Author Topic: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Goodbye for Now 18/8  (Read 547629 times)

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Blooper Reel
« Reply #330 on: March 30, 2013, 01:18:02 PM »
Now all we need is some shots with a certain Mexican/Spanish maid from a certain show with a certain fat guy with a certain IQ below 0 who has a certain talking dog and a certain wife who has two certain teenage children and a certain baby who certainly wants to kill her. ;)

Nooo, no, I stay. :|

Also, @Blayzen: Well, it's all up to Chris Sanders, my lovely bachelor, to decide if she is "the one".

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Blooper Reel
« Reply #331 on: March 30, 2013, 03:06:16 PM »
Hope everything will be better, Rosa :)
I'll pray for you and I believe your readers too feel the same.
I know that you can do it. Keep fighting, Rosa!

I'm not thinking like what you're thinking actually (about fresh story). It's seem not fair when you always comment on my story, but I don't have my chance to comment yours too (for me) :D You know reading story is fun and always be better when there are response from each others (the encouragement things)  ;D

Thank you, Eld-san. I am proceeding apace! And that's a nice way of looking at it. I'll try to give you plenty of opportunities to encourage me :)

Haha I giggled hard at this update! Thank you Rosa!
Interesting how many of them love talking about nooboos? ;)
And wedding cakes? :D

You're welcome, Iless! It was the two Family-Oriented boys that talked about nooboos the most, which I suppose makes sense. Leopold was really on about the wedding stuff, though! Kept bringing it up! Most of them didn't, so I find that interesting. Because I love to read into the things the Sims do.

Well, Kenshin's gonna have a tough time beating someone who can swim in the air if Kenshin can't swim at all! Poor hydrophobia.

Dominic sure loves his babies, doesn't he?  ;)

Aww, poor Kenshin. He won't even enjoy the lovely pool! Yes, Dominic really does. I'm like, 'Come on, man! Talk about something else! I need material for this interview!'

Welp, time to go home. Everette can swim in the air. There's no hope for anyone else. It's obvious who the real winner is now.  ::)

And Kenshin has my sympathies. I'm hydrophobic, too.

But seriously, good interlude! And I'm sorry that Talus is so straight-laced. I think he's trying extra hard to be just to get back at Rosenrot.

edit: And I just realized that Rosa called me a wonderful, beautiful, lovely person. That's all I'm taking out of this whole thing. "Rosa called me lovely, oh, happy day!"

And you're really awesome, too.  :)

Haha, who knew that a chance comment would garner Everette so much support? ;) I guess it's down to how much Marielle is into men that can swim in the air.

Don't apologise, I was really pleased it worked out that way. Nothing beats ending an update with an intimidating look at the camera.

Haha, I'm glad I can make your day so easily. I'll have to call you lovely once a day now! (Thank you)

Hahahaha . . . now, if only you'd shown Everette catching on fire! Ah, well, I suppose that might have pushed us all over the edge at this point . . .

Ah, I can't believe I didn't add that! What was I thinking? The perfect blooper! Sigh.

Don't forget Nathaniel! Love Nathaniel, love...
Great bloopers!

Swirl-Girl--Nathaniel's most devoted fan. Yes, Azo-chan, I am including you in the list.

Now I'm pretty sure you're going to think I'm crazy for jumping ahead of myself but may I suggest a follow-up season? Similar to what happens on television every day? I think we need a season of The Bachelor! Who should our contestant be, you ask? Why, it has to be Rosenrot of the Trolls! Please, pretty please? I laughed so hard reading her update, I can only imagine the adventures she would have trying to cut her list of suitors down to just one!  :-*

As always, love the update! The Blooper Reel was inspired genius - Everette swimming in air, Nooboos everywhere, and showered Kenshin & his cats... :-X

Oh, I don't think you're crazy. It's not the first time someone has brought it up. I think I need to do an official statement. Don't feel bad, because you're only one of many, many people who have brought this up. So don't think you were the cause or anything. And incidentally, I don't think Rosenrot would do it. As much as she enjoys watching the show for the novelty of such a backwards way of doing things, she wouldn't want to participate in something where she had to get fewer suitors. Gwendy, correct me if I'm wrong here.

