First, I rarely comment on this page cause I bored my self with all the wow's, and same old comments. I'm really not good in spotting anything and can only say my impressions which are almost always: wow. Amazing work everyone! Shenice, Danefaith, Samoht and everyone else!
Now, I'm all wrapped up in CAW, got my inspiration back. So, after several sketches deleted, I finally shaped it, put some roads and bridges, zoned several lots, placed most of the rabbitholes and did a little landscaping. Now, I'm trying to stay with tropical feeling, but little modernized (no other explanation for all those rabbithole buildings other than modernisation). So I made something like a park but it's more like a plaza, and game recognized it as Art Gallery, I'll have to change that. Now on to question, I placed only 8 large palms, and strangely it seem enough. And I placed ton's of fountains, since I can't get enough of them. So I wonder, too little plants/flowers/trees, too much fountains? What about general feel, is something missing (toilets are in basement)? Any comment/critic/suggestion will be good, thanks! ( I just saw I need to center one of the lamps