Author Topic: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Goodbye for Now 18/8  (Read 544773 times)

Offline Shewolf13

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I don't even know where to start... other than to say this is absolutely fantastic!  Lol, I told you this was on my 'to read' list.  And I absolutely love it!  It's spectacular!  Really fantastic!  I love all the bachelors in different ways and I can't possibly choose a favorite... though I do happen to enjoy Dimitri and if anyone follows the story in my sig, you'll understand why.

I loved that Everette got the Rose.  Those Confession Cams are great and are a true insight into each of them.

Also, I am very fond of Talus as well ^^  The whole troll/fae concept makes me squee.  Actually, they all make me squee hehe.  Anyway, thought I'd tell ya how much I love this Rosa.  Take your time, but you have another faithful reader *goes to now read your other stories*

Offline RainBeau

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I don't even know where to start... other than to say this is absolutely fantastic!  Lol, I told you this was on my 'to read' list.  And I absolutely love it!  It's spectacular!  Really fantastic!  I love all the bachelors in different ways and I can't possibly choose a favorite... though I do happen to enjoy Dimitri and if anyone follows the story in my sig, you'll understand why.

I loved that Everette got the Rose.  Those Confession Cams are great and are a true insight into each of them.

Also, I am very fond of Talus as well ^^  The whole troll/fae concept makes me squee.  Actually, they all make me squee hehe.  Anyway, thought I'd tell ya how much I love this Rosa.  Take your time, but you have another faithful reader *goes to now read your other stories*

Yay! I saw that post in the Elysi Dynasty but I wanted to stop hijacking her thread, so I didn't respond. Glad you are enjoying! :D I will have to go see why you like Dimitri, although I am concerned since the title is Empire of Evil...I agree with you about the bachelors, I have favourite things about all of them. Glad I don't have to choose!

I did much squeeing while reading the writing about the bachelors from their sponsors. I'm attempting to compensate for the lack of story here by posting excessively on the Callahans, so you all can check that out if you're having withdrawals.
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Offline RainBeau

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Sorry to double-post. I came on to apologise for the further lack of developments, but no one is really complaining. That's kind of nice. Anyway, I have something in the works but if you miss the cast, you can see unrelated pictures of them in my building contest entry. Please do not comment here on the build, that is against the rules until after the voting is closed. I just thought I'd let you know in case you want to see those familiar faces :)
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Offline ladyaya

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Sorry to double-post. I came on to apologise for the further lack of developments, but no one is really complaining. That's kind of nice. Anyway, I have something in the works but if you miss the cast, you can see unrelated pictures of them in my building contest entry. Please do not comment here on the build, that is against the rules until after the voting is closed. I just thought I'd let you know in case you want to see those familiar faces :)

If it takes you time to get installments out - and things set up properly to do the installments, then it takes time. This promises to be good, so we don't mind waiting. ^^


Offline Gwendy

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Congrats on 20K views, Rosa!  ;D You deserve every last one of 'em! Here's to a billion more!

And to everyone else, I've talked to Rosa and the other sponsors, and I have an announcement: I'm going to make and sell stuffed dolls based on the bachelors (save for Dimitri until further notice) and Marielle. If anyone is interested in further details, or has interest in possibly purchasing one (telling me which one you want so I know which/how much material to buy would be ideal), please PM me. That's right y'all. There's gonna be MERCH.
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I think those pictures gave me heartburn.
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Offline RainBeau

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If it takes you time to get installments out - and things set up properly to do the installments, then it takes time. This promises to be good, so we don't mind waiting. ^^


I took quite the break, but I'm ready to get back in the saddle. :)

Congrats on 20K views, Rosa!  ;D You deserve every last one of 'em! Here's to a billion more!

And to everyone else, I've talked to Rosa and the other sponsors, and I have an announcement: I'm going to make and sell stuffed dolls based on the bachelors (save for Dimitri until further notice) and Marielle. If anyone is interested in further details, or has interest in possibly purchasing one (telling me which one you want so I know which/how much material to buy would be ideal), please PM me. That's right y'all. There's gonna be MERCH.

