The Peaceful SlumberLot Size: 10x10
Lot Value: $6,773
Content Used: All Expansions
Number of Bed Spaces: 1
Number of Floor Tiles: 9
Description: This unique home features a serenity pond with fountain, perpetual flame, and a very restful interior. It requires minimal maintenance, and is shared with the most quiet roommate one could ask for!
Notes:-The fire option will probably have to be chosen from the fx settings to create the perpetual flame.
-There's a possibility the bunk bed will clone itself when the home is placed (it'll be very obvious visually if it happens). To fix, simply delete the clones.
-The urn doesn't have an occupant.
-The food processor allows fresh parfait and autumn salads to be made. If you wish, a microwave can be substituted (and is cheaper to boot!).