Author Topic: The Crumplebottom Sisters: A Decadynasty...or at least an attempt at one...  (Read 1672 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Here they are:  Beatrice, Belinda, and Bianca.  Loving the thematic names and the nice mixture of traits.  Not loving the outfits.  Well, Bianca's will do, but that hair needs some help.

That's better.  Look, the younger sisters are even thinking about how the other looks so nice now.  Beatrice, on the other hand, knows she's going to play a "starring" role in this production.  Of course, it's probably providing a nice, big grave marker. 
Poor Beatrice.  I'll have her focus in on gardening and alchemy skills.  She'll join the alchemy career as well. 
Belinda will keep her job in the culinary arts.  She's a dark horse candidate to mother the heir.  Not actively having her look for a hubby, but her traits are fantastic.  She'll at least be an ideal auntie.  In case you didn't notice, I made her look a variation of Velma from Scooby-Doo.  She was already part way there, so why fight it?
Bianca.  She's the primary candidate to mother the heir.  More likely heiress (Beatrice has a watermelon vine in the garden).  Not crazy about her traits, but she's got that adorable little pixie look which would be lovely to pass on to the next generation.
Day one was gardening and alchemy for Beatrice.  No surprise there.  Also had her study in the Vault of Antiquity and she got a Gnome of the Darned (which rather cracked me up).
Belinda tried exploring the catacombs for treasures and gathered wildflowers to sell.  Had her study some handiness as well.
Bianca hit the library to read up on charisma.  After all, it's more polite to find her a partner through social interactions rather than fast forwarding it with the love charm spell.  While she studied, I scoped out the patrons of the library for potential spouses for the youngest Crumplebottom only to find the gigantic MacDuff family and a few female sims as fellow patrons.  Had her wander through the
After a moderate first day, the gals came home to order pizza. 

Did Mister Right come bearing gifts?  Well, bearing pizza?  Bianca invited him to hang out, just in case something sparked.  Thus far, it seems like only friendship.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Chapter Two:  Finding "Mister Right"

Bianca set out on day two intending to meet the neighbors and find eligible bachelors.  Chauncey Grimm was the first eligible option she found.  She flirted with him and he chatted in reply.  While she got no wishes to kiss him or any such thing, she did try to cast the love charm on him...which I stopped.  No cheating your way to romance in MY decadynasty!

Having gotten bored with his chatting, she opted to make faces in the mirror.

Chauncey got help in wooing the fair lady by how abrasive other options turned out to be.  Thank you, Argus, for your contributions.

A day full of man hunting ended with a quiet meal with big sis.  Gotta love those striped socks.  Velma...I mean, rocking that look! 
I'm glad the Bianca has a solid family in place to help support her and the future heiress. 

At least, I'm glad they're around at times when she's not trying to woo her future husband.  Thank you, Belinda, for sharing your thoughts about how wonderful Bianca is, but I think she has this under control.

Yes, she certainly does!

And look at that confident face as the youngest Crumplebottom goes against her commitment issues and proposes to Chauncey Grimm.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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**Credit where credit is due:  special thanks to Ricalynn and Audren for giving me tech support with getting screenshots to post so I could get this story up and going.**


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I always hoped that the Crumplebottom sisters would have their time in the spotlight, considering how much time their cousin Agnes gets in it on a daily basis.

And hurray for grabbing Chauncey! I love that guy.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Okay, I'm still doing this dynasty and storyline, but I've started a new posting of it as this was more of a report on it than a story.  I suppose this one can be graveyarded...even though "graveyard" is not a verb...

Offline Snufflesxx

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So the mods know to put it in the graveyard, change the title on the first post to 'Graveyard, please' or something like that. Then it'll be easy to spot in a sea of Dynasties  :)
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"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock

