Author Topic: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Goodbye for Now 18/8  (Read 544792 times)

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part V: Nathaniel
« Reply #150 on: March 14, 2013, 08:03:43 PM »
Sweet.  Some serious competition for my Leo.  Can't wait to see the rest of them.  ;)
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part V: Nathaniel
« Reply #151 on: March 14, 2013, 09:28:37 PM »
Wow, a lot of comments! So this is what happens when I go to work and don't check the forum all day!

Woohoo! That's my boy! Goooo, Nathaniel!

I mean, sportsmanship. I love good sportsmanship.

Hahahah. Yeah, keep trying to hide it, Azo-chan.

Haha... only three more left! Let's see who else will be added to the pool of super attractive guys.

Aren't they though? Aren't they just?

"Me in a speedo beats out Baby-Face Dojo any day of the week!"

Hahaha! I love it! (But shh, don't tell Everette I said that!)

Thank you! That line was actually mine ;D I'm very proud of it. But the characterisation is all down to Azokka--I'm pretty sure I could piece together that sentence quite easily from in-character statements by Nathaniel.

Thanks for doing this very interesting story idea.  It actually inspired me to do a Bachelorette-themed character analysis project with one of my English classes.

Wow! Thank you! That's a great compliment. I'm so pleased that people are enjoying it, and thanks once again to Audren for inspiring me with his Mole story.

I can't decide who I'm rooting for until I see them all(personally I really like Leopold so far ;) ).
Oh, is Nathaniel Serena's uncle?  ;D

Definitely a wise choice. Some very unique men are yet to come. I like them all, and I am incredibly grateful that I devised a mathematical means of determining the winners, since I could never choose between them. They're all so unique and wonderful!

Well...he does live with his niece, and that girl watching the romantic movies and cooking in the kitchen does look very familiar, does she not?

Argh! I wonder if this is how The Mole contestants felt. Everybody's so cool, I'm quite sad that they'll all be getting cut to make way for my bachelor. I want them to stay, but they won't!  :(

Nathanial wears that hair quite well. I'm not sure I know another Sim who could've pulled that off.

So you know...yes, that is how The Mole contestants felt. :D ?Very, very nervous. In awe of everyone else, and hoping to be adequate to stay in the competition. I like your confidence in your champion, Audren.

I really couldn't picture him in any other hair now. They really suit each other.

Actually me too.  At least he doesn't seem to have the ego the others do.  But since I've been told off for jumping the gun, I'll hold off until we see the last 3 bachelors.  :-X

Leopold is certainly very humble, but I wouldn't say the Everette has a big ego.

I don't know if you're already planning on doing this, but when all 7 have been announced, can we have a list of them with name, picture, short bio, ect. that gets updated each time one is eliminated? (Although I don't wanna think about any of these gorgeous guys leaving  :))

That is a brilliant idea. Thank you, Mimi. I had not thought of it and I was trying to think where I could get them all together and have their traits etc. Do you think it will be too bulky if I add it to the "current information" post?

Team Nathaniel!
He's a fairy, overconfident snob who loves romantic comedies! And mirrors! I think this is the man for me, azokka361, could you upload him? Pretty please?

She will but I won't let her do it yet. I'm glad you like him though. He's certainly a strong personality.

Nathaniel's pretty cool. I think that he is a bit snobby - I think the Bachelorette will choose DOMINIC!!

OK, I am a little biased. But still...Dom's a Italian who is sensitive about the environment!

Yes indeed, you are certainly biased! Haha but who isn't? And Dominic is certainly a catch.

Sure! I'll get right to it, the moment I'm done playing with all my new University content!

And that The Bachelorette is over, of course. In case I haven't been explicit with all of the bachelor sponsors, please hold off on uploading your bachelors until the story ends. Thank you.

Sweet.  Some serious competition for my Leo.  Can't wait to see the rest of them.  ;)

Indeed, isn't it wonderful how different they all are?

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Offline azokka361

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part V: Nathaniel
« Reply #152 on: March 14, 2013, 11:14:13 PM »
Definitely a wise choice. Some very unique men are yet to come. I like them all, and I am incredibly grateful that I devised a mathematical means of determining the winners, since I could never choose between them. They're all so unique and wonderful!

Hmmm, a mathematical means? Does this mean Marielle isn't going to decide? Tut tut, tut tut . . .

I know it would be impossible for me to pick any one (except for Nathaniel, naturally) so maybe the fact that you have a non-biased way of choosing is a very good thing!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part V: Nathaniel
« Reply #153 on: March 15, 2013, 12:01:29 AM »
Hmmm, a mathematical means? Does this mean Marielle isn't going to decide? Tut tut, tut tut . . .

