Natsuko, I love the use of colors! The bubble room just made me smile because it just looks so bubbly! All the rooms are really well done. Your landscaping has indeed, improved a lot! To make the terrain paint nice and crisp, I put the slider on max, as you did, and I use the medium to large square instead of circles. I put fencing down and then spray inside the fencing and then remove the fencing, unless I want to keep it as a border around a sand box. Of course, if I'm doing something curvy the fencing thing doesn't work at all and neither does the square spray, so I'm going to try putting down pieces of curved pool, spray with the circle thing, and then remove the pool pieces! Don't know if it will work but worth a try.
I particularly love the outside look of your house. I seldom try to use stone because I just never seem to get it to look right but you certainly made it work.