Author Topic: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Goodbye for Now 18/8  (Read 535848 times)

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Bachelor Update: Leopold
« Reply #270 on: March 25, 2013, 02:51:25 AM »
Nectar and juice my friend, nectar and juice...

Haha maybe he should look up a single Bree Elysi from the Sim Bin if he winds up single at the end of it - I'm sure she'd teach him to lighten up! ;)

I'm really enjoying all these interludes, and I'm looking forward to seeing how Rosa's algorithm works :) Funny thing - they're actually filming the next season for the Bachelorette right now, and the other forum I participate in tries to sleuth out who she picks before the actual reveal - trying to figure out who has the best compatibility from the little snippets we manage to find through public media :)

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Bachelor Update: Leopold
« Reply #271 on: March 25, 2013, 04:35:14 AM »
I feel like I need to step in here a bit and waggle my finger and say 'settle down, girls, settle down'. I know Leopold is exciting but remember the Teen rating. Of course, you're talking about nothing but The Sims 3's 'Teen-rated features' so maybe it's them as should settle down! Anyway . . .

The thing that make me even surprise is that Chris appearance in Leopold's story especially when he is appear in that Salon. So, I just wonder it's a coincidence or it's a fate that I am stumbled in Leopold's story ::). I hope that Chris fans won't be mad, because I already have a plan for him in the story *laugh* He has important role after all 8)

Good luck with your project, Rosa. The story is interesting as always. Let's hope that Marielle will get the best man in this shows. Whoever the winner, no hard feeling! I hope that I can read your other story too. But there are too many story that I want to read, this forum has it all ^^. And yeah, if you could. You can add some of Marielle story too.

I'm sure Chris fans will enjoy him in your story. I am fairly certain Magz did not read your mind and copy you. Maybe Chris is just drawn to the Salon for some reason we don't understand! Ooooh!

Thank you. I hope the same. I know your pain! There are many things I want to read as well. When I spent some time just working on The Bachelorette and not checking, I got so many updates it took forever to read through them all! I probably should do what I'm making the sponsors do, to be fair, but I don't feel bad about not doing that because I am co-ordinating everything. Besides, Marielle isn't doing anything. Lol. She is in limbo while I play everything else. In seriousness, I think I ended her last update with some pretty final-feeling, closing feelings. I wouldn't want to show her in Moonlight Falls again when she just said good-bye to everyone.

*cough* GO STREAKING! ;D *cough*
What? I didn't say anything.....

*waggles finger* ;)

I'm not sure that fits Leopold's profile but tell me when and where and I (for one) will be there. ;D

I like this character more and more lately.  I think he does need to find someone who'll help him lighten up.  His hobbies are so boring and solitary.  That's his problem, too much solitude.  I think he really NEEDS someone to love.  Marielle can help a lot.   ;)

Actually he had quite a few screenshots of him playing foosball with friends in the park, etc. Those may not have made it to the final product. I was actually surprised he already had made so many friends when he just dropped into Sunset Valley. I guess he is a naturally friendly guy! I agree that he does need someone to love though. Doesn't everyone?

Haha maybe he should look up a single Bree Elysi from the Sim Bin if he winds up single at the end of it - I'm sure she'd teach him to lighten up! ;)

I'm really enjoying all these interludes, and I'm looking forward to seeing how Rosa's algorithm works :) Funny thing - they're actually filming the next season for the Bachelorette right now, and the other forum I participate in tries to sleuth out who she picks before the actual reveal - trying to figure out who has the best compatibility from the little snippets we manage to find through public media :)

I think Bree Elysi would teach anyone to lighten up. My goodness, that girl can party!

I'm glad you're enjoying them, they were born out of necessity because I didn't want to leave the thread hanging, but I think we got valuable insight into those characters as a result. I know I did. I don't know if you'll be able to tell from the story how the algorithm is working; it's meant to simulate actual feelings that are difficult to discern from The Sims, so I'll be writing it as if those feelings were simply present. Hopefully you will see that it does work, at least.

Ah, so it sounds the same as here! Everyone does seem to be using various scientific and non-scientific ways of figuring out who she will choose. We'll see.
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By samoht04

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Interlude: The Seventh Bachelor
« Reply #272 on: March 25, 2013, 09:09:11 AM »
Evening, the Crew Room, Bachelorette Mansion

It is a quiet night in the mansion, everyone attending to her own business.

All at once, the silence is broken. Della bursts through the door.

Della: Ladies, you might want to sit down. I have some exciting news.

Della: Oh forget it, I can't hold it in! I found him! The seventh bachelor! I got someone at last!

Bella: Sorry, Craig, I gotta go.

