Author Topic: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Goodbye for Now 18/8  (Read 549291 times)

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Pre-Third Date Card
« Reply #1305 on: August 28, 2013, 12:23:09 AM »
Just a Sim-Fu master?! Dude, I just came back from my best friend's martial arts practice, and that stuff is hardCORE. If Sim-Fu is anything like MMA, it takes skill and a lot of practice just to figure out how to stand right! (Seriously, before today, I had no idea that anyone could legit move their waist without moving their hips.) :P That kind of thing is LIFE-LONG. If he's a master, he's a master.
Yeah, I know that mastering martial arts takes long time and need patience, courage and ability. I am Asian. So, I know somewhat about martial arts. One of my uncle is black belt in taekwondo. I will edit that post if you wish.
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

Offline ILoveDolls

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Pre-Third Date Card
« Reply #1306 on: August 28, 2013, 02:00:09 AM »
Okay people, I was kidding ;D I have no skin in the game. I'm sure Nathaniel will make absolutely gorgeous nooboos. If it matters, I shall switch my team to his ;D Go Nathaniel!!

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Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Pre-Third Date Card
« Reply #1307 on: August 28, 2013, 02:21:30 AM »
After the third date. Please stop asking that. It's been asked so often, it gives Rosa a twitch and makes her grumpy, and NOBODY LIKES A TWITCHY GRUMPY ROSA. NOBODY. NOT EVEN ROSA.

It was a joke about how I wanted Nathaniel to go home, Gwendy! Not real life asking.

And of course, I know all the contributors put in a lot of work and effort and I think it's all fantastic.

But I shall bow out!

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Pre-Third Date Card
« Reply #1308 on: August 28, 2013, 02:36:15 AM »
I am dying of laughter. Sorry, Demi Lovato, Tom Hiddleston, and Lady Gaga--I think it's pretty clear that I am the one who has the best fans in the world. Seriously, you guys are great.

I'm a little intimidated by all this--usually I quote every comment but I wasn't expecting so much while I was gone--okay here I go! Shoot, they don't even all fit on this screen, I have to open a new tab! Hahaha I hope my complaining conveys how purely happy I am about this ;)

Just caught up with this, I was grinning like a loon at Dimitri  ;D

Gosh that bought back memories and just seemed so him, when my sim married him it was because he chased her every time he saw her and did nothing but flirt despite not being flirty, still trying hard not to favour him over the others though but chapters like that don't make it easy when I already have such a soft spot for him.

*grins back* Glad to hear it. I take it as a compliment that I wrote it well, since it seems in character for him. And I hope to give everyone a spotlight at some point which may make it easier for you. In the meantime, don't censure yourself, go ahead and bask in the Dimitri-love! If I saw Goodwin Goode doing well on a show like this I'd 1) get insanely, incredibly jealous and then 2)  be really nostalgic and happy for him, so feel free to do the same (without the jealousy, if you prefer).

Whew! Took a couple of hours, but really worth the wait. You, Rosa, and all the creators have done such a fantastic job! Lots to say and I won’t say it with some inane comment either. Things I felt strongly about:

I'm not going to quote all 17 but I will respond to them. Trying to save space in this post ;) First of all, it's an honour to have the Queen of Darkness visit my little story, and welcome and thank you for reading. You made a valiant effort to catch up with all the comments and you may rest assured that now you can just do normal ones as you'll no doubt be keeping up and following along ;)

Okay, ready? 1. Yes, he absolutely is. Have you read his back-story on Pottermore? I cried. It is positively heart-breaking. 2. Thank you! I tried to make it so. I always feel it's more fun that way--as long as they eventually tell us! And keep a list somewhere, because I often feel the need to look back and check again. 3. Buahahaha I love it, I don't even know what to say to that but I laughed out loud. 4. You're so bad! As if I would let him die! Hahaha but he did look it for a minute, didn't he. 5. I think 'insanely' fits nicely here--I am insanely over-dedicated. This is the project of a madwoman. 6. Hahaha oh you wait, I am holding some brilliant Tenshin moments in my hand for when they're needed--buahahaha *rubs hands together* but don't assume already Marielle is going to pick Dimitri! It's only the second date! Well, third, about to be, now. 7. Ha what herbs? What are you even talking about? I am so lost, but still cracking up-- 8. I know, it's awful, here's this gorgeous maid in their room--it's so messed up. 9. That is Vinyl's genius. I also laughed. 10. I dunno, he seemed pretty keen on the idea to me . . . I mean, the vamp in question is Marielle, so . . . 'sides, I don't think he's that kind of snob. More 'tell everyone how great and wonderful I am' than 'eww go away don't touch me nope farther I can still smell you'. 11. Ever since watching The Big Bang Theory Cranston looks exactly like Leonard Hofstadter to me and it trips me out. Penny can give Cranston a rose instead (wow that actually made sense in my head...) 12. Haha, awesome right? You want them to play in your city, no? 13. Thank you, thank you. 14. I can see that, yeah. You'll notice that Nathaniel was adamant that he was coming for the 'right reasons' and not at all money and fame before he actually met Marielle. Now he's trying to downplay his feelings for her. Clever viewers will notice a pattern of behaviour and what it indicates. *wink* 15. Mmmm. Interesting. 16. Be nice :P 17. Sounds like you want him to win you! Hahahah

