Author Topic: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Goodbye for Now 18/8  (Read 548714 times)

Offline Rhoxi

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For some reason, I love that Nathaniel is lounging in his swim trunks indoors.

Offline Shewolf13

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Love the conversations. 

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Offline audbooh

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DIMITRI! He's so... dreamy and artistic! I Must cheer for him!  :-*

Love this story, it has me on the edge of my seat!!!! Much love, Rosa! Sooooooooooooo glad that this story isn't on complete Hiatus! 

unapologetic lover of romance, period pieces, and angsty pretty boys

Offline Lisa46

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I love the story! So cute. I'm rooting for Dimitri, but I like most of them honestly.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: Dinner, Part I
« Reply #1624 on: March 26, 2014, 03:51:47 PM »
We now return to the one-on-one date between Marielle and Leopold.

Leopold: Ah, I see--a jazz club.
Marielle: It's a nice place, isn't it?
Leopold: I agree with your previous assessment: very classy.

Leopold: And indeed, very quiet. This must be a very exclusive club indeed!

Leopold:  Marielle, I feel I should apologise.  That movie was a poor choice for what I had hoped was going to be a singularly romantic evening.

Marielle: No, Leopold! It was really an excellent movie. It won a couple of Oscars and Anne Hathaway won the Best Supporting Actress award.  And I thought Hugh Jackman was magnificent in the role of Jean Valjean.
Leopold:  Oh, I agree. His versatility astonishes me.   It is an excellent movie, but quite confronting to see such a graphic portrayal of such a brutal, terrible time that is, for me at least, relatively recent history.

Marielle:  Well, Leopold, if it makes you feel better, I don’t look on these types of movies as a history lesson.  I enjoy movies that inspire and make me think.  Although I did think Javert’s suicide was underplayed.  Surely Javert’s questioning of his values and adherence to the letter of the law was as important as Jean Valjean’s redemption?
Leopold:  Perhaps, but the movie was relatively true to the book and Hugo did not place as much emphasis on Javert’s epiphany.  Did you know that Victor Hugo was a bystander caught in the crossfire of the actual June Rebellion?  Hugo witnessed the first day at the barricades.  It must have been terrifying – 3,000 rebels pitting their high ideals and puny guns against 30,000 armed troops.
Marielle:  Oh no! I had no idea! That's terrible. No wonder he portrayed it as so gruesome, he was really there!

Marielle: Wow, I'm glad I chose you to come on this date with me. I'm sure none of the other guys would have had the same insight into that movie that you do.
Leopold:  I’m sure none of them would have been so gauche as to choose such a disturbing movie for a date in the first place.

Marielle:  Don’t make yourself out to be the bad guy.  You suggested it, but I chose it and I don’t regret it.  Let’s talk about something else.

Leopold:  Thank you, Marielle.  I really like the art deco style of the Simlux Cinema Palace.  It was one of the best things to come out of the 1920’s.
Marielle:  I agree.  I love the rich colours and bold geometrical motifs of the period.  The whole culture is so fascinating to me! The decadence and style. (sigh) Fantastic. Well, shall we get a table?
Leopold: Yes, let's.

Leopold: Here, allow me to get your seat.
Marielle: Why thank you, Leopold.

Leopold:  Have you eaten here before? 
Marielle: No, never. I arrived in Starlight Shores not long before you did, actually. They arranged all of the dates for me, although I did have some input.

Leopold: What do you think is the most interesting on this menu? 
Marielle: Oh, my! Well, there are a lot of choices. Uh, the Lemon and Eggplant Lasagne sounds good . . . right? It certainly has exotic ingredients!
Leopold:  Then I shall try that.  Would you prefer to order for yourself? 
Marielle: Oh! Well, I usually do, but since we are in the 1920s here, why not be traditional? I'll have the Plasma Chowder.

Nina: Hey Susie, come here! Did you notice who's on Table 1?
Susie: From here I can see a handsome man--hel-lo gorgeous!
Nina: No, the lady!
Susie (squinting): Is she a vampire?
Nina: Yes! But not just any vampire, that's Marielle Neige, the bachelorette! From The Bachelorette!
Susie: Oh! So that guy is one of the bachelors?
Nina: Looks like Leopold.
Susie (muttering): If she doesn't want him, I'll take him.
Nina: Listen, I'll make you a deal. I'll take the order, and you can bring their food.
Susie: Deal!

Nina: Hello, I'm Nina, and I'll be your server this evening. Would you care for something to drink?
Leopold: Not just now, thank you.