Thank you! That was so exciting for me to see. Thank you to all of my wonderful readers for making it happen. I promise I will reward you soon.

Yay! So exciting! I think this is going to be just way too cool. This thing is getting so much bigger than I ever imagined!
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Offline Rhoxi

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Gah, this is so cool! I am so going to love a little Everette doll. I'll have to find a special place to put him. *squeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!*

*Ehem*, I mean, this is just lovely, Gwendy. Thank-you!

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Offline azokka361

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I'm going to get a little Nathaniel and a little Everette and make them fight! *YAY!*

And I'll play house with all of them. Maybe they can all pair off and ride horses? Sounds good to me!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

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Offline RainBeau

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Gah, this is so cool! I am so going to love a little Everette doll. I'll have to find a special place to put him. *squeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!*

*Ehem*, I mean, this is just lovely, Gwendy. Thank-you!

I know! So adorable.

I'm going to get a little Nathaniel and a little Everette and make them fight! *YAY!*

And I'll play house with all of them. Maybe they can all pair off and ride horses? Sounds good to me!

Hahaha. Azo-chan, you are so unique in your perceptions of things.
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By samoht04

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Interlude: Legal Issue, Part I
« Reply #579 on: April 27, 2013, 04:29:56 AM »
Afternoon, Crew Room, Bachelorette Mansion

Rosa: If I could have your attention, I have something to show you all.

Rosa: Please focus your attention on the screen and I'll show you the footage we got from our security cameras last night.

Bella: So, Rosa, what exactly did we just see?
Rosa: Dominic came into the crew room while everyone was asleep and found the Confession Cam footage. According to the rest of the security footage, he watched Marielle's Confession Cam material. What you saw here was him posting on a fan forum about what was in Marielle's private segment.

Della: But--he can't! I mean, that has to stay private! Those Confession Cams are meant to be a safe place for the cast to express their feelings without worrying about what the others will do with the knowledge! How could he do such a thing?

Rosa: That's quite right, Della. It's the foundation this show is built on.
Ombra: So, what are we going to do about it?

Bella: Well, obviously I'll take care of the PR aspect. I'll smooth everything over for the media as much as possible. We want this minimised.

Ryan: You're going to need more than that, dollface.
Rose: Holy keyboards, Batman! Ryan, do you always have to appear out of nowhere? Give people a little warning!

Rosa: You haven't been in to work in awhile, Ryan. Where have you been?
Ryan: You haven't needed me. No legal issues . . . until now, that is.

Ryan: It sounds to me like you need me to take care of this situation. I'll get that motherless son of a llama out of here!

Rosa: Slow down, Ryan. I need to take this up with Pam first. This is a serious issue. We must exercise caution.
Ryan: Caution, pah! You know what to do with this. He violated his contract!
Rosa: I'm going to Pam. You wait for my okay before you do something reckless.

Ryan: As annoyed as I am by your rigid adherence to the rules, I still find myself getting lost in the masterpiece of your face.

Rosa: Ryan! Get a hold of yourself! We are colleagues!
Ryan: Fine, fine. Try to give a girl a compliment. Geez.

Later Afternoon, SNBC Headquarters Starlight Shores, Broad Street Business Tower

Unseen Receptionist: Ms. Marsden will see you now.
Rosa (thinking): This is so humiliating! I wonder what she'll do when she finds out what a mess has been made of my show!

Pam: Rosa! Always a pleasure to see you.
Rosa: Thank you, Pam. The honour is all mine.

Pam: I love what you've done with The Bachelorette! Ratings have been through the roof since I put you on the project!
Rosa: Thank you, Pam. Your approval means a lot to me. But . . . there's a problem.

Pam: Oh? What is it?
Rosa: One of our bachelors, Dominic, saw some footage he wasn't meant to see. He watched the Confession Cam for the bachelorette, Marielle.

Pam: That's terrible! What are you going to do about it?
Rosa: Well, actually, that's why I came to see you. As you know, it is a breach of his contract for him to do such a thing. He clearly understood he wasn't supposed to watch that footage.