Even Ombra clicks off the computer.
Ombra: One second, Della--got to answer this message--okay, here I come.

Rose: Hang on, just let me check the window and make sure no one is snooping.
Ombra: We're on the top floor, Rose. No one is snooping. Sit down.
Bella: So, Della, where did you find our seventh hunk?

Della: *sigh* Riverview. Such a quaint little country town. I'd like to retire there one day.

Bella: Well, tell us about him!
Ombra: Is he another painter?
Rose: Is he a baby?
Della: He's a hottie, that's for sure!

Then what Rose said registers in everyone's heads.

Ombra: Is he a baby, Rose? Why don't you just ask, 'Is he a unicorn?' while you're at it!

Della: He is neither a baby nor a unicorn. He is a fully grown human Sim.

Ombra: Tell me more, tell me more, like does he have a car? *laughs at her own joke*

Rose: You never said whether he was a painter or not! I, for one, hope he is. Artistic guys are the most attractive.

Ombra: Nah ah! What I want to know is, what's his job? A man with a steady job is a man who is responsible and takes care of business; that's the kind of guy you want.

Bella: Not necessarily! I can earn money myself, what I want to know is, can he cook? If a man can cook, he's got my attention. A domestic god, that's what I like.
Ombra: Job trumps cooking! Everyone knows this!

Ombra: Who cares if he can cook? That's what takeout is for!
Bella: All I'm saying is, a man makes me a nice meal and keeps the house spotless, he'll be happy with the result.

Della: I don't know about all that. A chap would be number one in my book if he has a healthy sense of imagination and romance. That's what I like--someone who will sweep me off my feet and make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

They are all still arguing over what makes the perfect man when Rosa strides into the room.

Bella: I still say keeping the house clean will keep the wife happy, and if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!

They all at once notice that Rosa is there and fall silent.

Rosa: So, what's the news, Della?

Della: Good news, Rosa.

Della: I found us another bachelor.

Rosa: That's great news, Della! Good work! So we'll be able to start shooting soon?

Della: With reservations, yes. There are a few things yet to arrange.
Rosa: Well, take care of them! Let's get this show on the road!
Ombra: Yes, ma'am. I'll have Vik go out and shoot an intro for him and I'll cut it together as soon as possible.
Rosa: All right! Great work, everyone! Let's all get moving!

Jump to Bachelor Update: Talus.
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By samoht04

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Bachelor Update: Leopold
« Reply #273 on: March 25, 2013, 09:17:18 AM »
Oh good, we get the whole team together soon.  You mentioned Vik. Is that another contributor or another personality? As in Vik short for Vikki?
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Interlude: The Seventh Bachelor
« Reply #274 on: March 25, 2013, 09:22:14 AM »
Oh good, we get the whole team together soon.  You mentioned Vik. Is that another contributor or another personality? As in Vik short for Vikki?

Yes indeed! There are bound to be fireworks!

Vik is short for Vikram. He will appear shortly. He is the cameraman for the Bachelorette. I say shortly, I have no idea when he'll show up. As the cameraman he really tends to be behind the scenes. He's there, though.
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By samoht04

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Interlude: The Seventh Bachelor
« Reply #275 on: March 25, 2013, 09:47:36 AM »
I was so excited when I saw the title :P
I love the argument between the ladies! Yay, Grease reference!
I love all your ladies outfits, especially Della's  :)

Offline azokka361

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Interlude: The Seventh Bachelor
« Reply #276 on: March 25, 2013, 09:48:09 AM »
Haha maybe he should look up a single Bree Elysi from the Sim Bin if he winds up single at the end of it - I'm sure she'd teach him to lighten up!

I think Bree Elysi would teach anyone to lighten up. My goodness, that girl can party!

Hahahahahaha . . . this made me laugh so hard . . . thanks!

In other (possibly more related) news--who the heck if the seventh bachelor?! Oh, and I can totally picture all of Rosa's different personalities arguing over the perfect type of guy. Classic  8)
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Interlude: The Seventh Bachelor
« Reply #277 on: March 25, 2013, 12:22:51 PM »
I was so excited when I saw the title :P
I love the argument between the ladies! Yay, Grease reference!
I love all your ladies outfits, especially Della's  :)

I hope you weren't disappointed that it wasn't the bachelor, lol.
Yep, Ombra knows her musicals! There is a hint in that line as well to another of her traits.
Thank you, I spent quite a bit of time on them. Bella's is the Star News Anchor uniform in this update, though. She just got home from work.

Hahahahahaha . . . this made me laugh so hard . . . thanks!

In other (possibly more related) news--who the heck if the seventh bachelor?! Oh, and I can totally picture all of Rosa's different personalities arguing over the perfect type of guy. Classic  8)

You're welcome!

