Author Topic: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Goodbye for Now 18/8  (Read 672727 times)

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: The Bachelorette is Back! Answers to your Questions in the Comments 10/11
« Reply #1665 on: November 10, 2014, 08:24:21 PM »
Very glad to see the show(story) back and on track. Almost thought the show is over when the story got moved to graveyard. Anyway, the hiatus is over and so patiently waiting for the next update.
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

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Re: The Bachelorette is Back! Answers to your Questions in the Comments 10/11
« Reply #1666 on: November 10, 2014, 10:25:57 PM »
GASP! Oh, no, Rosa, that's awful!  :( You worked so hard on those, how dare your hard drive think it can just get corrupted like nothing!  >:( I hope the Rose Ceremony is even just a little bit easier on you the second time, though.

It was very upsetting. I lost some other files as well, basically all of my personal games, like my pirate/mermaid family, are gone. Still though, I'd rather have the irreplaceable Callahans than basically whatever else. I hope it is, too.

I agree! It's awful when you spend hours and hours on screenshots, and then they get lost or corrupted. :P  But if it is any consolation, in the times that it has happened to me, it has been MUCH easier to re-stage them the second time around, since I've already decided what poses, angles, interactions, etc that I needed.  I hope you find it's easier for you too -- so happy to see that the Bachelorette is back!

I hope so. Although it has been too long since I shot the originals for me to remember exactly what I did, I think I should be able to figure it out well enough. The beauty of it is that really, it's people standing in a room and then one at a time they interact. So it's fairly simple compared to other things. Thanks goodness I already finished all the dates and had those screenshots, because there I'm keeping track of a ton of things. And thank you! I'm glad it's back as well.

Oh that is horrifying! Just picturing how the whole ceremony has to be lined up and they all have to be lined up and--it must take forever! Well, at least the Bachelorette is back, so yay! This really was such a brilliant thread and I am so excited!

It does, yeah. The good thing is I figured out I could put them on looping animations with the moviemaker cheat, so that way they're not stiff in one position in all the shots and look more natural in the background. I can't just switch back and forth from Live to Buy Mode to move them though once I pose them, and that gets dodgy, but since the last time I shot this I shot my simself's wedding and that was completely insane. So I hope that experience helps, although setting up still family shots is different.
Yes! I am so excited to be bringing it back. This next update I'm about to post took forever. I feel that if I had been on any other episode when I stopped and tried to come back, I could have been back a month or more ago. This one just took much longer to put together. But I hope you'll find it was worth it.

That's horrible about your external hard drive. They're always nasty things to retrieve data from too.

But I wish you well in getting back up and running, even through re-shooting hell. :D Glad to see this back from the dead!

Yeah, my husband tried and basically was unable to get anything. He still hasn't wiped it though because I am pretty sure I'm missing a generation's worth of screenshots from the Callahans which I have not yet been able to deal with.

Thank you so much! I was wondering, since the thread died down, if anyone would have even noticed it went to the Graveyard. Glad someone missed it!

Very glad to see the show(story) back and on track. Almost thought the show is over when the story got moved to graveyard. Anyway, the hiatus is over and so patiently waiting for the next update.

And someone else as well! Yay :) I'm glad you are here to see us back. It's nice to see who looks out for these things. And I saw the views go up, so I know there's a lot of lovely readers out there that are simply silent. Thank you all for reading!
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: The Man I Love
« Reply #1667 on: November 10, 2014, 10:33:53 PM »
Author's Note:

I highly recommend listening to The Man I Love by Søs Fenger while you read this update.

Leopold:  That was also a very rich meal for me and while I know Everette will gladly help me burn off a few kilojoules sparring, I’d prefer something much more enjoyable.  Marielle, may I have the honour of the next dance?

Marielle: Why, of course, Leopold. I thought you'd never ask.

Singer: Someday he'll come along,
The man I love,

And he'll be big and strong,
The man I love,

And when he comes my way,
I'll do my best to make him stay.

He'll look at me and smile,
I'll understand.

Then in a little while
He'll take my hand.

And though it seems absurd,
I know we both won't say a word.

Maybe I shall meet him Sunday.

Maybe Monday,

Maybe not.

Still I'm sure to meet him one day,
Maybe Tuesday will be my good news day.

He'll build a little home
Just meant for two,

From which I'll never roam.
Who would, would you?

And so all else above,

I'm dreaming of . . .

. . . The man I love.

Leopold: Thank you very much, Marielle, for a wonderful dance. You are as graceful as you are beautiful. Would you care to sit down, perhaps enjoy a glass of nectar?
Marielle: You are so sweet, Leopold. I'd like that, thank you.