Thank you. It was a fun though long journey. Showered? Hmmm, I'll be trying to decipher that later. But yeah, I though the cat bit was cute too. And I honestly didn't think there would be so much uproar about Everette swimming in air! Funny.

Now all we need is some shots with a certain Mexican/Spanish maid from a certain show with a certain fat guy with a certain IQ below 0 who has a certain talking dog and a certain wife who has two certain teenage children and a certain baby who certainly wants to kill her. ;)

Nooo, no, I stay. :|

Also, @Blayzen: Well, it's all up to Chris Sanders, my lovely bachelor, to decide if she is "the one".

Ohhh no, no Family Guy. No no no.

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Official Announcement
« Reply #332 on: March 30, 2013, 03:12:59 PM »
Official Announcement

Hello, lovely readers! I have an official announcement to make. (Looking back on it, that seems a bit redundant, doesn't it? Kind of obvious, yeah?)

Quite a few people have asked me about the possibility of doing a second season of The Bachelorette or even a spin-off series, such as The Bachelor. These are things I have already considered. However, I am being deliberately noncommittal about them. I have yet to get through one season of The Bachelorette successfully. I don't know yet if it will work at all or how much effort it will be (so far, an awful lot, and I haven't even started playing the story yet!) So I don't want to commit to doing more until I see how this goes. I reserve the right to do more in the future, but I was raised not to make promises I'm not sure I can keep, so you won't see me saying, 'Yes, I will' until after this is done, probably. I'm sorry to dampen all of your hopes.

I know you're just really excited about this and want to see it continue, and/or submit your own Sims for it. Keep in mind that I will not take submissions for a show I am not making yet. For now, enjoy the current season! Thank you.
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Official Announcement
« Reply #333 on: March 30, 2013, 03:31:16 PM »
Wow, it's so strange! I played Everette for generations and never once realized he could swim through air. Everette, have you been keeping secrets from me!? In all seriousness, the blooper reel was great! I can't believe you actually counted up the topics of their speech bubbles and did percentages of topics! It makes sense that Leopold would be afraid of computers, being from the past and all.

Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Official Announcement
« Reply #334 on: March 30, 2013, 03:57:17 PM »
The Bachelor? I guess that I should change Kev gender to girl in CAS so he can participate in the next show lol.
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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Blooper Reel
« Reply #335 on: March 30, 2013, 04:02:09 PM »
And incidentally, I don't think Rosenrot would do it. As much as she enjoys watching the show for the novelty of such a backwards way of doing things, she wouldn't want to participate in something where she had to get fewer suitors. Gwendy, correct me if I'm wrong here.
No, you're right, she'd never willingly sign up for something that makes her send guys back. To her, that would be like promising someone a three-layer chocolate cake, but in the end, only giving them a small cupcake. There's also a few other issues. The most prominent being that she's literally got the mind of a sixteen-year-old.

I do like to hear that she's popular though.
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Official Announcement
« Reply #336 on: March 30, 2013, 04:09:01 PM »
Wow, it's so strange! I played Everette for generations and never once realized he could swim through air. Everette, have you been keeping secrets from me!? In all seriousness, the blooper real was great! I can't believe you actually counted up the topics of their speech bubbles and did percentages of topics! It makes sense that Leopold would be afraid of computers, being from the past and all.

Haha, Everette is a mysterious man of many secrets. You could not possibly know them all. He's like the human Hogwarts.

I'm glad you liked it! Yeah, about halfway through, I started thinking, 'What the heck am I doing? I must be crazy! This is so not worth all the time I'm putting into it!' But I kept doing it anyway, and I'm glad you appreciate it.

I don't think he looks scared, so much as confused. But that could be just me.

The Bachelor? I guess that I should change Kev gender to girl in CAS so he can participate in the next show lol.

I saw that mention of The Bachelorette on your story! Haha I forgot to comment on it but I did think it was funny. And please, I think Kev is much better as a man.

No, you're right, she'd never willingly sign up for something that makes her send guys back. To her, that would be like promising someone a three-layer chocolate cake, but in the end, only giving them a small cupcake. There's also a few other issues. The most prominent being that she's literally got the mind of a sixteen-year-old.

