I just read somewhere that when a sim is the owner of a building (investing before Ambitions came out) and they try to get romantic with an employee of that workplace, that the advances may get rejected, and the employee may get the Creeped Out moodlet. Say for instance sim A owns the bistro. Sim B works at the bistro. Sim A wants to marry sim B one day so he starts some romantic interactions with sim B. However, sim B gets creeped out and they have a negative relationship. Does anyone know if this can actually happen? The reason I'm asking is I read this info on a site that can be edited by just about anyone, and there are some rumors on the site that aren't true, so I'm not completely trusting it. However, I know that most information on and from this site is true, and if it's not then there are people trying to correct it. So, before I go out and buy most of the properties in my legacy family (currently on Generation 3 so I've still got a long ways to go), does anyone know that if one day in the future of my sims that they might not get to marry the sim of their dreams because they have a job?