Author Topic: Four Immortal Sisters Challenge  (Read 215159 times)

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: Four Immortal Sisters: Chapter 3, Part II - Heartbreak Hotel
« Reply #30 on: May 30, 2013, 02:40:27 PM »
Only a few days later and I have another update for you guys! Last update, I feel like it wasn't long enough. I just take a bunch of pictures and then hope for the best. So this time, I went for more pictures than I thought I would need. I also tried to make them flow a little more. Because my last post was pretty schizophrenic. Onward!

Chapter 4, Part I: If at First You Don't Succeed...

Even though Arie is supposed to have a heart of steel, it seems like the girl's subconscious is portraying a bit of a different picture.

I knew the look that she was giving Tobias was kind of odd. I guess all that seducing takes a toll on you at some point.

Well, if the girl in that picture doesn't look incredibly familiar. Arie, she's a very subtle girl.  ::)

During Arie's full-moon paint session, little Tobie popped right up into a toddler. Another redhead! I am obsessed with redheads. And he is freaking cute as a button.

Way to pick 'em, Tobes.

So remember how in the last update, all of the sisters were irritated with Arie? Well, count Roamie in, too.

I truly have no idea what Arie said, but whatever it was completely offended her son. Pretty typical.

Oh! And speaking of problems with children.

This is so not okay! It scared the crap out of me when I caught a glimpse of this horror show. He's like a redheaded Slender Man. So, so not cool.

Fortunately, it was a temporary glitch and little Roamie was back to his adorable self in a matter of seconds. And since there were only a few days left of his childhood, I had to make sure his skill sets were up in all the applicable areas. I really need to like... edit the rules because some of the requirements are near impossible. I think the toddler requirements are by far the most difficult. Yeah, I'm going to edit them in the first post in order to make playing this game more fun.

Bake, bake! Get those skills up!

And Romes wasn't the only one working on his skills. Juno, Winnie, Tobie, and Nihm were all doing their assigned jobs, and my house is run as tightly as a factory before labor reform in the 19th century.

Well, I guess that last one isn't so much Nihm working on skills as it is her just trying to not become socially deprived by talking to a tomato plant.

And what better way to not feel completely alone and isolated than by going to a Graveyard! Waiiit...

Nihm's trying to catch a deathfish so she can finally get Juno the ingredients to make that Ambrosia. We're getting pretty close to an age-up, and I would be preeeetty mad if I lost at this point.

While creepying around the graveyard, Nihm spotted a little fairy child and, curious, began to speak with her. She'd never seen a supernatural being before, so she was intrigued. After finding out that fairy dust can do some amazing things, Nihm turned on the charm and begged the girl to give her some of that sweet, sweet dust.

After a moment of consideration, the girl relinquished some of her precious fairy dust and Nihm was so overjoyed, she rushed home without catching that deathfish. Dang, come on!

Back on the homestead, Arie was trying to figure out how to make amends with her sister, since she was pretty hurt that no one had come rushing over when she was having Tobie. So, instead of handling the situation like an adult, she texted them all smilie faces.

Winnie, being the sweetest of the sisters, decided that was an acceptable apology and went to find her sister to let her know.

"I once read a book about sociopaths, and it turns out that it's really difficult for them to even kind of admit they were wrong, so, good for you!"

It had been a few days since Tobie had been born before Arie tried to find another suitor. She was really dragging her feet and it was certainly a pain. But she managed to give Dedric a call. She's only been trying to sleep with this jerk for like... 10 days or something.

And just when they were finally hitting it off...

"Excuse me, I have a future obligation tonight. It involves being the WORST EVER. Bye."

Since Arie was invited to a party that night, she decided to completely screw the whole Dedric thing and head over to... Dedric's party? WHY IS THIS GAME SO FRUSTRATING?

Was kind of a weak hangout, but, check that guy in the middle. Possibilities?


Unfortunately, my game was glitching and by the time she walked in, everyone was leaving. I really don't know how I haven't smashed my computer to pieces yet, but I think I deserve a medal for it. She was able to talk to this tall, dark stranger for a moment before the party was called off. BUT. Good news, Dedric headed home with Arie, and she made sure to ensure a win.

FINALLY! But, in the end, no chimes. ALL OF THAT FOR NOTHING. Furious.

And since I had spent so much time getting all of that together, this is what the house looked like when I finally took a peek.

Sweet. The upstairs looked pretty similar. EVERY SINK WAS BROKEN.

Well, I guess it is the Water house.

