Author Topic: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Goodbye for Now 18/8  (Read 544743 times)

Offline melancholy_anju

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Speaking of how much of a control freak I am, I am having major problems. I am in the midst of playing the first date and it is doing its utmost to kill me. Nothing is going well. I can't explain too much without giving away the plot, but the NPC employees of the venue are beyond not co-operating. I planned to play through everything so I could get it up tonight. I told my husband it would take an hour. It took an hour and a half to set it up. Just nothing is working. This is my second or third time trying to play it through as well. I was having a minor breakdown because I wanted to have the posting schedule follow 'real time' so to speak--the Premiere is supposed to be Week 1 Day 1, so it finished on Sunday. I wanted Date 1 to be Monday, Date 2 Wednesday, Date 3 Friday, and Rose Ceremony Saturday. That coincides with my days off from uni as well. However, since I can't play through the date, I can't do the supplemental screenshots in the second file, I can't send it to the bachelors to do Confession Cams, and I can't put everything together and post it by tonight. It's just not going to happen. My husband said I could play it later, but that won't give the bachelors time to respond. We have sponsors around the world (which is just beyond awesome) and at least four different time zones, just within the sponsors. I do my best to compensate by coming on the forum at all different times of day, but that is not going to make it so that they can all comment in the space of about four hours.

Okay, so enough complaining about poor me my life is so hard. It's awesome! I get to write for all you lovely people who are more appreciative than everyone else in my life put together. My point is, here's my new plan. (As aforementioned, I have to have a plan or I'll self-destruct.) In the real show, The Premiere is one week's episode, and the next episode the following week is the first week of dates. I think it would actually be possible for me to post everything for the first week next week. It's not ideal, but it allows me to maintain my sanity by keeping the schedule I originally figured out. It's a good schedule, I just have to play ahead and I have absolutely not. I'm frustrated because I keep sleeping when I'm meant to be playing. Come on, laptop! I need to afford you now!

So, if anyone is still with me through that very long meandering post, what do you think? Is it okay if I give you the dates next week instead? I'm sorry to make you wait longer :( I'll try to get something together for you to read in the meantime.

<3 Rosa

I really believe Audren said it all. You should take as much time as you need. The last thing we want is for the project to overly stress you out. The story is definitely worth waiting for.

Offline Tiamet

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Rosa, Audren and Mel hit it right on the head.  We all love and support this project, and you and the sponsors for doing it, and you need to take the time you need.  If we get an update once a week and you are not overwhelmed, everyone wins.  Don't worry.
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Offline Niana

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Just popping in to agree with everyone else... absolutely take your time! The game sometimes has a mind of its own, but in the end, it's just a game. As long as the playing and posting is enjoyable for you, the schedule doesn't matter - we'll read whenever you post :)

Offline azokka361

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Take your time! I already set up the tent and campfire anyway, so I'll just be out here roasting marshmallows and playing Mumford and Sons on m' banjo . . .
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

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Offline Gwendy

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Ditto to everybody. If it takes you a week or so to make an update, that's completely fine.  :) Just take care of yourself.

Also, thanks Anju!
The Hideous Immortal Dynasty

I think those pictures gave me heartburn.
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Offline Swirl-Girl

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Hey, sistah? Stop worrying girlie! We love this story, and would hardly care if we had to wait a month. Take a deep breath and remember that we don't mind a late update, because they are all quality updates. ;)

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Offline RainBeau

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Lol don't worry. Talus is my absolute favorite. I'm definitely rooting for him.  ;)

There you go, more Team Talus supporters.

I'm sending you a PM concerning the story-manager part, but in regard to the post, take all the time you need! Technical issues can always fly in the face of a well-layed plan, and there's not much you can do about that. None of us have any problem waiting a little longer for the dates.  :D

I really believe Audren said it all. You should take as much time as you need. The last thing we want is for the project to overly stress you out. The story is definitely worth waiting for.

Rosa, Audren and Mel hit it right on the head.  We all love and support this project, and you and the sponsors for doing it, and you need to take the time you need.  If we get an update once a week and you are not overwhelmed, everyone wins.  Don't worry.

Just popping in to agree with everyone else... absolutely take your time! The game sometimes has a mind of its own, but in the end, it's just a game. As long as the playing and posting is enjoyable for you, the schedule doesn't matter - we'll read whenever you post :)

Take your time! I already set up the tent and campfire anyway, so I'll just be out here roasting marshmallows and playing Mumford and Sons on m' banjo . . .

Ditto to everybody. If it takes you a week or so to make an update, that's completely fine.  :) Just take care of yourself.

Also, thanks Anju!

Hey, sistah? Stop worrying girlie! We love this story, and would hardly care if we had to wait a month. Take a deep breath and remember that we don't mind a late update, because they are all quality updates. ;)

 :'( Thanks everybody! You guys are the best. All those celebrities are lying, because I have the best ever fans. I love you guys.

I need this right now. Terrible times. I am just all kinds stressed all over the place and instead of being a relief, the game has been adding to the stress. I'm going to take a little breather so I can enjoy playing this file again. I hope this will also prevent me from going berserk and killing all of them. Who am I trying to fool, I'll never kill my Sims. I love them too much.

Okay! So thanks to Audren reminding me that a timetable is unnecessary and tempting fate, I will proceed with the post-when-it's-ready plan.
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By samoht04

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Offline Niana

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Go play the Callahans and stare at Zack some more ;) ... come back to Marielle and the bachelors when you're ready!

