Author Topic: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Goodbye for Now 18/8  (Read 544814 times)

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--The Premiere! Part II
« Reply #420 on: April 10, 2013, 06:12:04 AM »
A Message from the Producers: This episode introduces a new concept: Confession Cams. These are private to the bachelor that posts them. The other bachelors will know nothing of what is said in a private Confession Cam session. As such, in your discussions of the show in any forum that might include a bachelor, please be discreet so as to preserve the privacy of the bachelors. (Translation: Please do not quote or directly refer to any information contained in a Confession Cam. They are marked with spoilers. This will help the bachelors keep their private thoughts private. I have asked each sponsor on his or her honour not to read the others' Confession Cams, so please be considerate. Thank you.)

The Premiere Continues!

Welcome back to The Bachelorette! The exciting premiere continues as Marielle gets the chance to interact with her suitors--and they interact with each other. What dramatic events may unfold?

Meanwhile, in the lounge . . .

Dominic: Hey, watch me sink this killer shot!

Talus: Hello, I am Talus of the Trolls.
Kenshin: I am Kenshin Daichi, son of Teishu Katashi Daichi.
Talus: I am glad to meet you.
Kenshin: The honour is mine.

Everette: I am Everette Dojo, at your service.

Leopold: Leopold Mountbatten, Duke of Albany. But call me Leopold.

Everette: I say, sir, you seem a right proper gentleman! Nothing like that little fairy fellow that keeps throwing me such dirty looks. Can't imagine why.
Leopold: Well, it is a relief to meet someone with a sense of how to behave. Well met, friend.

Nathaniel Confession Cam
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

No sooner does Marielle walk into the lounge to join her guests, when . . .

Dominic: You're--a vampire? Why didn't anyone tell us we were coming to try to marry a vampire?
Marielle: What? I--why--

Marielle: Well, yes, I am a vampire. It's normal where I come from. I didn't think anyone would mind. I--My hometown is very accepting of diverse life states.
Dominic: Well, in Twinbrook, you would be considered a freak.

Dominic: Ah, Twinbrook. Now there's a place you can ride your bike around in peace!
Marielle (flatly): What.

Marielle: I don't ride bikes much. Stay in cars, mostly. I have problems with the sun, because--well, you know.

Dimitri: Hey, you know what, Marielle? You're a vampire, hey that's cool. I've never met a vampire before. But Riverview is very open-minded, and I was raised to accept people for who they are.
Dominic: Now, look, I didn't--
Marielle: Thank you, Dimitri.

Dimitri Confession Cam
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Talus Confession Cam
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Everette (thinking): She is very attractive, but--I must speak my mind.

Everette: Are you some kind of bloodsucking monster? Did you lure us all here to drink our plasma?

Marielle: I beg your pardon? Of course not! I am here for the right reasons, Everette, are you? What if a member of your family were to become a vampire? Wouldn't you still care about them? I'm a person, just like you.

Everette: Of course, forgive me.
Marielle: Naturally. We shall say no more of it.

Everette Confession Cam
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nathaniel: It looks like this situation could use my soothing influence!
Everette (quietly): Oh, here we go.

Nathaniel: Pretty and charming as you are, you could eat me for dinner if you wanted to, Marielle. They say Fairy plasma is the best.
Marielle: Well, thank you for the offer, Nathaniel.

Dimitri and Everette share a private look: Can you believe this guy?

Oh, the drama! What will happen next? How will Marielle hold up under the new-found pressure? Will the bachelors be able to deal with this revelation? Will her relationship with Everette or Dominic suffer? Tune in next time to find out!

Jump to The Premiere! Part III
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By samoht04

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--The Premiere! Part II
« Reply #421 on: April 10, 2013, 06:32:34 AM »
Please tell me that there are more parts of the Premiere because that was great! The confession cam inserts were a great idea.
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Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--The Premiere! Part II
« Reply #422 on: April 10, 2013, 07:09:39 AM »
Love the confession cam!

I'm liking Dimitri - or is that just my partiality for writers showing? A slob story  :P

Offline jennovazombie

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--The Premiere! Part II
« Reply #423 on: April 10, 2013, 07:10:47 AM »
I love the confession cam! What a great way to get to see the bachelors a bit better. (I hope I'm not breaking the rule by saying that!)

It was interesting to see how the bachelors met each other, and how they are behaving.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--The Premiere! Part II
« Reply #424 on: April 10, 2013, 08:27:05 AM »
Please tell me that there are more parts of the Premiere because that was great! The confession cam inserts were a great idea.

Yes, there will be two more parts :) Thank you, I'm glad you like it.

Love the confession cam!

I'm liking Dimitri - or is that just my partiality for writers showing? A slob story  :P

I do think we as writers might be biased in favour of other writers, but hey! Run with it! All title credits for Dimitri's stories go to Lilygirl.

I love the confession cam! What a great way to get to see the bachelors a bit better. (I hope I'm not breaking the rule by saying that!)

It was interesting to see how the bachelors met each other, and how they are behaving.

Not at all, although I appreciate you being cautious. Feel free to say genera things, just don't get too specific ;)

Indeed. It is interesting playing them.