Offline kaseofhearts

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I know this is super late into the challenge and now completely unorganized, but I really wanted to put down the rules that I am for-sure going by. They are different than the other games due to the expansion packs, etc. And this will also make it easy for anyone who wants to play this challenge to follow the rules. Mine are more streamline, and thus less overwhelming than trying to mentally consolidate 2 different rules pages for an outdated game.

Additionally, I am going to hide long lists of things under the spoiler tag, so it's not that it's a spoiler, it's just to make the post less huge.

The Immortal Sisters Challenge:

Enter, four sisters, goddesses of a distant realm that watch over Sim-kind. After witnessing centuries of a once simple and kindhearted race slowly disintegrate into corruption, The Watcher sent the sisters to repopulate Simkind with children of a divine spirit. Each sister has her own role in repairing this world, as well as her own physical place. Additionally, the Sim world has temporarily rendered the sisters capable of aging. Ambrosia, the nectar of The Watcher, is brewed constantly to keep the sisters from aging before they can complete their mission.

Have and raise at least 11 babies to young adult and move them out. There must be at least 4 girls born in this set, each representing an additional 4 elements, and they must be moved into the same home off the sisters' lot. If you do not have 4 girls by 11, you must keep going until you have enough. At the completion of the challenge, all sisters must have maxed out their Primary Skills.

The Sisters:
The sisters must be created at the young adult life-stage. Their names, appearances, and LTW can be whatever the player wants them to be. Their traits, however, will be specific. The sisters must be related by some theme. Many challengers have chosen elements, but this does not have to be the case. They could be colors, flowers, cultures, seasons, etc. Whatever will be fun for you. But, to keep things from getting too confusing, the sisters will be referred to in elements for the rest of this post.

Fire's role is to seduce Sim men in order to bear children. She can leave the lot freely and invite whoever she wants onto the lot. She can flirt with, kiss, sleep with, and go steady with whoever she wants, but she cannot marry or invite anyone to move in.

Initial Skills:
Fire can and must freely build Charisma, Art, Music, and Mixology through any method possible. Fire can gain the music skill from any and all instruments, but she must max out at least 1.

Primary Skills:
Art, Music, Charisma

Dislikes Children, Flirty, Charismatic, Great Kisser, and (Friendly, Irresistable or Social Butterfly)*
* Fire must have the first 4 traits, but can choose one from the traits in the (parenthesis).

Water is the nuturer of the sisters. Her job is to cook, clean, repair things, and take care of the children. She is responsible for teaching the toddler all 3 basic toddler skills (walking, talking, potty). The Water sister must cook Ambrosia to keep the sisters young. She is not allowed to leave the lot, with the exception of the "Opportunities Addendum" mentioned later in the post.

Initial Skills:
Water must build cooking and handiness skills. Cooking can be built by reading and cooking. Handiness is only built through repairing and upgrading objects.

Primary Skills:
Cooking and Handiness

Neat, Natural Cook, Handy, Perfectionist, and (Family Oriented or Nurturing)*
* Water must have the first 4 traits, but can choose one from the traits in the (parenthesis).

Air is the keeper of knowledge. She reads extensively and learns a large variety of skills. She reads toddler books to the children, helps them with homework and tutors them. She is not allowed to leave the lot, with the exception of the "Opportunities Addendum" mentioned later in the post.

Initial skills:
Air can learn any skill that can be learned from a book: Alchemy, Cooking, Logic, Inventing, Handiness, Gardening, Mixology, Charisma. (There might be a nectar making and photography book, but I'm not sure. If they exist, she can learn that skill too. Anything from a book.)

Primary Skills:
Logic and 1 other skill from a book

Bookworm, Genius, Loner, Clumsy, and (Absent-Minded or Brooding).
* Air must have the first 4 traits, but can choose one from the traits in the (parenthesis).

Earth is the master of the body and the land. She grows food for the family in her garden and fishes for the family in her pond and town ponds, lakes, and rivers. She also stays physically fit in order to protect the family if need-be. Earth grows and catches the ingredients for Ambrosia so Water can prepare it.

Initial skills:
Gardening, Fishing, Athletics, (Martial Arts)

Primary skills:
Gardening, Fishing, and Athletics

Angler, Green Thumb, Loves the Outdoors, Athletic, and (Vegetarian, Disciplined, or Eco-Friendly.)
* Earth must have the first 4 traits, but can choose one from the traits in the (parenthesis).