The evening continues here.
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By samoht04

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: The Man I Love 10/11
« Reply #1668 on: November 11, 2014, 01:28:19 AM »
Wow just wow!  That was romantic and beautiful.  Well worth the wait.

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: The Man I Love 10/11
« Reply #1669 on: November 11, 2014, 01:55:34 AM »
This was such a beautiful update! The club they went to was very nice--it was obvious that a lot of detail went into the whole setup. So great to have the Bachelorette back on the air!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: The Man I Love 10/11
« Reply #1670 on: November 11, 2014, 02:50:21 AM »
I may be jumping the gun a bit here, responding after two comments, but I'm too excited not to! It's been so long since my darling readers had story to comment on!

Wow just wow!  That was romantic and beautiful.  Well worth the wait.

Thank you! Thank you! I have to say thank you twice because I am very grateful. Did you listen to the music? I think it makes such a difference!
Magz and I discussed dialogue but decided against it, and then I remembered I'd heard some nice jazz songs on Spotify and I wanted to include one. I combed through an entire playlist to find something with a female singer, piano, drums, and upright bass, as well as having the appropriate romantic vibe (something for a new romance, not something saying 'Ooooh I love you, established partner'), something not too long for the update, and something that had been written in the 20s! Thankfully, my stringent criteria narrowed the list down to one. Of course, then I had to listen to every rendition on Spotify to make sure this was the right one. It was. Most of them sounded less live and added a whole lot of orchestra and so on. So thank you, I'm glad it was worth the wait. I am very attached to this update now.

This was such a beautiful update! The club they went to was very nice--it was obvious that a lot of detail went into the whole setup. So great to have the Bachelorette back on the air!

Oh yes! Indy built it all so beautifully. She is extraordinarily detail-oriented, which works perfectly for a perfectionist like me. Simply everything is in place. There were some Sims contributed for this date as well, which I shall credit at the end as usual. As for the sequence of the photos, I started with 116 screenshots from two different files. I had to look that up, I forgot I had that many! And I had to narrow that down to under thirty. Then I put them in an order (not strictly chronological) that I hoped would give the best visual progression, although I expect that it is subconscious if anyone picks up on it. While I hope the first time you follow it through the music, I hope you go back as well and take note of the pictures in greater detail. Some of them have a lot more going on than may first meet the eye! ;)

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: The Man I Love 10/11
« Reply #1671 on: November 11, 2014, 06:39:35 PM »
Gasp! I kid you not, I literally squealed when I saw this update. So sorry to hear about your hard drive, but I guess these things happen and I'm glad that you're back on track. 

What a gorgeous update! I listened to the song while reading, and it definitely helps set the tone for the dance.  Excited for more Bachelorette updates! :)

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: The Man I Love 10/11
« Reply #1672 on: November 12, 2014, 01:24:46 AM »
I'm so excited to see a new post! My jaw nearly hit the floor when I saw it. Everything was just so divine during that dance, and the music was absolutely perfect. I am sorry to hear about your troubles with your files. I just went through nearly the same thing myself, losing all my sim files and screenshots so I know how much work it can be to redo your story. But I'm very glad your back, and thank you for such a lovely update.

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: The Man I Love 10/11
« Reply #1673 on: November 12, 2014, 09:38:51 AM »
Such a nice dance scene. And also the song is nice. Looking forward for more romance update.
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: The Man I Love 10/11
« Reply #1674 on: November 12, 2014, 12:47:21 PM »
That was so sweet! I'll interpret the significance of that song's lyrics as the show goes on. ;)

And yes, Indy makes the best lots. I think we'd all like to thank her for her work.
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Offline azokka361

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: The Man I Love 10/11
« Reply #1675 on: November 12, 2014, 11:28:23 PM »
Okay, so in the last week I've read this whole shebang twice: once to remember everything, the other because I was bored.

And I've just gotta say that it was even better the second time around! Thank you so much for coming up with this insane, brilliant idea for an incredible story! It is loads of fun for everyone reading (*hacking up lung*) and we all appreciate your exceptional effort and iron will! (Meanwhile, my support for Nathaniel has been reaffirmed--if I'm honest, I like him more now than I did before! Seriously. Actively rooting for my little creation. I even put the picture back in my signature.)

Really, though, this is a truly original and fantastic project, and I appreciate all of the work that has gone into it! (I know that I already commented on this most recent update but I also missed like 7 months let me have this people.)

But yes. Let's finish this off as awkwardly as possible.  ;D .
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: The Man I Love 10/11
« Reply #1676 on: November 13, 2014, 04:18:13 AM »
Gasp! I kid you not, I literally squealed when I saw this update. So sorry to hear about your hard drive, but I guess these things happen and I'm glad that you're back on track. 