I'm glad to see so much enthusiasm for the Confession Cam! It's one thing I thought I definitely needed to translate from the real show to my show, and I thank Lilygirl for the idea of putting them in spoilers to keep them private. The sponsors have been great about giving me the insight and writing the confession cams.
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By samoht04

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--The Premiere! Part II
« Reply #425 on: April 10, 2013, 08:42:50 AM »
Fantastic stuff!  I enjoy the deeper character insights of the confession cam.  Very clever.  I'm still pulling for Everette despite the couple of poor interactions.  I'm also waiting to see the bachelors all gang up on Nathaniel.  It seems to be headed that direction.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--The Premiere! Part II
« Reply #426 on: April 10, 2013, 09:54:45 AM »
Fantastic stuff!  I enjoy the deeper character insights of the confession cam.  Very clever.  I'm still pulling for Everette despite the couple of poor interactions.  I'm also waiting to see the bachelors all gang up on Nathaniel.  It seems to be headed that direction.

I think that it was necessary in order to really get inside the bachelors' heads. I'm pleased that it seems to be working so well. I'm glad to see you stick by your choice. I really left it looking that way, didn't it? Well, I haven't yet seen any fist fights.
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By samoht04

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Offline forever_mone

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--The Premiere! Part II
« Reply #427 on: April 10, 2013, 10:14:35 AM »
I've been reading this from the beginning and while, I probably won't comment much, I just have to say that this is awesome and to keep doing what you're doing. I cannot wait for more!

Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--The Premiere! Part II
« Reply #428 on: April 10, 2013, 10:34:34 AM »
Hahaha, I just love it. Confession cam also interesting feature here.
Well, Dominic is rude. He should find a better words to say to about this to beautiful lady. Tssk tssk tssk, bad words.

Everybody, let's eat Nathaniel together! Let's have a Fairy Steak shall, we :P?
Well, he was offered Fairy Plasma to Marielle, so why not? :P
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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--The Premiere! Part II
« Reply #429 on: April 10, 2013, 11:41:40 AM »
I liked dominic at first i think Nathaniel is the one for her hes a snob and i don't like him but he is the one or Dimitri.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--The Premiere! Part II
« Reply #430 on: April 10, 2013, 12:06:49 PM »
I've been reading this from the beginning and while, I probably won't comment much, I just have to say that this is awesome and to keep doing what you're doing. I cannot wait for more!

Ooh yay, I love lurker comments! Thanks for coming out and commenting, forever_mone! May I call you Mone? I'm glad you are enjoying the story. Thank you so much for all the nice compliments. :)

Hahaha, I just love it. Confession cam also interesting feature here.
Well, Dominic is rude. He should find a better words to say to about this to beautiful lady. Tssk tssk tssk, bad words.

Everybody, let's eat Nathaniel together! Let's have a Fairy Steak shall, we :P?
Well, he was offered Fairy Plasma to Marielle, so why not? :P

I'm glad you like it. I think it is working well, I'm very pleased.

It wasn't very polite. I guess being direct has its drawbacks.

Ummm, I think that Nathaniel doesn't mind having a beautiful lady drink his plasma, but a whole bunch of strangers killing him and chopping him up might turn him off. Besides, if we eat him he can't make us laugh anymore!

i liked dominic at first i think nathanielis the one for her hes a snob and i don't like him but he is the one or dimitri

Hmm, because they stepped in when other guys were being mean to her and said something nice?

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By samoht04

Offline azokka361

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--The Premiere! Part II
« Reply #431 on: April 10, 2013, 12:08:44 PM »
Ummm, I think that Nathaniel doesn't mind having a beautiful lady drink his plasma, but a whole bunch of strangers killing him and chopping him up might turn him off. Besides, if we eat him he can't make us laugh anymore!

Yeah, I'm not sure how Nathaniel is going to respond to this. On the one hand, of course he tastes wonderful, because he's a perfect specimen without any rot or non-delectability. On the other hand, the biting and hacking will leave marks.
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--The Premiere! Part II
« Reply #432 on: April 10, 2013, 12:47:15 PM »
Ombradellarose I like him because he can probably understand being a supernatural unlike the others.

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--The Premiere! Part II
« Reply #433 on: April 10, 2013, 01:38:45 PM »
I knew there was something up with Marielle! She had the vampirish eyes too, I knew it! >8D

Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--The Premiere! Part II
« Reply #434 on: April 10, 2013, 03:11:26 PM »
Ummm, I think that Nathaniel doesn't mind having a beautiful lady drink his plasma, but a whole bunch of strangers killing him and chopping him up might turn him off. Besides, if we eat him he can't make us laugh anymore!

Umm... Rosa, you surely have a scary imagination there. I never thinking that far OwO
I don't want him to die, he's grown on me in this story. But, to let him to have such Near Death Experience will be cool for him.
Yeah, maybe he will change into more sweet person and loveable lol

Yeah, I'm not sure how Nathaniel is going to respond to this. On the one hand, of course he tastes wonderful, because he's a perfect specimen without any rot or non-delectability. On the other hand, the biting and hacking will leave marks.

Well, Nathaniel should brought several Death Flowers on him. As long that he had that, I think everything will be alright :P
I was sad when I read Rosa reply that Nathaniel just only mentioned in your Dynasty.

I would be love if you made a story of him (in misc. section for example). I want to see more of him. Well, at least my desire can be satisfied for now when I follow Rosa's Bachelor Story :P
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)