Hah! Just now got it.

Yeah, bit of a stealth pun the way it was just slipped in there--

Bahahaha, Sorry, Nathaniel, that sounded a bit like a blow-off to me.

On a completely unrelated note, when is the rose ceremony?

Going to go ahead and assume you meant the American meaning of that phrase, because the British meaning, while hilarious in this context, doesn't make as much sense. You did mean someone was disregarding him disdainfully, right?

The other commenters have this right, it will be at the end of the first week, after the third date. There's a post but I'm not going to bother linking it. You can find it in the table of contents though, explaining how it works and I will explain further when it is upon us.

Quite funny, right? Yeah, sorry Squirt, I hit my 20 PM limit :(

My thoughts exactly. Please don't let it be Kenshin!!!

Aww, that would just break your heart wouldn't it? Right after you discovered him . . .

I hit the limit too. Now back to the topic at hand. I don't care about Kenshin, sure he's sweet, but he's all goody-two-shoes. Marielle needs someone a bit more fun. ;D

I think we need the definition of two terms here: goody-two-shoes and fun. You know Marielle has the good trait, right? Did I ever tell you all Marielle's traits? Now I can't remember.

Oh, but they'd make adorable babies. Think of the children!!  ;D

Do you know, I have actually seen the combination of those two sets of genes and they did come out very well.

Before Team Kenshin explodes, they did not mate in game. It was Play with Genetics in CAS.

And what about Nathaniel wouldn't make adorable babies?

I have been carefully restraining myself from checking them all, but I'm pretty sure Marielle would make adorable babies with just about anyone.

After the third date. Please stop asking that. It's been asked so often, it gives Rosa a twitch and makes her grumpy, and NOBODY LIKES A TWITCHY GRUMPY ROSA. NOBODY. NOT EVEN ROSA.

And ILoveDolls, there's no need to be hatin'. This story's all about the love, man. (And everybody worked really hard on it all.) Positive vibes only, please.

Yeah, Gwendy's got my back! She even remembers my terminology--*sniff*--it's been awhile and my tolerance has grown in the interval, but yeah, in general asking me questions I've answered a billion times makes me very irritable and is generally considered to be a bad idea. People's favourite bachelors have been known to catch fire--haha, no, that was an unrelated incident. Hahaha.

LOVE! Okay, I am getting weird. Anyway, positive is preferred, yeah. If you must vent, my inbox is always open. That way we can keep down the flame wars on the thread. Haha. Wars. I just had this image of everyone in Dragon Valley armour in their bachelor's colours charging on a battlefield . . . Anyway, people did work hard, and I think Dolls mentioned that, yeah let's allllll benice, okays?

Yeah, keep the good vibrations going! ;)

How do you get the music note things? .r I'm pickin' up good vibrations . . .  .r.r

Can I join in?
Nathaniel is the master of fame, and attractiveness. No one can compete against him(in terms of these factors). And who says he and Marielle can't make cute nooboos? Fairy and Vampire nooboos are always cute.
Team Nathaniel rocks!

Thanks for editing--the good vibrations means keeping it positive, so thank you for doing that in this response. Nathaniel is indeed famous and attractive. Well, not as famous as some people. But don't let him hear you mentioning old Baby-Face.

Feel free to join, I think this is okay as long as we never say anything bad about anyone, just bring up the good about our particular favorite.