What a gorgeous update! I listened to the song while reading, and it definitely helps set the tone for the dance.  Excited for more Bachelorette updates! :)

Yay! Having people so excited about The Bachelorette's return makes me even more excited! Yes, the hard drive was a hard blow but I'll get past it. Thank you.

Thank you! I was pleased to find such a good match for the scene. Music is so important to me, and it really affects things like this. Reading back over the story reminded me of when Mr Rosa suggested "Dead on the Dance Floor" for the dancing scene on the circus date and it makes such a difference, I think.

I'm so excited to see a new post! My jaw nearly hit the floor when I saw it. Everything was just so divine during that dance, and the music was absolutely perfect. I am sorry to hear about your troubles with your files. I just went through nearly the same thing myself, losing all my sim files and screenshots so I know how much work it can be to redo your story. But I'm very glad your back, and thank you for such a lovely update.

Your reactions are so great! I love it. They really are a handsome pair and such fine dancers, I think they look really well together. I'm glad you liked the music as well! It was a great find.
I'm so sorry for your loss! People don't understand outside of the Simming community how devastating it can be. I hope you manage to recover all right. Thank you, and you're welcome :)

Such a nice dance scene. And also the song is nice. Looking forward for more romance update.

This has been a very romantic date, hasn't it? It's had the chance to, seeing as it's one-on-one for the first time. It went very smoothly. I hope all future dates should go so well! Thank you.

That was so sweet! I'll interpret the significance of that song's lyrics as the show goes on. ;)

And yes, Indy makes the best lots. I think we'd all like to thank her for her work.

Mmhmm! Yes. As I said, I chose a song that reflected the beginning of a relationship or hope for a relationship. I think it would be sweet if the lyrics were to apply in the future.

Oh yes. Have you seen her stories as well? She's writing now, and amazingly is as good a writer as she is a builder! Let me do my readers a favour and share with you all some excellent stories to read. Start here, then read this.

Okay, so in the last week I've read this whole shebang twice: once to remember everything, the other because I was bored.

And I've just gotta say that it was even better the second time around! Thank you so much for coming up with this insane, brilliant idea for an incredible story! It is loads of fun for everyone reading (*hacking up lung*) and we all appreciate your exceptional effort and iron will! (Meanwhile, my support for Nathaniel has been reaffirmed--if I'm honest, I like him more now than I did before! Seriously. Actively rooting for my little creation. I even put the picture back in my signature.)

Really, though, this is a truly original and fantastic project, and I appreciate all of the work that has gone into it! (I know that I already commented on this most recent update but I also missed like 7 months let me have this people.)

But yes. Let's finish this off as awkwardly as possible.  ;D .

My goodness twice! That is some dedication. I like my story too, but feel free to branch out! ;) It's a long thread to read so much!

Thank you so much! I rather enjoyed it myself, haha! (To be quite honest, I kept turning to my husband and saying 'I am so brilliant'.) As always, I must give credit where credit is due and thank Audren for inspiring me to try the reality show format in the first place and helping me with suggestions early on. Once I figured out what direction I wanted to take it in it became something of a force of its own and I could not keep from making it a reality! I am just incredibly gratified that so many people are enjoying it along with me. I won't deny that it has been years of hard work, and sometimes stress and tears, but it has always been worth it thanks to all of you wonderful people. Even though I've had to break from it from time to time, the support and patience of my long-suffering readers keeps me coming back. No matter how long it takes (hopefully it picks up some speed though, whew!) I'll have to see this thing through! (And I am very glad you're rooting for Nathaniel again. He is a dear little creature and I love writing him.)

Thank you again. I guarantee you if this were a novel I'd not have finished it. Being able to post a chapter and have an immediate response is what drives me to continue. I thrive on reader feedback, so keep it coming! Hahaha! And you were gone an absurdly long time, I am terribly glad you've come back, comment as much as you like.

All right then. Turtles!
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By samoht04

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: The Man I Love 10/11
« Reply #1677 on: November 13, 2014, 07:32:26 PM »
...yes, Indy makes the best lots. I think we'd all like to thank her for her work.

Oh yes. Have you seen her stories as well? She's writing now, and amazingly is as good a writer as she is a builder! Let me do my readers a favour and share with you all some excellent stories to read. Start here, then read this.

Thanks, guys!  Rosa does a great job showing off the lots, so I can only take partial credit.  They're just empty buildings if they don't have great stories and characters in them.  Speaking of which, the date was great. Very romantic.  Can't wait to see how it all plays out at the Rose Ceremony!

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: The Man I Love 10/11
« Reply #1678 on: November 20, 2014, 08:07:19 PM »
Thanks, guys!  Rosa does a great job showing off the lots, so I can only take partial credit.  They're just empty buildings if they don't have great stories and characters in them.  Speaking of which, the date was great. Very romantic.  Can't wait to see how it all plays out at the Rose Ceremony!