Once all Initial Skills are maxed out, the sisters are allowed to build other skills by maxing out other skills one at a time.

The Sisters' Lot:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Rules for each Life-Stage:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Opportunity Addendum:
The sisters are allowed to take opportunities if it involves one of their Primary Skills. For example, Earth gets a challenege to deliver harvestables of a certain quality. She may accept and complete the opportunity. Water and Air sisters are allowed to take opportunities even if it requires them to leave the lot. They must only leave the lot to complete the opportunity and then return immediately. This will also help with the annoying stir-crazy moodlet the Air and Water sisters can get.

Fail Conditions:
If 11 children are born (4 of which are girls) and any sister has not maxed their Primary Skills: Fail
If 11 children are born (4 of which are girls) and the player has a score of -5: Fail
If the sisters age up to Adult from Young Adult: Fail

Additional rules:

No cheats.

You may not purchase additional items from buy mode outside of the 5 point visits.

You must use normal or long lifespan.

Nobody is allowed to get a job (full or part-time)

You can pick the traits of the children, but no 2 children may have the same combination of traits. For example: child 1 is athletic, artistic, clumsy, handy and hot-headed. If child 2 is artistic, clumsy, handy and hot-headed, they can't pick athletic as their 5th trait.

Expansion Pack Considerations:

Late Night: Your sisters and children are allowed to gain Celebrity status.
Pets: The house can have one pet (cat, dog, or horse) that will be cared for by the Earth sister. This will make the challenge harder.
Supernatural: The sisters should start off as humans. Children can be supernatural creatures if they are born that way. Sisters can become supernatural through elixirs/potions.
Seasons: Turn off winter, length Spring and Summer, and lower the days of Fall to 3 days.
University: Instead of moving out, Young Adult children can go off to University. However, during the course of this challenge, you should opt out of playing them. They cannot contribute to the sister's house in any way.

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Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: Four Immortal Sisters: Chapter 4, Part II - Try, Try Again
« Reply #32 on: June 02, 2013, 08:24:06 PM »
Chapter 4, Part II: Try, Try Again

So we last left our girls in a large pile of failure. The sinks and dishwasher were all broken, Nihm was having some trouble catching Deathfish, and Arie had woohooed with no baby to show for it. Bummer. And while I was going around having Juno repair all the things, I clicked on Arie to see what she was up to and she was just standing there... in a completely different outfit.

I didn't know Sims could just change their outfit whenever they felt like. I mean, it's cute, but it's kind of a Christmasy dress, and I really go out of my way to pick out the outfits perfectly. Girl, can you not just go changing whenever you feel a whim? Presh.

Speaking of picking outfits and all of that, I decided to give Juno a makeover.

She's wearing her pjs, so you can't see her pretty dress, but her hair makes her look so pretty! Her face looks really soft and angellic framed that way. I'm kind of an aesthetics nerd. On top of being a regular nerd.

And Tobie is playing with... Snugglebob? I don't remember his creepy doll's name. I'm really not a fan of those dolls or that they turn into sims. Super creepsville.

But he better hold on tight to his favorite toy, because Arie's got a little surprise coming. Soon.

Yeah, so... remember when I said that there were no chimes when Arie and Dedric woohooed? Well, I'm apparently a giant liar. Sorry about that, but my game decided not to tell me. Also, that explained the random outfit change on her part. It's aaaall coming together now, isn't it?

And Roamie is losing his miiinnnddd. Hilarious.


And here's our proud indifferent mother with her new baby boy, Aeric. WE NEED GIRLS, PLEASE.

Oh, and here's the nurturing mother with Aeric instead.

So pretty!

And after a handful of the most uneventful days in the world, Aeric is a handsome little toddler.

I'm pleased that he's not a redhead. And he's handsome in his own way too.

Speaking of aging up...

Roamiiee <3

Meanwhile, Nihm's had an incredible amount of success with Deathfish and Life Fruit so Juno is smug as heck preparing that fabulous Ambrosia. And just in time!

And just like that, all the sisters were glowing with youth. 4 servings of Ambrosia takes about... 5 sim hours to make. Pretty time consuming, but I guess when it comes to eternal youth, you can't be too picky.

As a teenager, Roamie really kicked it into gear. Not only was he absolutely adorable with his baby brothers,

but he also worked his butt of to get his skills up. All the while, finishing his homework every night!

It was enough to make any teenager give into his more rebellious nature.

But still, he's such a cutie pie. I'll be sad to see him move out.