Well, Marielle is super friendly to everyone, which I think is her best quality. She tries to see the best in everyone she meets, and she's really accepting and nurturing. Oh, sorry--only Marielle's my favourite, you see ;D

Thanks. We, Team Nathaniel, can't resist bad words on Nathaniel any longer. But we are not those who will make bad comments and take offence on other team. We are the good teams, and good team always win.
And for the comment on Rose ceremony. Please read the rules and guidelines before posting about it. It annoys Rosa and nobody likes grumpy Rosa. Everybody likes happy and calm Rosa. Please don't do the mistake that I did in my earlier days in this forum.:(

You do know this isn't really a team sport, right Chetan? I mean, the winner won't be based on the fans at all--but I'm glad you have confidence in your team, anyway.
Aww, thanks Chetan, I'm glad you learned from your experiences and I hope I didn't hurt your feelings because I think you were the poor soul who got blindsided by my wrath last time. You are right, everyone does like a happy and calm Rosa better than the grumpy twitchy one.

Just a Sim-Fu master?! Dude, I just came back from my best friend's martial arts practice, and that stuff is hardCORE. If Sim-Fu is anything like MMA, it takes skill and a lot of practice just to figure out how to stand right! (Seriously, before today, I had no idea that anyone could legit move their waist without moving their hips.) :P That kind of thing is LIFE-LONG. If he's a master, he's a master.

Martial arts are way cool. I still regret that I only progressed to a yellow belt in Kung Fu, but I have hopes to continue someday. I'm not dead yet! And yeah, there's tons of things you take for granted before you learn martial arts. Such as being right handed, for example. We weren't allowed to have a dominant hand in my class.

Yeah, I know that mastering martial arts takes long time and need patience, courage and ability. I am Asian. So, I know somewhat about martial arts. One of my uncle is black belt in taekwondo. I will edit that post if you wish.

I really have nothing to add to this. Good on your uncle.

Wow just as I am posting my long response I get my favourite message--Warning - while you were typing ... blah blah blah ... new replies ... and there are two! Yay!

Okay people, I was kidding ;D I have no skin in the game. I'm sure Nathaniel will make absolutely gorgeous nooboos. If it matters, I shall switch my team to his ;D Go Nathaniel!!

You don't have to switch teams, I think Nathaniel already has the biggest following anyway. They're certainly the most vocal. Go on and give Kenshin your support. Help yourself to a banner if you like! And passionate Team Nathanielers--Dolls has an unusual sense of humour. You'll get used to it. And she'll try to be nice although it doesn't come naturally. :P

It was a joke about how I wanted Nathaniel to go home, Gwendy! Not real life asking.

And of course, I know all the contributors put in a lot of work and effort and I think it's all fantastic.

But I shall bow out!

Ohhhh, I see, the 'completely unrelated note' was sarcasm! *slaps forehead* hahaha! Well, you can't blame Gwendy, she's trying to protect us all from Grumpy Rosa.

(old man with a bushy moustache voice) Yes! Fantastic! Quite so, quite so. Hmm hmm.
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By samoht04

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Pre-Third Date Card
« Reply #1309 on: August 28, 2013, 03:05:43 AM »
It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes somehow. The best we can do is learn from them.

And for the word/line, I was going to write 'sim supported by good team'. But I forgot the line.
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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Pre-Third Date Card
« Reply #1310 on: August 28, 2013, 06:21:58 AM »
Do you know, I have actually seen the combination of those two sets of genes and they did come out very well.

Before Team Kenshin explodes, they did not mate in game. It was Play with Genetics in CAS.

Thus are the advantages of having hosted a certain show with a certain contestant in it. Playing with Genetics!  ;D

Offline ILoveDolls

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Pre-Third Date Card
« Reply #1311 on: August 28, 2013, 08:47:16 AM »
@ Rosa, there was a picture of Leo kicking his stir fry up a notch. With University you can add herbs to the dishes to improve them. I just wasn't certain that's all Leo's doing...spotlight mushrooms, indeed ^____^

Okay, then, I shall remain #teamKenshin. I'll bet they were beauties--the progeny. Its just the tall, dark, and Asian aesthetic on Kenshin which makes me believe he and Marielle would give birth to stunners. But of course, being in mad, passionate love with any version of Thor, makes me believe that Nathaniel's beauteous fairness would also create striking nooboos. See there, a compromise ;)

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Offline Swirl-Girl

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Pre-Third Date Card
« Reply #1312 on: August 28, 2013, 10:02:43 AM »
The good thing about this is that this is sims, and we really aren't squabbling over someone's future, just the life and happiness of a bunch of pixels. Even good sims can have some fun sometimes! *twitch* *twitch*

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Pre-Third Date Card
« Reply #1313 on: August 28, 2013, 03:24:46 PM »
Wow, everyone is so passionate here! I want Leopold to win, but something is telling me it's going to be Talus, don't ask me why. I loved all of the second date and you and Vinyl need a big round of applause for all those fantastic Sims *claps loudly and awkwardly waits for others to join in*
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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Pre-Third Date Card
« Reply #1314 on: August 28, 2013, 03:35:31 PM »
*Joins in with the applau*. (Any other ISIHAC fans around?)