You'll have to wait a bit longer, I haven't finished editing his intro yet! I do have something to keep you busy in the meantime, though. It's pretty hilarious.

Oh yes, absolutely. Unfortunately I do have that in my head all the time, the arguing. :P
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By samoht04

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Bachelor Update: Talus
« Reply #278 on: March 25, 2013, 12:26:27 PM »
Unfortunately, bachelor Talus was unavailable for comment on his activities leading up to The Bachelorette. Fortunately, we were able to find someone very close to him who was willing to fill us in.

Hi, everybody! I’m Rosenrot! (Rhymes with boat!)

My brother can’t talk right now. He’s been busy ever since he found out he’s been accepted as a Bachelor. Not with things like how to talk to a girl right, or how to be a decent flirt (both of which I’ve offered to help him with), but with this:

He keeps saying things like, “I am going to be gone for weeks, Rosen. I have to make sure that everyone has enough elixirs to last them through, Rosen. Watch where you are stepping, Rosen! *crash* What are you doing to me, Rosen?!”

And then he tells me to go play somewhere else while he tries to work. I’m not playing, I’m trying to help you win! Yeesh!

And I don’t get why he’s so worried about anyone running out. Well, I can, but at the rate he’s going, he’s got enough to last for years. He’s dragged multiple rooms’ worth of potions and elixirs and who-knows-what-else over to the shop at least twice now. I’ve never seen him crank out this many this fast in forever. Was he like this back in Hidden Springs, too? What gives?

(The only reason the crates aren’t higher is because he finally ran out of them. Not surprisingly, he bought more.)

And when he’s not running back and forth, or locking himself up in the basement, he’s teaching me how to be his stand-in for his courier job while he’s away. I guess this is his way to start me on my way to being a high-ranking Lady like our mother someday, just like I’ve always dreamed of. Talus says he’s perfectly happy where he’s standing right now in the Court, though, and doesn’t want to move up at all. He’s weird.

The job seems simple enough, but then he tells me all these “rules,” like, “Do not enamour my co-workers. Do not enamour my customers. Do not enamour anyone, actually. I will still have to work with these people when I come back, and you have more than enough suitors as it is. And if you do go to Hidden Springs, could you please keep my house the way I left it? In one piece? With no other people in it?”

Hmph. It’s not my fault if I can’t keep up with all my admirers. There’s a lot of them. And why wouldn't there be? I’m adorable! I still wrote it down to humour him, though.

I’m still super exited for The Bachelorette to start. I’ve watched every season since it started, and I finally managed to get a television in my room (Thank you to those two boys who brought it home for me!), so I’m guaranteed to watch every episode this time for sure! It’s kind of unorthodox, starting with a lot of boyfriends and then whittling it down to one, instead of the other way around, like everybody else I know.

I don't get it. I mean, who wouldn't want all that attention and variety? Even Talus only really gets upset if I can’t remember the names of mine, or if he thinks I’m treating them cruelly (which I totally don’t). But I guess that’s just how they keep the ratings up, promoting weird stuff (even though only having just one girlfriend sounds like something Talus would do, being a Loner and all). I ask him about the show constantly.

“So is she pretty?!”

“I do not know, Rosen. I have not met her yet.”

“Are you excited?!”

“I am something, Rosen.”

“Will there be any cute guys you can introduce me to afterwards?”


Still, I hope my brother does well. Even if he has a tendency to be an uptight stick-in-the-mud at times, he’s still the greatest friend I could possibly have. I know he thinks I’m still a kid, because he still treats me like one, but he’s got hundreds of years on me, so it’s not surprising. Frustrating, but not surprising. Point is, even though he's convinced I'm on a personal mission to do nothing but drive him absolutely crazy (and he wouldn't be completely wrong), he’s still my big brother, and he’s never stopped looking out and caring for me. He doesn't show it easily, but he’s got a big heart on him.

(He’s gonna hit the roof when he sees that, haha!)

Jump to Episode 1 Part VIII: Dimitri.
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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Bachelor Update: Talus
« Reply #279 on: March 25, 2013, 01:01:34 PM »
Awwe, Talus is cute and Rosen is just adorable^^

Della:Excitable, Hopeless Romantic
Ombra: Vehicle Enthusiast?
Rose:Neurotic? (Paranoid?Lol)


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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Bachelor Update: Talus
« Reply #280 on: March 25, 2013, 04:15:57 PM »
All these bachelor updates have been amazing! Can't wait for more!
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Bachelor Update: Talus
« Reply #281 on: March 25, 2013, 04:25:42 PM »
Awwe, Talus is cute and Rosen is just adorable^^

Della:Excitable, Hopeless Romantic
Ombra: Vehicle Enthusiast?
Rose:Neurotic? (Paranoid?Lol)


Hopeless Romantic, yes, Excitable, no. Something similar to Excitable though.
I mentioned before that Ombra has the hidden Vehicle Enthusiast trait. I didn't actually give it to her. That's not what I was referring to.
Yes, it has been confirmed that Rose is Neurotic.