Arie, however, could not care less about how fantastic her first son was being. She was being asked out on dates by, probably, the richest man in Anne Arbor.

Leo was onto Arie's tricks, but it didn't really bother him much. He was way into her. And she was way into him. And it wasn't just because he was so rich he used 100 simoleon bills to blow his nose.

And let me tell you, when she was invited to his house for a costume party, the game lagged so hard I had to just get Arie home. Even though she was totally hitting it off with him. He was incredibly charming and she was almost at risk of being seduced herself.

(She and Leo were pretty much the only two not wearing hotdog costumes. I'm pretty bummed I didn't get a picture of that because it was just a giant mansion filled with hotdogs.)

But since Arie felt herself get a little tug at her... er.. heartstrings, she decided to prove to herself Leo meant nothing to her by flirting with local werewolf, Ricardo Gandy.

There are quite a large number of attractive men in Anne Arbor. It's fantastic for this challenge.


Charisma: 5
Piano: 6
Painting: 10
Mixology: 3

Cooking: 10
Handiness: 10

Inventing: 10
Logic: 10
Alchemy: 10
Cooking: 10
Riding: 3
Charisma: 1

Athletic: 10
Gardening: 10
Fishing: 10

Roamie: (Teen)
Father: Roman Vesper
Traits: Neat, Eccentric, Schmoozer, Artistic

Logic: 5
Painting: 2
Fishing: 1
Handiness: 3

Tobie: (Toddler)
Father: Tobias Osborn
Traits: Brace, Clumsy

Aeric: (Toddler)
Father: Dedric Beltran
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Eccentric

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: Four Immortal Sisters: Chapter 4, Part II - Try, Try Again
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2013, 08:55:13 PM »
Chapter 5, Part I - Creeps

Hello, friends. And welcome back.

We begin our update tonight with a birthday. Whose, you ask? Why, it's young Tobie, of course.

He certainly is fierce.

And handy.

And bright!

Oh, man. That imaginary friend super creeps me out. It's like a sneaky clown. Is he there? I don't know. What's he doing? HOW ARE THOSE CHESS PIECES MOVING? All valid questions. But maybe I'm overreacting.

See, that's not... err.

OMG, stop. I can't even pretend. It's so crazy creepy. That thing's name is Patches Huggington. Actually, I don't know. CuddleBoo? Galactic Superstar McAwesomeville? Whatever it's name, I call it Sleep Terrorist.

So Tobie spends his time in costumes. He's the only kid I've seen autonomously dressup from the costume chest. Prince Tobie deigned to do some homework lessons with Winnie.

But he was not happy about it.

The eldest brother, Roamie, spent his teenage years working on his required skills, and building relationships with his aunts.

Well, Maybe just Aunt Nihm. And I'm not sure if opening a can of morale-whoop is considered relationship building. Since she clearly is not happy with his performance.

Nihm: Come on! Suck it up and get back on those bars! Tobie's horrifying invisible doll could do a better job than you!

Roamie: If I sleep on the playground, maybe she won't be able to find me.

Probably a smart choice, bud.

But Nihm was a bit busy with other things. Like making 3 thousand simoleons in less than 5 minutes.

Someone was very satisfied with her garlic. Is that the consignment specialist's way of hitting on her?

When Nihm got home, Juno rushed over to tell her a secret:

Oh, yes? That's what is passing for a secret? I'm sorry, Juno. You have been locked in the house caring for babies for too long.

Arie: Can we go back to this boring stuff... never, and focus on the entire reason why we're even here still? Yes, that would be me. I'm kind of a big deal.

Arie: As you can see, I'm doing a good job at moving this challenge along. That man? That's Leo..polo... something. Leo. He didn't even get two feet in the gate before I was able to close the deal. And that is how it's done. I figured I'd soften him up with a little star-watching before, you know,

The main event.

Arie: Signed, sealed, delivered. He's mine.

Well, dear, I wouldn't be so sure.

Arie: Yes, that follows logically. Men.

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: Four Immortal Sisters: Chapter 5, Part I - Creeps
« Reply #34 on: June 11, 2013, 01:47:11 PM »
Chapter 5, Part II - Limited Love

While Arie went to bed irritated, Leo had other plans for his night. He ran into Winnie on his way to eat something from the Eterna fridge and immediately started flirting with her.

He talked about books, which we all know is Winnie's soft spot.

Leo: If you like that book, you'll have to read "The Seven Deadly Sims." Incredible. Forget "The Warlock of Palladia."