Rosa: But I honestly don't know how to handle it! Should I just throw him out of the Mansion? On the one hand, he violated his contract. On the other hand, he's creating drama, which makes for good television.

Pam: Let me tell you what I think.
Rosa: Please do.
Pam: As you know, I think it is paramount that the rules be followed at all times. The rules are there to make sure that everything stays fair and fun for everyone.
Rosa: I completely agree.
Pam: However, I think sometimes people can be given a second chance to do better. Do you think this Dominic will do better if we give him the chance?
Rosa: It's worth a shot!

Rosa: Thanks for seeing me, Pam.
Pam: Anytime, Rosa. I'm here to help.

Jump to Legal Issue, Part II.
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By samoht04

Offline Turoskel

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Interlude: Legal Issue
« Reply #580 on: April 27, 2013, 05:06:14 AM »
Ryan: As annoyed as I am by your rigid adherence to the rules, I still find myself getting lost in the masterpiece of your face.

This amused me, great use of thought bubbles.

And very interesting update, indeed drama does make good television it also makes a good story, I think Pam's advice was fair and I'm glad a second chance has been granted, people make mistakes sometimes and it's all so interesting it's hard not to look at those confession cams I'm sure.

Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Interlude: Legal Issue
« Reply #581 on: April 27, 2013, 05:22:26 AM »
This was an interesting update indeed. Taking a story for that was really happened in the real world. And who is Ryan? The story say that he is Rosa colleagues. Am I missing something?  ???

I'm glad that Dominic get his second chance anyway. I just want to see what will Rosa and crew doing this to him for not do such a thing again in the future. Can't wait to see the part 2.
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Offline Pyro0001

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Interlude: Legal Issue
« Reply #582 on: April 27, 2013, 08:09:23 AM »
Yay, another update!

Hopefully Dominic get's a second chance on wooing Marielle. And that lawyer...I don't trust him! I can't wait to see what happens next!
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Interlude: Legal Issue
« Reply #583 on: April 27, 2013, 08:36:00 AM »
This amused me, great use of thought bubbles.

And very interesting update, indeed drama does make good television it also makes a good story, I think Pam's advice was fair and I'm glad a second chance has been granted, people make mistakes sometimes and it's all so interesting it's hard not to look at those confession cams I'm sure.

Thank you. I make an especial effort to match the words to the bubbles at all times.

Thank you! It was fun to bring in network executive Pam and Ryan. I tried to write Pam true to life, and she is very fair in real life so that's what I was going for. I'm sure it is a challenge not to look at the Confession Cams. Be strong, sponsors!

This was an interesting update indeed. Taking a story for that was really happened in the real world. And who is Ryan? The story say that he is Rosa colleagues. Am I missing something?  ???

I'm glad that Dominic get his second chance anyway. I just want to see what will Rosa and crew doing this to him for not do such a thing again in the future. Can't wait to see the part 2.

Yes. I didn't know what to do with it so I turned it into an interlude. It worked out since the first date was being so finicky. Well, they said that he hasn't been there to work in awhile because there haven't been any legal issues. For now, he is a mysterious stranger.

Oh, yes! Part II coming to you in about 24 hours or thereabouts! Stay tuned! It's interesting that you are already thinking they will do something. Maybe you are starting to be to my story as I am to Trip's story ;)

Yay, another update!

Hopefully Dominic get's a second chance on wooing Marielle. And that lawyer...I don't trust him! I can't wait to see what happens next!

A long time coming, too!

Well, he's got all week,just like the rest of them. We'll see what happens there! He is a smooth-talking bloke, that Ryan. I may be biased, but I love that shot of him in the sunglasses leaning on the bookcase. I am very proud of that shot.
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Offline Audren

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Interlude: Legal Issue
« Reply #584 on: April 27, 2013, 09:01:19 AM »

Well, he's got all week,just like the rest of them. We'll see what happens there! He is a smooth-talking bloke, that Ryan. I may be biased, but I love that shot of him in the sunglasses leaning on the bookcase. I am very proud of that shot.

How did you get that screenshot, anyway? I agree that it's a good one. Gives the reader a strong first impression. (whether it's good or not is another matter. I personally like him)