I really hope Leopold gets a one-on-one date next.  Not because I'm on Team Leo (I'm not on Team Anything, despite finding Talus oddly attractive) but because he and Everette missed out on the last date and we already know Babyface is safe.

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Pre-Third Date Card
« Reply #1315 on: August 28, 2013, 03:49:18 PM »
Wow, everyone is so passionate here! I want Leopold to win, but something is telling me it's going to be Talus, don't ask me why. I loved all of the second date and you and Vinyl need a big round of applause for all those fantastic Sims *claps loudly and awkwardly waits for others to join in*

Joins applause too

Thanks Snufflesxx for being Team Leo.  I don't think there are too many of us.

*Joins in with the applau*. (Any other ISIHAC fans around?)

I really hope Leopold gets a one-on-one date next.  Not because I'm on Team Leo (I'm not on Team Anything, despite finding Talus oddly attractive) but because he and Everette missed out on the last date and we already know Babyface is safe.

Stranger things have happened hazelnut.  I guess we just all have to wait and see.  Not being pushy Rosa because we all know that we don't want a twitchy grumpy Rosa.
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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Pre-Third Date Card
« Reply #1316 on: August 28, 2013, 05:18:32 PM »
*Claps just a bit too hard, and then looks around and join their leisurely pace.*

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Pre-Third Date Card
« Reply #1317 on: August 28, 2013, 06:53:09 PM »
It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes somehow. The best we can do is learn from them.

And for the word/line, I was going to write 'sim supported by good team'. But I forgot the line.

Oh, good. A very mature view to take of it, Chetan. Good for you.

Ahhhh that makes much more sense, thank you.

Thus are the advantages of having hosted a certain show with a certain contestant in it. Playing with Genetics!  ;D

Indeed. I suppose it's only fair since you did inspire the show and all ;)

@ Rosa, there was a picture of Leo kicking his stir fry up a notch. With University you can add herbs to the dishes to improve them. I just wasn't certain that's all Leo's doing...spotlight mushrooms, indeed ^____^

Okay, then, I shall remain #teamKenshin. I'll bet they were beauties--the progeny. Its just the tall, dark, and Asian aesthetic on Kenshin which makes me believe he and Marielle would give birth to stunners. But of course, being in mad, passionate love with any version of Thor, makes me believe that Nathaniel's beauteous fairness would also create striking nooboos. See there, a compromise ;)

Ohhhhh I remember now. Hahaha I was all :o No, he didn't add anything as far as I'm aware . . . but what do I know, I'm just the Watcher.

They were, yes. Very lovely. I wasn't sure how Kenshin's very sculpted features would mix, but it was surprisingly handsome! Hmmm, I suppose Nathaniel is rather Thorish looking. Let us once again give thanks at not only the personality variety but the variety of looks as well! How wonderful! And good on you for compromising.

The good thing about this is that this is sims, and we really aren't squabbling over someone's future, just the life and happiness of a bunch of pixels. Even good sims can have some fun sometimes! *twitch* *twitch*

Yeah--the sad thing is, on the real show people do squabble over real people's future. But I do get attached to my Sims and they are very real to me.

Wow, everyone is so passionate here! I want Leopold to win, but something is telling me it's going to be Talus, don't ask me why. I loved all of the second date and you and Vinyl need a big round of applause for all those fantastic Sims *claps loudly and awkwardly waits for others to join in*

Yeah, isn't it great? Interesting. We shall see. So much speculation! I'm glad you enjoyed that date. It was a lot of work but a lot of fun as well. Thank you for the applause.

*Joins in with the applau*. (Any other ISIHAC fans around?)

I really hope Leopold gets a one-on-one date next.  Not because I'm on Team Leo (I'm not on Team Anything, despite finding Talus oddly attractive) but because he and Everette missed out on the last date and we already know Babyface is safe.