I know it would be impossible for me to pick any one (except for Nathaniel, naturally) so maybe the fact that you have a non-biased way of choosing is a very good thing!

Of course Marielle's going to decide. It's just hard to decide how a Sims decides (you all know what I'm talking about) so I had to determine a way of calculating it so it can be fair.

I wouldn't do it if it weren't for that. I spent a lot of time coming up with a show that could translate viably to a Sims setting and this one does because my algorithm gets as close to Marielle choosing as possible. It's really quite ingenious, if I do say so myself.
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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part V: Nathaniel
« Reply #154 on: March 15, 2013, 04:21:19 PM »
I understand, now how do I try not to be more excited for the ending than the story itself? ;D
That algorithm better be good enough to know to pick Nathaniel for her!

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part V: Nathaniel
« Reply #155 on: March 15, 2013, 04:29:47 PM »
I understand, now how do I try not to be more excited for the ending than the story itself? ;D
That algorithm better be good enough to know to pick Nathaniel for her!

Haha, learn to enjoy the moment. "Today is a gift, that's why it's called the present."

She really will pick who she wants. It's all based on her wishes, attraction, relationship, and how well the dates go.
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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part VI: Kenshin
« Reply #156 on: March 15, 2013, 04:48:53 PM »

My name is Kenshin Daichi, and this is my story.

Greetings. My name is Kenshin Daichi, son of Teishu Katashi Daichi. For as long as I can remember, I have been learning under the tutelage of my father and teishu.

In generations past, our family has devoted their lives to mastering their bodies and their souls, in order to become truly enlightened.

My father has become enlightened, as has his father and countless fathers before him.

Alongside my sister, Chika, we learn the ways of the Old Masters and strive to walk in their footsteps. To this end, we learn to become one with the earth and life on it by cultivating plants and harvesting fish from the waters.

Occasionally, when the sun sets, I peer through my father's old telescope and gaze at the stars. I doubt my father approves, but I think he understands why I search.

Chika and I were both born in Sunlit Tides, a group of islands not far from the Simlish mainland.

Only recently have we relocated to Riverview, hence the rather dismal state of our home.

I found Sunlit Tides to be a fair enough town to live in, and I must admit that I was somewhat disappointed when we left. Still, I honor my father's decision to leave, even if I may not agree with it.

Over the years, our father has trained us in many different skills, so we may have a greater understanding of the world we live in.

We tend to our father's garden, fish in our father's pond, and train under our father's boot.

I find that our private sparring matches to be most humbling, for my father is a true master in the arts.

To watch him is like watching lightning, a flash of movement both beautiful and deadly. I can only aspire to hold my own against him, for I doubt there were any who may have bested him.

Now that we have arrived in Riverview, our lives have changed rather startlingly. Our father has begun to truly groom Chika as a successor to the Daichi legacy, and as a result my own learning has lessened.

I cannot help but wonder... no, I will not soil my father's name by speculating on this.

Just recently, Chika has met a local man who seems to be quite enraptured with her.

I can tell my father is pleased, yet I wish I could find such love myself. My father has taught me many things, but the compassion of a woman is not one of them.

For all of the teachings my father has passed down to us, relationships are not his strong suit. My sister has succeeded in attracting the attention of a very kind local gentleman, but unfortunately I am not so lucky.

My father has always taught us to embrace new experiences, and I feel that this program will allow me to discover more of the world, and with any luck, a love to hold in my arms.

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Jump to Episode 1 Part VII: Talus.
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Offline Swirl-Girl

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part VI: Kenshin
« Reply #157 on: March 15, 2013, 05:03:54 PM »
Kenshin seems nice enough, and I suppose the algorithm makes sense.

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part VI: Kenshin
« Reply #158 on: March 15, 2013, 05:41:18 PM »
I'm quite impressed how you took pieces of what I wrote and complied it into quite a good update. Kenshin is pleased that you cast him in such a great light. He'd also like to advise the other bachelors not to get too comfortable. They won't be here for long.  ;)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part VI: Kenshin
« Reply #159 on: March 15, 2013, 07:15:40 PM »
Okay, I'm looking at Kenshin and Everette as the front runners.  While there are flaws and strengths to any Sim, those are the ones that seem to blend most effectively with Marielle's flaws and strengths.  Going Jerry MacGuire on it, they complete her  :=)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part VI: Kenshin
« Reply #160 on: March 15, 2013, 07:25:52 PM »

Oh goodness, Kenshin is just adorable, Audren! You did a really great job with his eyes, I think. Looks wise, this one may be the cutest in my opinion so far! I'm not sure about the mustache, though I like the other facial hair.

