Author Topic: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Goodbye for Now 18/8  (Read 544783 times)

Offline Swirl-Girl

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story
« Reply #45 on: February 21, 2013, 06:02:42 PM »
I'll be following, and may submit one of my (Not at all) famous sims! I do hope that all is worked out and around, seeing as this is rather intriguing!

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story
« Reply #46 on: February 22, 2013, 07:43:57 AM »
Too late!  :o

Is there a Sims Anonymous somewhere we can join? I only had real trouble for a couple of hours today and already started to feel the symptoms <.<.

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Offline Audren

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story
« Reply #47 on: February 22, 2013, 07:48:50 AM »
Is there a Sims Anonymous somewhere we can join? I only had real trouble for a couple of hours today and already started to feel the symptoms <.<.

As a matter of fact, there is.

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story
« Reply #48 on: February 22, 2013, 03:51:16 PM »
I'll submit a sim too.

Offline PrincessMimi

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story
« Reply #49 on: February 23, 2013, 10:34:57 AM »
As a matter of fact, there is.

Hahaha... of course there is.  :D

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story
« Reply #50 on: February 24, 2013, 04:43:13 AM »
Introducing the Bachelorette, Part I

Devin: Welcome back to The Bachelorette, where two hearts will find love!

We apologise for our technical issues of late. But don't worry, the time you've been waiting for is finally here!

Without further ado, let's meet our bachelorette!

You look lovely.
Marielle: Thank you.

My stylist didn't want to let me wear this dress. But I said, I'm the Bachelorette! I have to show that I'm here for the right reasons!

I tell you what, I miss being on The Mole with A. All the shoes! Wow! I've never seen such a selection! I got these very unique shoes at his shoe store.
Devin: They're lovely. Let's have a seat, shall we?

Well, everyone, I'd like you to meet Marielle Neige, our newest Bachelorette!
Marielle: Thank you, Devin. I'm so happy to be here.

Devin: What do you think of the house?

Marielle: It's amazing!

It's so beautifully decorated. Everything is just perfect.

Devin: So, how was your flight? And where were you flying from? I know you're a native of Moonlight Falls, but you spent some time in Bridgeport recently.

Marielle: The flight was wonderful, thank you. Yes, I was in Bridgeport a couple of months ago for the shooting of The Mole, but when the show was regrettably cancelled, I went home to Moonlight Falls to spend some time with my family.

Devin: So how did you end up here? What made you decide to try reality television again?

Marielle: Well, I'd heard of the show before. When The Mole didn't work out, I gave up on being on television for awhile. But I kept feeling like I was missing something in my life. I was very happy spending time with my family and pursuing my interests, but I felt like there should be something more. Then I realised that I was actually pretty lonely. I didn't have a boyfriend or anything like that. All of the guys I knew in Moonlight Falls are the boys I grew up with, and we consider each other more as friends than potential romantic interests.  I tried online dating, but it just wasn't for me. I met some guys there that got my information and then wouldn't leave me alone, even though I tried to tell them nicely that I wasn't interested!

Moonlight Falls is pretty isolated, there aren't really any towns close by. So when it occurred to me to apply to be the Bachelorette, I thought, Go for it! I'll get to meet men from all over the world! And it'll be face-to-face, which I like.

Devin: How did you feel when you were chosen?
Marielle: Just, so honoured. And really excited. It was so nice.

Devin: You mentioned your family a bit there. What are they like? What do they think of your choice to do this?
Marielle: Both of my parents are really proper and old-fashioned, and they were sceptical at first. "That's not how it was done in my day," is actually what my mother said. But I won them over. My father was more inclined to let me do what I wanted--he's like that. He lets us children choose our own path.

Devin: So, tell me, Marielle, are you concerned at all? Worried about making the choice between seven men, who you want to be with?
Marielle: I am, to an extent. I definitely want to make the right choice.