I haven't watched nearly enough of that show. I love Stephen Fry. He is just hilarious.

Sound reasoning. We shall see if Marielle shares your logic. I find Talus attractive as well. Well, I find them all attractive, truth be told. It's great being me! ;D

Joins applause too

Thanks Snufflesxx for being Team Leo.  I don't think there are too many of us.

Stranger things have happened hazelnut.  I guess we just all have to wait and see.  Not being pushy Rosa because we all know that we don't want a twitchy grumpy Rosa.

I think Team Leo is quieter than Team Nathaniel. Makes them harder to spot.

Hahaha. Thanks Magz. I just worked it all out and since you have been so patient and the readers have been so good, commenting all over the place, I reward you with the third date card. It took longer than usual because I had to make some important adjustments.

*Claps just a bit too hard, and then looks around and join their leisurely pace.*

Now I've forgotten why everyone's clapping. Oh yes, Sims. Right, Thank you, thank you.
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By samoht04

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Third Date Card
« Reply #1318 on: August 28, 2013, 06:55:54 PM »
Nathaniel re-enters the bunk room as Leopold has just got dressed.

Nathaniel: Whatcha reading?
Leopold: Catch a Magic Fish, Cook a Magic Meal.
Nathaniel: Sound advice. What's the book called?
Leopold: That is the title.
Nathaniel: Oh. What's it about?
Leopold: I don’t know yet, but you can read this book after me if you wish.
Nathaniel: Nah, don't think so. You enjoy that.

Just then, host Devin Ashton enters the room.

Devin: Morning, gents! If you would kindly all dress and assemble in the middle of the room?

Devin: Excellent. We begin. Well, up until now you've had exclusively group dates. Although not all of you have been on every date--(nods toward Everette and Leopold)--every date has had multiple bachelors. Tonight will be the first one-on-one date with our lovely bachelorette, Marielle.
(murmurs of interest and excitement from the bachelors)
Devin: This is, as you of course realise, a momentous opportunity to get to know the bachelorette on a personal level, with no one else competing for her attention.
Nathaniel: Yes!

Devin: Well, no doubt you're all impatient to know who will be going on this date. So, without further ado, let's go to the date card! This date's card comes in F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic masterpiece, The Great Gatsby.

Devin: 'Leopold--'
Nathaniel, Dominic, Dimitri: (groan)
Devin: 'Join me for an evening of elegance. Dinner and a show--talk about a classic!' Signed Marielle with a heart, as usual.

Leopold: Does it say what I should wear?
Devin: Yes, There's a note at the bottom. 'Don't worry, Platinum will dress you for the occasion!' And there's a little winky face.

Leopold: Platinum will dress me? Is that another clue? Do I need to wear some article of platinum jewellery?
Devin: (chuckles) You will find out this afternoon, I'm sure. Simply be patient.
Everette: Congratulations, Leopold.

Everette Confession Cam
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Devin: Well, fellas, I have to go now. Enjoy your day! Leopold, have a nice evening with Marielle. I'll see all of you tomorrow at the Rose Ceremony!

Leopold Confession Cam
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Dimitri: Well, congrats, Leopold. I guess it's only fair, since you didn't get to go last night.
Nathaniel: Everette didn't get to go either.
Everette: I already have roses, I am not concerned. I appreciate your concern, however.
Nathaniel: Concern? Pah! I was pointing out a victory over my opponent!

Nathaniel Confession Cam
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Leopold (rising): Well, gentlemen, if you’re at all acquainted with the game of cricket, you’ll be aware that the opening batsman rarely ‘carries the bat’. 
Everette:  I may not know cricket but I do understand ‘primacy and recency effect’.
Leopold:  (smiling) Then I shall maintain high hopes for the former not the latter.  So, to make it up to you guys, how I about I make lunch for everyone.  Suggestions anyone?
Dominic: My favourite is Grilled Cheese!
Nathaniel: Sounds good to me!
Everette: Your cooking is excellent.

Leopold: Then Grilled Cheese it shall be.

Dimitri Confession Cam
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Kenshin Confession Cam
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Oops! Forgot Marielle's Confession Cam!
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By samoht04

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Third Date Card
« Reply #1319 on: August 28, 2013, 07:10:53 PM »
I'm expecting Platinum to be a flamboyant designer with an untraceable accent.  I'm also expecting Everette to win.  Let's all take a moment to enjoy what a good sport he was when he congratulated Leopold.