All these bachelor updates have been amazing! Can't wait for more!

Wait no longer! The long-awaited seventh bachelor is here! I think some of you may recognise him . . .
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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part VIII: Dimitri
« Reply #282 on: March 25, 2013, 04:26:59 PM »

Hi. I've been told that many of you out there reading this know who I am, or at least know of me. ... No?


Hmmmm, let me find a different picture.

How's this one. I'm the little guy chilling out on the ground there between my Grandma Rayna and my mom. Also in the picture are my big sister, Tatiana, and my dad. This picture is taken in front of the house I grew up in at 13 Lost Willow Road, Riverview.

As a toddler, I spent a lot of my mornings at the library being read to by my parents while my Grandma played her guitar. The afternoons and evenings were spent at home playing my xylophone and watching Grandma paint while my parents were at work.

Mom said that from very early on they knew I had a gift when it came to music, it's too bad I never developed a passion for it.

As a child I did regular kid stuff: going for joyrides with the Lobos twins, wave my sister off to Smugglesworth Prep School, and try out all kinds of skills.

Of all the arts I had been exposed to, I fell in love with reading and painting; so before I even had my teen birthday, I locked in my LTW of Illustrious Author. I just couldn't wait to create art by merging written words and paintings.

My teen days were very eventful. First off, my parents decided they wanted more children and had triplets! A daughter, Shilo, and two sons, Philo and Milo. I shook my head at that too.

But I loved being a big brother, still do, actually. All those diaper changes and games of peek-a-boo had me deciding I wanted kids of my own some day. I had all but decided to pick family-oriented as my fifth trait--until my sister came home from Prep School. She was welcomed with a big surprise kiss from her childhood BFF, Travis, and now they are a lot more than just friends!

So as I blew out my candles on my YA birthday, I gave my trait selection one last thought and made a wish from the heart.

Looking back on what I'm written, maybe I should apologise for being so long-winded. I don't normally talk much but give me a pen or computer and I could "talk" your ear off. And I just realized I've never actually introduced myself, my apologies.

I'm Dimitri Ivanov, age 28, original townie of Riverview, and I am a self-employed author and illustrator of children's books.

I take inspiration from my life and things going on around me, making them appropriate for kids of course. I'm currently working on a series poking fun at my Slob trait.

I spend my days at my desk working on my latest book or at my easel creating a new painting for said book.

My evenings are spent hanging out with my family, playing my guitar, or learning how to make more than just my favourite pancakes from Grandma Rayna.

With my whole life ahead of me and plenty of childhood friends to choose from, you might be asking why I signed up for The Bachelorette. There are three reasons. One, when Charlotte Lobos asked me to prom I said yes, when she asked me to dance I said yes, when she asked me to go steady I .. well, I said no.

Which leads me to reason number two: I have gypsy blood in my veins (at least according to our family bio) and I feel a need to travel the world. As soon as I get a few more books published I plan on contacting a travel agent.

This trip to Starlight Shores is a perfect opportunity to travel, have an adventure or two, and perhaps even find true love.

I am ready!

Jump to Bachelor Update: Dominic.
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By samoht04

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part VIII
« Reply #283 on: March 25, 2013, 05:53:03 PM »
Yay! A wonderful couple of updates, but what made him want to be a slob?
I think he'd be a great dad. Cool that we've got an original EA in here, although I think Mr. Desirable Legacy spouse would be a good choice too. Sir Eligible the Bachelor would be perfectly suited for this competition.

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Re: The Bachelorette: An Interactive Story--Episode 1 Part VIII
« Reply #284 on: March 25, 2013, 05:58:16 PM »
Wow I play Riverview all the time and I honestly did not recognise Dimitri at first, even the house didn't give it away as I assumed somebody else must be living in it.

He is one of my favourite townies there though, married him to my sims quite a few times too.

Took me some time to catch up with all of this but I love the idea and it's been very well written, all the sims involved are such individuals, at this stage not sure I could choose a favourite, not even Dimitri as once again he is very different to Dimitri's I have known in previous games, but then that's the great thing about townie toddlers, you never know what they will grow up to be.

Yay! A wonderful couple of updates, but what made him want to be a slob?

Dimitri is premade as a slob, virtuoso.