Offline Rhoxi

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Okay, the mental image of Rosa killing all of the bachelors makes me giggle. Not only because it's Rosa, who seems far too kind for that, but also because of the image in my head of all of the bachelors with their faces dead in the soup bowls, poisoned, and Marielle walking away with a creepy grin on her face and saying, "Fooled you." (Because like Rosa, Marielle would just never, never do that! . . . Right?   ??? )

I heartily join in with everyone encouraging you to take your time and have fun, because that's the whole point of doing it. (I took a break from writing Samura's dynasty for . . . a couple months at one point?) I'd also like to add that if the stress is coming from technical difficulties, feel free to share your woes and ask if anyone has encountered similar troubles. Maybe we can help troubleshoot?

Offline Pyro0001

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Yes, take a break for a while, Rosa! We're in no hurry :) Why don't you play your House of White Dynasty? There hasn't been an update for that in ages.
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Offline Gwendy

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Okay, the mental image of Rosa killing all of the bachelors makes me giggle. Not only because it's Rosa, who seems far too kind for that, but also because of the image in my head of all of the bachelors with their faces dead in the soup bowls, poisoned, and Marielle walking away with a creepy grin on her face and saying, "Fooled you." (Because like Rosa, Marielle would just never, never do that! . . . Right?   ??? )
So Everette was right all along?!  :o
The Hideous Immortal Dynasty

I think those pictures gave me heartburn.
-Shirin's roommate's Seal of Approval

Offline hazelnut

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Joining in rather late to agree with everyone else.  You've set yourself an impossible schedule.  Updates always take about five times as long as expected to put together (well, they do for me, anyway) and what you're trying to do here is insanely complicated.  Relax, do something else (maybe even real life  :o) and post updates when you're ready.

Offline RainBeau

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Go play the Callahans and stare at Zack some more ;) ... come back to Marielle and the bachelors when you're ready!

Just what I had in mind! ;D

Okay, the mental image of Rosa killing all of the bachelors makes me giggle. Not only because it's Rosa, who seems far too kind for that, but also because of the image in my head of all of the bachelors with their faces dead in the soup bowls, poisoned, and Marielle walking away with a creepy grin on her face and saying, "Fooled you." (Because like Rosa, Marielle would just never, never do that! . . . Right?   ??? )

I heartily join in with everyone encouraging you to take your time and have fun, because that's the whole point of doing it. (I took a break from writing Samura's dynasty for . . . a couple months at one point?) I'd also like to add that if the stress is coming from technical difficulties, feel free to share your woes and ask if anyone has encountered similar troubles. Maybe we can help troubleshoot?

True, true! Neither of us would ever do that, but ooh it sounds cool. Same creepy vibe as this video that my husband found. If you're wondering whether you should watch something described as creepy, you should know that I can't handle anything. So if I can watch this, you can watch it. I do not endorse the comments, so by all means ignore them. Amazing a cappella group singing a beautiful creepy zombie kidnap song.

Yes! It did start out fun. I need to get back to that. It's not, strictly speaking, technical, the problems I'm having. It just takes forever to change peoples' clothes. I'm incredibly picky, so I'm going round changing all the NPCs at the venue to look the way I want. And people don't want to be where I put them or stay or look like I want them to, so I'm getting frustrated. It took me an hour and a half just to set up! Insane.

Yes, take a break for a while, Rosa! We're in no hurry :) Why don't you play your House of White Dynasty? There hasn't been an update for that in ages.

I actually was just waiting for one screenshot I forgot. So picky! I've decided that I'm going to move past it. I just need to actually update because I've played ahead of what I posted and I was just holding off for one or two pictures. Another example of being too control-freaky. I'm letting go!

So Everette was right all along?!  :o

 :o Nope. He thought she lured them there to suck them all dry of plasma. Poison in the soup he never saw coming.

Joining in rather late to agree with everyone else.  You've set yourself an impossible schedule.  Updates always take about five times as long as expected to put together (well, they do for me, anyway) and what you're trying to do here is insanely complicated.  Relax, do something else (maybe even real life  :o) and post updates when you're ready.

Yeah, I tend to be incredibly unrealistic. I didn't even see how unrealistic until now! The chance of doing something in real life instead = not high, but thanks ;)

Thanks everyone for the permission to relax! I really needed that. I haven't played just a relaxing game in so long, I was losing my mind. (Yes, at this point my dynasties seem relaxing!) Thank you.
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By samoht04

Offline Turoskel

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Just caught up with the last couple of episodes, I'm not overly surprised that Everette got the roses but I feel that first impressions may change as time goes on, I know mine have.

For example my first impression of Nathaniel was that he was a total Diva and I really didn't think I'd like him very much, but now I find it is precisely because of his diva like behaviour that I do, it's amusing and consistent.

In defense of Dimitri, we all read things differently and form our own impressions but to me he was completely within context of previous events, I actually read his confession cam and thought that is exactly how I would have expected him to react to Everette being chosen, does it make him evil? not in my mind but then that is just my own opinion. (Hope that was obscure enough to be within the rules)

I'm really enjoying the confession cams, they are helping a lot with getting to know the different personalities, it truly is like watching a television show as each episode is revealed you get to know them a little bit better and become more attached to certain individuals.

And I agree with everybody else, relax a bit and take your time, after all it's a game, it's meant to be fun.

Offline Eldridge

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Rosa :D

It's okay. Please take a break for a moments. We will be waiting until the time has come :3
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My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

