That's a good one, Ausette! Late night brought so many great tools to build awesome modern homes, the fountains out front are way cool.
Yeah, the house really came about because I wanted to play around with the new tools. I think I ended up using fountains, platforms and half walls. I can't wait until I play the game itself, I'm really looking forward to seeing what the professionals have done for the clubs and houses.
When you want to add more room or rooms, don't forget you can go underground and up on the roof! Even the smallest lot can accommodate a house. Hmmm, I feel a personal challenge about to strike. Build a livable house on the 10x10 lot you can place from Edit town.
Way ahead of ya! They're fantastic for squeezing into awesome locations like on hills or next to workplaces. This is Tiny Towers, 10x10 lot, 2 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, all above ground.
It's in my studio, but I'm too embarrassed to link it because I just playtested it and one of the showers doesn't route properly.
A house for monsters, or a big house?
that I'd like to see!