Rosa, I'm not sure you wish to divulge this information, but I'm going to ask anyway You make occasional reference to her wish panel, and I'm assuming it plays into your algorithm, too. Is there a method to (your madness) of when you lock/grant those wishes, or do you simply take note and exercise restraint on the actions she does so the bachelors remain on a more or less equal footing for now? Well, as far as we see anyway...
I'm rather enjoying these debates... I'm team Everette, so I don't see a big reason to enter into them, after all, slow and steady wins the race but this is so much fun to follow
Haha. It's not directly related to the algorithm, so I will answer it. And you can never know until you ask, right? So you might as well, unless I've already told you and/or said I won't answer. Everything else is safe
I have mods in my game, so I can keep all the wishes I want. I try to grant as many wishes of all kinds as possible for everyone. As part of my strategy for this game, I leave them on high free will (unless I'm screenshotting something in my second file) and go by their wishes to tell them what to do. Most everything they do they either wished to do it or did it autonomously. For example, Nathaniel autonomously 'tested' the Love Tester and I thought it was funny so I shot it and included it. It's a bit mad trying to get screenshots of everyone and keeping it all straight, but I do my best
I do direct them but I try to keep my influence minimal (aside from the obvious fact that I'm making them go on these dates). It's all part of the way I try to make this as natural, realistic, and fair as possible. I do take extensive notes. I think at last count I have . . . mmmm . . . I want to say five spreadsheets just for this story. I keep track of
everything. Within reason. But I don't really restrain them as I am not concerned with keeping them equal. Keeping them equal is not the point, and it's actually kind of counterproductive. Besides, that would be more artificial, which is what I'm trying to avoid. I do try to direct her to interact with all of them though, for the sake of giving them an equal
chance and because it's in character for her to make the effort. But I follow her wishes first and foremost, and theirs as well.
Well, that was fairly long!
I'm glad you're enjoying the debates. Team Everette can rest easy this week, but Week 2 the points reset so watch out! It's very typical of him though to sit back and watch. It seems his team emulates him.
Me <-- Reads entry about date card, then squees aloud and claps hands.
(I forgot where they are going next, but now I think I know. Awesome. )
Yep, that's where they're going
Although there are a few updates in between, sorry to make you wait.
By the way, no one responded-are you guys interested in me uploading Lions and Tigers and Bears!?