I do like to hear that she's popular though.

Oooh, I want cake now :( but I like your analogy. Hahaha, I like Rosen a lot and I'm glad other people do too.
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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Official Announcement
« Reply #337 on: March 31, 2013, 10:10:43 PM »
Hmm...the prospect of a Bachelor later.  *contemplates creating an as effeminate male Sim as possible to submit as one of the girls, and see if he can somehow make it to the end without his 'secret' getting out*

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Official Announcement
« Reply #338 on: March 31, 2013, 11:30:03 PM »
The Bachelor? I guess that I should change Kev gender to girl in CAS so he can participate in the next show lol.

Hmm...the prospect of a Bachelor later.  *contemplates creating an as effeminate male Sim as possible to submit as one of the girls, and see if he can somehow make it to the end without his 'secret' getting out*

Why do people keep taking this as an announcement that I'm going to do it? It was the opposite! *exasperated sigh* And folcon, it wouldn't work. He'd be found out right away ;)
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By samoht04

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Official Announcement
« Reply #339 on: March 31, 2013, 11:53:50 PM »
I know you said you were not gonna do one.  Just planning in case someone does.  Hmm...wonder if I could make it work though using a female sim that is played as a guy that is pretending to be a girl.  At least it would keep 'him' from hopefully hitting on the other ladies.  Meh, maybe I'll just try creating my own cast to play for larks.

At anyrate, looking forward to seeing what happens next in this story.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Official Announcement
« Reply #340 on: April 01, 2013, 12:13:10 AM »
I know you said you were not gonna do one.  Just planning in case someone does.  Hmm...wonder if I could make it work though using a female sim that is played as a guy that is pretending to be a girl.  At least it would keep 'him' from hopefully hitting on the other ladies.  Meh, maybe I'll just try creating my own cast to play for larks.

At anyrate, looking forward to seeing what happens next in this story.

Whew. Complicated. Have fun playing that out.

And I didn't say I wouldn't, just that I didn't say I would. And trust me, no one else is going to do it. I stated very clearly that I reserve the right to do it later! It was my idea, mine, I tell you! BUAHAHAHAH....

Ooookay, Rosa, time for bed . . .
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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Official Announcement
« Reply #341 on: April 01, 2013, 12:14:13 AM »
Why do people keep taking this as an announcement that I'm going to do it? It was the opposite! *exasperated sigh* And folcon, it wouldn't work. He'd be found out right away ;)

I think we're all just hoping it'll work to make you do another season :D

No, I understand why you don't want to commit to it - it seems like an awful lot of work! However, Audren did go for a second round of The Mole (although life intervened at that point), so we'll see what you think at the end of Marielle's adventure ;)

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Official Announcement
« Reply #342 on: April 01, 2013, 09:55:01 AM »
I think we're all just hoping it'll work to make you do another season :D

No, I understand why you don't want to commit to it - it seems like an awful lot of work! However, Audren did go for a second round of The Mole (although life intervened at that point), so we'll see what you think at the end of Marielle's adventure ;)

Well, let me tell you something about myself. I hate it when people repeatedly ask for something. I'd much rather surprise everyone with something nice. Otherwise I feel like I am just giving in to begging rather than giving something people will enjoy. Call it a character flaw, it is what it is.

Exactly. That's all I'm saying. Thanks, Niana. :)
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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Official Announcement
« Reply #343 on: April 01, 2013, 11:41:06 AM »
Why do people keep taking this as an announcement that I'm going to do it? It was the opposite! *exasperated sigh*

Oh, my. I'm sorry if my comment before was leading into something else, Rosa. I didn't have mean and having a though for that.
But, I just want to say in another word it would be nice when it comes to wondering things and speak your minds even that is not realized it is fine ;)

Because you are a good and funny host, I always wondering what kind of reply that you give to us. That's all.
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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Official Announcement
« Reply #344 on: April 01, 2013, 06:17:11 PM »
We are totally not expecting/trying to push you into doing another season/spin-off of this. It's just sorta.... people's creative juices flowing about all the possible stories that may be related to the Bachelorette.
Don't worry. We won't start TRULY begging for another season 'till we are at least half way done with the one.  :P
(April Fools  ;D)