Just caught up with the last couple of episodes, I'm not overly surprised that Everette got the roses but I feel that first impressions may change as time goes on, I know mine have.
For example my first impression of Nathaniel was that he was a total Diva and I really didn't think I'd like him very much, but now I find it is precisely because of his diva like behaviour that I do, it's amusing and consistent.
In defense of Dimitri, we all read things differently and form our own impressions but to me he was completely within context of previous events, I actually read his confession cam and thought that is exactly how I would have expected him to react to Everette being chosen, does it make him evil? not in my mind but then that is just my own opinion. (Hope that was obscure enough to be within the rules)
I'm really enjoying the confession cams, they are helping a lot with getting to know the different personalities, it truly is like watching a television show as each episode is revealed you get to know them a little bit better and become more attached to certain individuals.
And I agree with everybody else, relax a bit and take your time, after all it's a game, it's meant to be fun.
I do love a nice thoughtful analysis! I agree that impressions may always change. I intend to give each bachelor the chance to give Marielle a good impression.
I enjoy consistency as well. He actually has much more depth than comes across, but he doesn't even know that. He is secretly sweet though, if you see him in game.
I think that was sufficiently vague, and I agree.
Thank you. I'm liking them as well. I'm glad I decided to do them, they work well.
Yes! I need to wait until it becomes fun again.
It's okay. Please take a break for a moments. We will be waiting until the time has come :3
In the meantime, I am going to go update the Callahans! Don't know if I'll finish the update before my class, but I have to try--I am a full generation and a half ahead of my story in game, it's ridiculous.