hi, um, i've only just started playing sims 3 a few weeks ago and no matter how much reading i've done, I still just don't seem to get it.... so please, if someone could explain to me how the premade sims stories work, i'd really appreciate it. I mean not 'work' i understand they get go to work, get married and stuff on their own but... the stories hinted at in their bios, are those just teasers, ideas for you to play out? or is there something actually to them? For example, in Hidden Springs, one of the families has parents that have gone missing and somewhere it says to go look in the woods?? so has something actually happened to them prior to the game starting or if my sim goes looking for them would it be like looking for the fountain of youth spring that wasn't actually there either... another thing i'm not quite sure i understand... thank you in advance.