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part VI: Kenshin
« Reply #161 on: March 16, 2013, 07:09:55 AM »
Wow, Kenshin's very interesting! I think Marielle will definetley consider him as her lover :).
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part VI: Kenshin
« Reply #162 on: March 16, 2013, 07:53:16 AM »
Kenshin seems nice enough, and I suppose the algorithm makes sense.

He does, and it does, don't worry :)

I'm quite impressed how you took pieces of what I wrote and complied it into quite a good update. Kenshin is pleased that you cast him in such a great light. He'd also like to advise the other bachelors not to get too comfortable. They won't be here for long.  ;)

Thank you. The credit really goes to you, though, Audren because I didn't change a single word. That's all your writing. I just decided what pictures to add where. And I rather think it's you who would like to do that advising, I think Kenshin is much more humble than you are :P

Okay, I'm looking at Kenshin and Everette as the front runners.  While there are flaws and strengths to any Sim, those are the ones that seem to blend most effectively with Marielle's flaws and strengths.  Going Jerry MacGuire on it, they complete her  :=)

Pippin is really turning into our bagman for this, isn't he? Place your bets with Pippin, ladies and gentlemen! Since you are speaking as one who has character analysis experience I am sure you have your reasons and I would love to hear your take on it.

Oh goodness, Kenshin is just adorable, Audren! You did a really great job with his eyes, I think. Looks wise, this one may be the cutest in my opinion so far! I'm not sure about the mustache, though I like the other facial hair.

I really like Kenshin's unique looks, too. Ah yes, you would appreciate the eyes. So highly valued in your Dojo Dynasty!

Wow, Kenshin's very interesting! I think Marielle will definetley consider him as her lover :).

I'm sure we will consider him, yes, and all the others too :)
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Offline Audren

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part VI: Kenshin
« Reply #163 on: March 16, 2013, 08:45:45 AM »
Thank you. The credit really goes to you, though, Audren because I didn't change a single word. That's all your writing. I just decided what pictures to add where. And I rather think it's you who would like to do that advising, I think Kenshin is much more humble than you are :P

Ah, you saw through my disguise. I suppose I am not as good of an impersonator as I think I am.  :P

The comment stands for itself, of course.  ;)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part VI: Kenshin
« Reply #164 on: March 16, 2013, 11:34:00 AM »
The term "bagman" always makes me think of a hobo superhero.

Okay, Rosa, since you asked, here is the logic I'm bringing to my frontrunners:
-As a photographer, he takes the time to stop and enjoy enjoy the beauty that is around much as Marielle enjoys being outside enjoying her garden (particularly the glow in the dark plants (some of which glow somewhat greenish like a certain bachelor).
-He is strongly delivering the idea that he would love to dote on and spoil his perfect match, and Marielle has grown up loving being cared for by her father.  Applying the psychologies of Carl Jung (as I drastically prefer him to Freud), she has strongly developed the child archetype and is seeking the nurturer/caregiver archetype.  Furthermore, development of her father's animus archetype (as in the stereotypically masculine archetype) seems to have left room for the tenderness associated with the anima (feminine aspect).  Everette seems to fit that nicely
-The connections he makes between the names and the idea of destiny indicate an innocent enough outlook to believe in fairy tale magic and Marielle seems very drawn to the child-like innocence of her somewhat withdrawn younger sister as well as the strong statement Marielle made showing up in her heart-themed wardrobe for her first appearance.

-Strong attachment to family is the first obvious connection.  Both Kenshin and Marielle seem to have somewhat of a caretaker mentalilty towards their sisters, so it's quite conceivable that they would view each other as fitting parents for the children they might have
-Kenshin, like Everette, is a master of the martial arts and this discipline will balance nicely with the spontaneity that Marielle possesses.  However, unlike Everette, Kenshin has a father who is a master and has humbled him repeatedly.  Therefore, Kenshin can bring in a level of humility that would be rather endearing to Marielle as it would resonate with the shy nature she finds so sweet in her sister
-As evidenced in her interview, Marielle is the type who likes to take charge of a situation.  Kenshin, in terms of relationships, is like a toddler trying to find his way.  Marielle will be drawn to the possibility of teaching and nurturing this young man as he learns how love and intimacy truly work (for those of you old school enough to follow the reference, it's like on "Friends" when Monica started having a relationship with Chandler)

Well, that was somewhat lengthy despite my efforts to be concise.  At any rate, that's my logic and that's why those are my frontrunners.