Winnie felt something she had not experienced before, and not only was he just talking books, but he was full on flirting as well. Winnie never developed the proper defenses for attention like this.

But while all this was going down, some weird old dude just walked onto the property and began playing with the chipmunks. So, when Winnie went to bed, Leo went over to talk to the intruder.

Oh, you're both exhausted? I have an idea. GO HOME.

The next day, Winnie tried very hard not to talk about Leo or any of the shady business that had happened the night before.

Winnie: And I didn't stay up until 3am or anything talking to... what's his name? Lionel, Lucy?
Arie: Leo?
Winnie: Yeah, I guess.
Arie: WHy would you be up until 3am talking to Leo?
Winnie: I wasn't! I just said I didn't.
Arie: Uh... huh.
Winnie: I'm gonna go... read Aeric a book or something.

But all the while, her mind was a bit occupied.

Sorry, Win. You can't have him.

It was later that night that Aeric grew to a little chitlin.

He looks a bit like his pops. Cheekbones you could cut glass on.

But because now there are 3 kids and only 2 beds, Roamie had to get creative.

I wouldn't want to sleep in that bed if I were him, but I guess you have to sleep somewhere.

One of Aeric's first wishes as a child was to spend time with his dad. Wrong game for that wish, pal.

Yeah, I should probably go ahead and cancel that wish.

Meanwhile, Roamie's off trying to get a girlfriend. This Chatty Cathy's name is Gillian.

Roamie looks kind of terrified, doesn't he? But she's pretty enough. I always look for girlfriends for my sims like I look for heirs. It's kind of anticlimactic to not have an heir after all these kids, honestly.

And somewhere, hanging out on that lot, was this:

Dax Bird. Handsome guy, but he's still a teenager. He's not the most heterosexual looking man I've ever seen, but once he ages up, I'm sure he'll do.

But it's a good thing Arie will have to wait, because she's gonna be a bit busy for the next couple of days.

Nooboo on the way! Thanks, Leo.

Winnie: :(

I'll get the stats up in the next post, since I usually do that when the game is open and it's not open right now.

Also, let me know how you like this so far! It's nice to get feedback.  :D

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: Four Immortal Sisters: Chapter 5, Part II - Limited Love
« Reply #35 on: June 19, 2013, 03:30:41 PM »
Hey, all! I just want to update this to let anyone who is following this know that this story is taking a short break. The reason for this is that I am playing it on a pretty low-processing laptop and it currently can't handle the amount of sims and save space on the lot. I am getting a new computer soon (it's being processed) and once I do, I will transfer the save game over and work from there. Thank you for your patience!

Offline redmare

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Re: Four Immortal Sisters: Chapter 5, Part II - Limited Love
« Reply #36 on: June 30, 2013, 10:30:47 PM »
So sad this won't be up but I love it! I would love to try this challenge some day. :)
Please take a look at my story, the Thousand House!,15796.0.html

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Four Immortal Sisters: Chapter 5, Part II - Limited Love
« Reply #37 on: July 02, 2013, 10:39:41 AM »
I'd been reading your other story, but hadn't even realized you had this one going on.  I enjoy how well you play the varying personalities of the sisters off of each other.  Nice stuff!

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: Four Immortal Sisters: Chapter 5, Part II - Limited Love
« Reply #38 on: July 03, 2013, 04:48:34 PM »
So sad this won't be up but I love it! I would love to try this challenge some day. :)

Thank so much! I'm really happy you've been following this. My new machine has been shipped as of this morning, so I'll work on getting updates asap.

I'd been reading your other story, but hadn't even realized you had this one going on.  I enjoy how well you play the varying personalities of the sisters off of each other.  Nice stuff!

Thanks, Pippin! This one was my first one and I was experimenting with different styles of story-telling so it's a little less consistent on that front than my other story. The last few parts were told in a style inspired by you and Dolls. :)

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Re: Four Immortal Sisters: Chapter 5, Part II - Limited Love
« Reply #39 on: July 14, 2013, 08:04:42 AM »
I don't know if it's just my computer or some other glitch, but I can't see any of your screenshots on page 2 at least. THey've been replaced with a message thing from photobucket. Is it just me, or others as well?
Please take a look at my story, the Thousand House!,15796.0.html

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Re: Four Immortal Sisters: Chapter 5, Part II - Limited Love
« Reply #40 on: July 14, 2013, 10:11:22 AM »
I haven't been able to see any of the pictures except the first two, of Juno and Nihm (who are both very pretty). I get the message from Photobucket as well.

