Last time, on The Bachelorette...
Nathaniel: Pretty and charming as you are, you could eat me for dinner if you wanted to, Marielle. They say Fairy plasma is the best.
Marielle: Well, thank you for the offer, Nathaniel.
Leopold Confession CamLeopold: I am shocked at Nathaniel for his boorish comments. His ego is astonishing. He certainly is not doing himself any favours, but Miss Marielle handled herself with aplomb. This is important to me because if she desires to be the next Duchess of Albany, she would have to be able to manage minor social inconveniences and ill-mannered comments with grace and style. Which she did! She is as charming as she is beautiful. But if Nathaniel continues to behave so unrefined to a lady, I may have to challenge him to a duel! After all, I was trained at the King's Academy! I wonder where I can get a sword over here?
Dominic: You see that? Mr Hotshot Everette thought he was so great, but Marielle is just as mad at him right now as she ever was at me!
Kenshin: Please, I don't wish to engage in gossip about the others.
Dominic: Fine! Have it your way! I'm going to get in there while the getting is good!
Dominic: I know every guy here wants the roses, but I would be happy if I could have
you for a prize at the end of the night.
Marielle: Let's get out of here.
Marielle: Lifelong dream, right here! I am jamming with Everette Dojo!
Everette: You're very good!
Marielle: Thank you! You're pretty amazing, yourself.
While Marielle is off jamming with Everette, the other bachelors are left to amuse themselves.On Marielle's return, Nathaniel does not hesitate to jump in.Nathaniel: I just wanted to tell you, I am really glad to be here with you on
The Bachelorette.Marielle: I'm glad you're here, too.
Nathaniel: Do you mind if I talk to you outside?
Nathaniel: Ah. This is much better, being out in the moonlight.
Marielle: It is nice.
Nathaniel: Now, don't you mind Mr Raincloud in there. I think you're wonderful.
Marielle: Thank you, Nathaniel.
Nathaniel: He thinks because he has a lot of a money he can do whatever he wants. Well, he can't!
Marielle: Nathaniel. About what you said earlier. About a nooboo?
Nathaniel: Oh, um, yes, that. Yeah, what about it?
Marielle: I just thought you should know, I'm not ready for a family right now.
Nathaniel: Yeah, I get it, I mean, that's totally fine. I'm not really trying to--I mean, not yet, for me, either.
Leopold: May I 'cut in'?
Nathaniel: Yeah, sure, man, I guess we were about done.
Marielle: You are a chef, right?
Leopold: Yes, that's correct.
Leopold: Cooking is my passion. I enjoy experimenting with the flavours and textures of new ingredients and producing a meal that satisfies not just hunger but your spirit.
Marielle: That sounds wonderful.
Leopold: There is something else I wished to tell you. It is somewhat related, in a tangential manner.
Marielle: Please, go ahead.
Leopold: Eggs traditionally are a symbol of fertility and rebirth. I also believe in many cultures, they represent new beginnings. This egg is particularly exquisite. It has a delicate and fine design worthy of the House of Fabergé. Its elegance and beauty pleases the eye and teases the senses, not unlike your countenance. It would please me greatly if you would accept this gift as a token of my appreciation.
Marielle: Thank you, Leopold! I would be honoured. It is very beautiful.
Leopold: As are you, Marielle.
Marielle: Thank you.
Marielle: Hello, everyone!
Talus: Marielle, might I speak to you outside as well?
Marielle: Of course, Talus.
Marielle: If you like fishing, there is a lovely pond out here.
Talus: I do, in fact, I enjoy fishing very much. I usually only do it at night.
Marielle: Me too! Because of . . .
Marielle and Talus: The sun!
Marielle: Exactly! *laughs*
Talus: I think it was worth the trip to come here to meet you.
Marielle: Well, thank you. I'm glad you're here. Shall we go in?
Marielle: I'd like to thank all of you for a wonderful evening. I think I've made my decision.
Kenshin Confession CamKenshin: Well, this is certainly interesting.
I must say that I am impressed with the proper behaviours of some of my fellow bachelors; the Duke, the green man (Everette, I believe his name is?) and the troll, Talus. I got along with Talus fairly well, I believe. He seems like a fair enough man to me. Very disciplined. While I don't wish to seem under-confident, I am slightly concerned about some of these gentlemen, particularly since I did not speak with Miss Marielle as much as I should have. She seemed as porcelain to me, so beautiful and soft that she may break if I merely looked at her long enough.
Although, considering the results of the Italian's attempts to converse, perhaps I was better off on the sidelines. I don't wish to imply that I was eavesdropping on Miss Marielle, but even from the pool table I could witness the scene. Pointing out such intimate traits as vampirism struck me as rather rude, and my father has taught me not to wear one's emotions on one's sleeve. Regardless of any personal feelings on the occult, it is only polite not to be so blunt.
At least the Italian spoke to her, anyway. Perhaps I should've spoken with her more. Porcelain may be fragile, but if one does not value it, what use is it?
What will be Marielle's decision? Whom will she choose to give the First Impression Roses, ensuring immunity in the first Rose Ceremony? Tune in to The Bachelorette
next time to find out!Jump to
The Premiere! First Impression Roses.