Nina: All right then, are you ready to order?
Leopold: Yes, thank you. The lady will have the Plasma Chowder and I would like the Lemon and Eggplant Lasagne.
Nina: Copacetic! That'll be out in two shakes.
Leopold: Excellent. Thank you.

Leopold:  First of all, thank you for granting me the privilege of being your first private date card.  It’s an honour that I value highly. 
Marielle: You're welcome. I'd say I chose well--It's been delightful.
Leopold: Well, thank you. I too have enjoyed it thus far.

Leopold: This restaurant is indeed an elegant setting and enhanced exponentially with the grace of your presence.  I noticed all the heads turn toward you as we entered.  That is a particularly becoming hairstyle.  It suits your face and enhances your eyes.
Marielle: Oh, thank you! That's very sweet of you to say. I'm fairly overwhelmed with praise.

Susie: Here you are! Here's your lasagne and plasma chowder.
Leopold and Marielle: Thank you.

Susie: I'm Susie, by the way.
Marielle: Thank you, Susie.
Susie: So if you need anything, you can just . . . uh . . . give me a call.

Marielle: We will!
Susie: Especially you, sir.
Leopold: Thank you.
Marielle (hinting gently): Goodbye, Susie.
Susie: Oh, right.

Congratulations to viewers melancholy_anju and chetanhaobijam for correctly guessing what kind of club the two would be going to! Your prize is the admiration and envy of your peers. Now proceed to Dinner, Part II
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By samoht04

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: Dinner, Part I
« Reply #1625 on: March 26, 2014, 04:46:12 PM »

Aw, I love the servers gushing over their star patrons for the evening. So cute!

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: Dinner, Part I
« Reply #1626 on: March 26, 2014, 04:47:10 PM »
I'm not sure whether it's the change of photo hosting site or the hairstyle but Marielle's face looks quite different in a lot of those screenshots.  Maybe it's just the expressions.

And that dress really brings out her um... endowments.  Leo's probably far too much of a gentleman to notice  :P.

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: Dinner, Part I
« Reply #1627 on: March 26, 2014, 05:44:18 PM »
Hehehe, loved the waitresses discussing the two of them XD That was great.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: Dinner, Part I
« Reply #1628 on: March 26, 2014, 09:32:35 PM »
Cute update!  I loved the staging of some of the subtle bits like him being the gentleman and pulling out her chair.  Nicely done!

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: Dinner, Part I
« Reply #1629 on: March 27, 2014, 02:37:22 AM »
I must agree with Kenshin's observations about what a phenomenal person Everette is.  What a very insightful young fellow he is  :=)
I liked that you gave the non-date contestants the spotlight for a bit.  That was a really nice touch (as was weaving in the "talk bubbles" into the Everette and Kenshin conversation so well).

Hahah. He is also a very respectful young man.
Yes, I made an effort to pop over to the mansion to get a few screenshots. I'll try to do that when I can. And thanks for the compliment about speech bubbles. I do make an effort with those. This time, Rhoxi helped me out with a few ideas.

Hmm... Such an interesting chat between Kenshin and Everette. Wonder when they will becoming best buddy finally.
Good luck on your game quest as well as (wooing)woman quest then Kenshin  ;)

Well, they are well on their way! Although I think that Talus is still a much closer friend to Kenshin.
I'm sure Kenshin thanks you!

You always learn the most about people when you have to share a building with them! Glad to see that it works for Everette and Kenshin.

Also, I think I just noticed, but did your graphics improve? Or is Flickr just preserving picture quality better? Because the last two updates plus the confession cam pics earlier are quite sharp!

Indeed, how interesting it must be! It's nice for them to take the opportunity to get to know each other.

Well, I'm not sure. I played all this quite awhile ago but I don't remember changing the graphics settings, so it must be Flickr! That's nice, eh?

For some reason, I love that Nathaniel is lounging in his swim trunks indoors.

Haha! I suppose he didn't think it worth bothering  to change. After all, the luxury of lounging and watching television in one's bathing suit is incomparable.

Love the conversations. 

Thank you!

DIMITRI! He's so... dreamy and artistic! I Must cheer for him!  :-*

Love this story, it has me on the edge of my seat!!!! Much love, Rosa! Sooooooooooooo glad that this story isn't on complete Hiatus! 


Sounds like you need a Dimitri banner in your signature! Links in the information post!

I am very glad of your enthusiasm! It's nice to have that incentive to keep posting.

I love the story! So cute. I'm rooting for Dimitri, but I like most of them honestly.

