range: Float. Description: Multiplier applied to the Nausea chance when eating an Herb raw.-->
<kHerbNauseaQualityMultiplier value="4, 3.5, 3, 2, 1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.3">
<!--Range: Floats. Description: Quality-based Nausea chance multiplier (Horrid-Putrid-Foul-Bad-Neutral-Nice-Very Nice-Great-Excellent-Outstanding-Perfect).-->