Oh, and Congratulations on finishing your Master's!
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Four Immortal Sisters: Chapter 5, Part II - Limited Love
« Reply #41 on: July 14, 2013, 11:36:52 AM »
It's a bandwidth usage issue.  On the "month anniversary" of when the account was started, it will reset and they'll show up again.  I had the same problem, which is why I switched to using the forum gallery instead.

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: Four Immortal Sisters: Chapter 5, Part II - Limited Love
« Reply #42 on: July 14, 2013, 10:20:49 PM »
It's a bandwidth usage issue.  On the "month anniversary" of when the account was started, it will reset and they'll show up again.  I had the same problem, which is why I switched to using the forum gallery instead.

Yep! I did not realize that was a stipulation of having my stuff on photobucket. I've switched to the gallery and to flickr, so the pictures will come back! In fact, they will be back on Wednesday of this week (the 17th). I'm playing this game currently and will be updating it within the week, too. The new pictures should be visible to everyone, whetehr I post them before or after the 17th! Thanks to everyone for the concern!

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: Four Immortal Sisters: Chapter 6
« Reply #43 on: July 16, 2013, 03:51:34 PM »
And I'm back! New computer and the game runs beautifully. Some things might appear differently because it's a different machine and I had a LOT of CC to transfer over, so we'll see.

And hopefully I remember where to start.

Chapter 6: The Creep and the Hottie

And right on cue, Arie opens up the update glamorously.

So this could mean a nooboo's on the way, or Arie's got a nice bout of food poisoning.

Vomit and a clothing change. WE'VE GOT NOOBOO.

And more exciting news. I was able to accumulate 5 points and open up the buy mode. Since there are lots of babies in the house, I picked up a bunk bed.

How pretty. Among other things. You'll find them scattered around as I update, I'm sure.

So adorable little Aeric was playing dress up and feeling his mom's tummy to see how his brother or sister was doing. And Tobie was getting to know someone else.

This is his school mate Lizette. He's trying to set himself up for when they age up to teenagers so he can get a girl ASAP. Not bad, Tobes.

Roamie was taking a little gardening break to help his Aunt Nihm out. With all the people at the house, she should really get more plants in there to make more money. All that free labor.

When Tobie returned home from school, he was greeted by a surprise!

Nooboo 4! And this time, Arie hadn't alienated everyone so much that they left her alone to give birth! Yay!

GIRL! She's named Lea.

And there's our indifferent mother.

Arie: It's cool. I just put her in the crib and then Juno takes over. This is the easiest motherhood ever.

Juno: Speak for yourself.

Winnie stayed away from the chaos. She probably would have been too upset to see Arie have a baby with the man she'd had some strong feelings for.

On a happier note, Birthdays!

Tobie. Tobie, Tobie. You are FINE, boy. He really does not look like his dad, or his mom, except for the hair. He's is own crazy hot teen. I'm cool with it.

And since everything having to do with infants in this game bores me, and nothing else of note happened: Lea's birthday!

She's cute enough. Looks just like Momma.

Speaking of Momma. It seemed like her reputation was getting around the neighborhood, and this creeper just WALKED into the house.

Old Creeper: Where's that redhead?

Old Creeper:What'd you say me and you get out of here?

Arie: Are you crazy? Get out of here.

Old Creeper: Come on, Red.

Arie: I said Get. Out.

Nihm: You heard the girl. Leave before I show you what 10 points in athleticism can do to an old Geezer like you.

Nihm: Yeah, you better run. Stay away from my sister.

Arie: Wow. That was amazing.

Nihm: Don't mention it. You've been trying hard with all of us. I appreciate it. Besides, we're family.

Arie: How'd he get in here anyway?

Nihm: Beats me. But, man, can he run fast for an old man.

Arie: You're scary, Nihm. I'd run too.

Speaking of running, this is Tobie, just running to catch the bus. There's no story behind it. He's just super hot.

And Arie seemed to be recovering from the creep attack pretty well, as she was on the town with this fine gentleman.

Something Cooper. I'll get the name. He's a doctor. Too bad Arie never gets any child support payments.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Four Immortal Sisters: Chapter 6: The Creep and the Hottie
« Reply #44 on: July 16, 2013, 04:02:37 PM »
Hooray!!  They're back!!  Young Lea is such a mama clone, it's almost scary!  Nihm to the rescue was pretty awesome  :=)