Hardly empty, with all the furnishings. But I take your point, and thank you.

I have another update nearly ready to go! Stay tuned, it's coming soon!
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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: Sweet Nothings 22/11
« Reply #1679 on: November 23, 2014, 01:41:03 AM »
Sweet Nothings

After enjoying a romantic dance, Marielle and Leopold stop to savour some liquid refreshment.

Leopold: Marielle, would you prefer nectar with plasma fruit?
Marielle: Thank you for thinking of me, but I’d actually prefer one that is palatable for both of us, so non-plasma nectar please.
Leopold: What about the Lime Blush, it is made of Cranerlet Nuala grapes with a dash of Lime; or the Pomegranate Buff, which has overtones of flame fruit?
Marielle: Ooh, Pomegranate Buff sounds lovely! They both sound good, actually, but I love flame fruit and it makes for such deliciously complex nectar.

Leopold secures the Pomegranate Buff nectar and they return to their dinner table to appreciate it together.

Marielle: Leopold, Platinum tells me that you are painting a portrait on the easel upstairs.  She thinks it has the hallmarks of a masterpiece.
Leopold: Platinum is too kind.  I’m no Leonardo Da Vinci.
Marielle: Do you paint a lot?
Leopold: Not as much as I would like to.  I have been doing technical drawings for many years now, but painting is my relaxation.  There’s something cathartic about painting and oils allows you the convenience of painting over your mistakes.  I think I heard that your mother is a famous painter.  Do you paint?
Marielle: I don't, but I admire artistic talent in others. And I'd be happy to try it. I love to learn new skills.

Marielle: You said you were reading the 100 Books to Read before you Die list.  Has any book profoundly affected you?
Leopold: (chuckles) I think all good books make you stop and think, but I think biographies affect me the most.
Marielle: How so?
Leopold: There are so many with remarkable stories about their life achievements.  Some are driven to succeed and others are smiled upon by Lady Luck, but they almost always have one thing in common.
Marielle: Really?  What’s that?
Leopold: Almost every single biography stresses the importance of relationships above achievements, especially in their later years.  It seems people blindly go through youth and middle age striving to be someone the world will admire, and it’s not until old age that people realise the admiration of the world is not as important as the love of family.
Marielle: My family is very important to me and I hope I never lose sight of that.
Leopold: Marielle, you are so level headed, I’m sure you won’t.

Marielle: Well, that was delightful, Leopold! Shall we go?
Leopold: As you wish.

On their way out of the Simlux Cinema Palace, Marielle spots the Love Tester in the lobby again.

Marielle: They had one of these at the circus I went to with the boys. It's fun, if a little silly. Do you want to try it?
Leopold: I don't see why not.

Marielle: Here, I'll put the money in and then we both hold the handle.

Leopold: And what do we do next?
Marielle: We just hold on and wait for the lights to stop.
Leopold (chuckling): This hardly seems like a valid scientific methodology.

Love Tester: Naughty But Nice - Hey Now--Here's Hoping You Hold Each Other the way you hold Love Inspector!
Leopold: Oh my!

Marielle: You’re right, Leopold. That is not a valid scientific analysis.(giggling) But it is fun!

Leopold: Marielle--before we return to the Mansion, I'd like to prolong my time with you just a little more. Would you like to go outside and ponder the beauty of the heavens with me?
Marielle: Oh, yes! It sounds so romantic the way you say it. I admit I'm not ready for the night to end, either!

Marielle: How about right here?
Leopold: Let me take off my jacket.  I don’t want you to damage that gorgeous dress.
Marielle: Thanks, but that’s unnecessary.  I’m glad you like the dress--it was my mother’s.  It’s not synthetic, so it’s more robust than it looks.
Leopold: How remiss of me not to mention that you look stunning in that dress.  My only explanation is that I’ve been enchanted since you first walked down the stairs this evening.
Marielle: Why, thank you, gallant sir.

Marielle: Why, Leopold, I'm surprised at you!

Leopold: You can call me Leo.
Marielle (softly): Okay, Leo.

Leopold: And speaking of Leo, there it is!

Marielle: (gasp) And look! There's Marielle!

Leopold (puzzled): There is a star called Marielle?

Marielle: My father discovered a few stars and named one after me.

Leopold: How appropriate.  You should be there in the firmament of time for all the galaxies to admire.

Marielle:   (giggling)  Oh, Leopold.  This has been a magical evening right out of a fairy tale, but I have a full schedule tomorrow--oh! Today.
Leopold:   Then it is my pleasure to escort you back to the mansion.  Your coach awaits, my Lady.

Marielle: A girl could get so used to this!

Leopold Confession Cam
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Marielle Confession Cam
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
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