But I think that this can be really fun, and I definitely plan to make some new friends! I hope that everyone can be really friendly and that they don't get upset if I don't pick them. I still want to be friends with everybody even if I don't choose them.
Devin: Well, I hope that they can be friends, too.  So, back to the men that you're going to meet in the coming weeks. What kind of man are you interested in? Someone really fit and muscled?

Marielle: Well, I feel that it's important to exercise to be healthy, but appearance is not the most important thing to me.

To me, it's important that a man knows what he wants in life and that he's willing to go get it.
Devin: Like you?
Marielle: Like me. *laughs*

I like a man that can think for himself, a guy that makes his own decisions and can be confident in himself.

Also, if a man is really well-spoken, I find that attractive.

But really, I don't think there's anything that you can really predict in love. I think if the spark is there, it's there. And that's what's really important.

I think if two people are really attracted and committed to each other, it can work and they can turn the spark into a nice comfortable flame that will last a lifetime.

Devin: That is a beautiful sentiment, Marielle.
Marielle: Thank you, Devin.

Devin: We're going to take a break, but don't go away! The Bachelorette will be back after these messages.

Jump to Introducing the Bachelorette, Part II
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By samoht04

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story
« Reply #51 on: February 24, 2013, 04:46:16 AM »
A technical update: My game is still not "working", per se, in that I can't actually play and come back to any save file (old or since the patch) but I can open and play, so I can take screenshots for the story at least. I won't be able to play the actual story like this, but hopefully the problem will be fixed by the time bachelor submission comes around. Thank you all for your patience during the technical difficulties, and thanks for reading! Your continued support means a lot :)
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By samoht04

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Offline Audren

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Meet the Bachelorette!
« Reply #52 on: February 24, 2013, 07:20:24 AM »
Very creative using the speech bubbles, Rosa! "Turning sparks into a warm, comfortable fireplace."  :D

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Meet the Bachelorette!
« Reply #53 on: February 24, 2013, 12:11:22 PM »

Here's to hoping you work out your technical issues. The bachelorette looks lovely! She's rather pale, is she a vampire? It looks like she has light lavender eyes, but I'm not sure.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Meet the Bachelorette!
« Reply #54 on: February 24, 2013, 12:52:51 PM »
Very creative using the speech bubbles, Rosa! "Turning sparks into a warm, comfortable fireplace."  :D

Thank you. I took roughly two hundred fifty screenshots for this interview. It was so hard to choose that I had to split it into multiple episodes!

Here's to hoping you work out your technical issues. The bachelorette looks lovely! She's rather pale, is she a vampire? It looks like she has light lavender eyes, but I'm not sure.

Thank you. I truly hope so too. If it's not fixed by the time the story is meant to start I'll be very disappointed to have to delay the story further.

Thank you again. She is indeed rather pale, isn't she? ;D She does have lavender eyes.
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By samoht04

Offline Gwendy

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Meet the Bachelorette!
« Reply #55 on: February 24, 2013, 06:13:35 PM »
Okay, I just read the entire Mole story, and I didn't see Marielle anywhere.  :-\ What am I missing?
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Offline ladyaya

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Meet the Bachelorette!
« Reply #56 on: February 24, 2013, 06:17:21 PM »
Okay, I just read the entire Mole story, and I didn't see Marielle anywhere.  :-\ What am I missing?

Wasn't there more than one season?

Offline Gwendy

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Meet the Bachelorette!
« Reply #57 on: February 24, 2013, 06:18:35 PM »
Wasn't there more than one season?
I'm not seeing a second one . . .
The Hideous Immortal Dynasty

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Offline ladyaya

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Meet the Bachelorette!
« Reply #58 on: February 24, 2013, 06:27:53 PM »
I'm not seeing a second one . . .

It was in the Graveyard. Marielle did say it was cancelled.

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Meet the Bachelorette!
« Reply #59 on: February 24, 2013, 06:28:38 PM »
I'm not seeing a second one . . .
I think it's in the Stories Graveyard. I'n not sure though, so don't quote me on it. :)
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