Thank you, and welcome! I agree, it's a fine batch of bachelors. Ha! That was a pun! Kind of.

Aw, I love the servers gushing over their star patrons for the evening. So cute!

Thanks! I thought that was a fun moment. It was enjoyable to shoot and even more so to write.

I'm not sure whether it's the change of photo hosting site or the hairstyle but Marielle's face looks quite different in a lot of those screenshots.  Maybe it's just the expressions.

And that dress really brings out her um... endowments.  Leo's probably far too much of a gentleman to notice  :P.

Ah. Well, I do think her hairstyle has some influence on her face, but mostly it's the expressions. It's a jazz club, so musicians are playing, and that is her 'listening to music' face. Leo is doing it too at some points, but I managed to hide it a little better. It's not my favourite thing because I think she looks like some kind of waterfowl with that face, but I couldn't do anything about it. Except, I suppose, not play music. Hmmm--that hadn't occurred to me.

Hahahah! I noticed the same thing while putting together the update. Wow.

Hehehe, loved the waitresses discussing the two of them XD That was great.

Thanks! A stroke of inspiration on my part. ;)

Cute update!  I loved the staging of some of the subtle bits like him being the gentleman and pulling out her chair.  Nicely done!

Thank you! I appreciate the specific mention because that took some doing to set up. 
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By samoht04

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: Dinner, Part I
« Reply #1630 on: March 27, 2014, 03:00:35 AM »
 ;D Talus!
Always amazing to see him. Not to mention that Everette is a fine character indeed, so it was fun to see Talus best him in the water balloon fight.
That was such a fascinating chat between Everette and Kenshin by the way. I love how each bachelor brings somehing truly unique to the table, and creates a wonderful blend of fun.
Focusing on the date, I'm really surprised I actually guessed something right. Yay! I was worried though for a moment what might happen if Miss Susie stuck around much longer.

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: Dinner, Part I
« Reply #1631 on: March 27, 2014, 05:36:01 AM »
Awesome chapter. The date is going great. I knew it must a jazz club seeing their jazz style. And like the gossip between Nina ans Susie. Looking forward for next update.
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: Dinner, Part I
« Reply #1632 on: March 27, 2014, 03:09:02 PM »
;D Talus!
Always amazing to see him. Not to mention that Everette is a fine character indeed, so it was fun to see Talus best him in the water balloon fight.
That was such a fascinating chat between Everette and Kenshin by the way. I love how each bachelor brings somehing truly unique to the table, and creates a wonderful blend of fun.
Focusing on the date, I'm really surprised I actually guessed something right. Yay! I was worried though for a moment what might happen if Miss Susie stuck around much longer.

Ah yes, I suppose Everette may have been too focused on more traditional pursuits to learn how to water balloon fight--although I'm sure he has a natural affinity and there's no saying where Talus picked it up ;)
Ah thanks. I too am delighted at how different they all are. The variety is perfectly wonderful! Thanks so much to the sponsors for their unique and wonderful creations.
Well, what do you know! Perhaps you too have a natural affinity--for guessing Bachelorette locations! Hahaha. Oh yes, Miss Susie is perhaps just a little too interested in Mr Leopold.

Awesome chapter. The date is going great. I knew it must a jazz club seeing their jazz style. And like the gossip between Nina ans Susie. Looking forward for next update.

Thank you! It had indeed been a most elegant and enlightening evening. Ah yes, good detective work there! Do you have the Perceptve trait? And yes, that gossip was fun. It occurred to me that Nina might, like many of the servers I know, enjoy watching a show such as The Bachelorette and would recognise two of its main cast.
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By samoht04

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: Dinner, Part I
« Reply #1633 on: March 29, 2014, 05:35:58 AM »
It's not my favourite thing because I think she looks like some kind of waterfowl with that face

I hadn't quite thought of it that way.  Great description :D.

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Week 1, Date 3: Dinner, Part I
« Reply #1634 on: April 05, 2014, 02:01:08 AM »
Hello, I just wanted to say I have been reading the forum for a little while now, but it was your story that drew me in to register an account! I'm only on page 7 or 8, but the story rules were really fun, and the replicating of all The Bachelorette's little details e.g. introduction banner, was so funny! I really liked your attention to detail and just the imagination that goes into description... even the house tour "ming vase from Sha Simla" hahaha! I hope I get a chance to submit a Sim for any role (even a small one) in the future, or for another story. But I will keep reading~

Thank you for writing and sharing your story  :D
I hope this post is ok, it's my first post on the forum.