Haha, thats really funny, what happens when there is no suitable place to woohoo at the moment like outside chatting on a date, do the sims immediately go to either ones homes to do it or just do it outside? lol I also find it strange that male sims that are supposedly "partnered" or "married" call and ask for dates. I also got a wish come up that said for me to date 15 different sims. I thought that was pretty funny, what a bad reputation that would cause lol
Also whats up with being on a "date" and chatting and everything is going well, then all of a sudden my sim will go off and fish indefinitely. I guess I have to stop meeting my friends at fishing spots lol
What happens if you call another sim and accidentally invite them over when you just wanted to chat, how can you uninvite them?
Btw, if you do a search on youtube and put it in the sims 3 woohoo some funny and interesting videos come up.