I've always thought you had quite a creative edge. It's mostly just taking that creativity and weaving it through architectural guidelines. Architecture isn't as free form as, say, painting, where you can take your brush and produce essentially anything, because a painting does not have an ergonomic function it needs to meet. As opposed to say, basket weaving. While it is no doubt a wonderful artform, at the end of the day, the product needs to be a basket. It needs to be a container and its thatch-work needs to have structural integrity. Achieving those parameters requires following specific guidelines, and from there, weaving your creativity right into the seams.
Obviously for designing a house, the guidelines aren't as cut and dry, but getting yourself into that mind frame isn't difficult at all. All it really takes is deciding on a style, versing yourself in the little intricacies that make that style work. from there, its weaving together the basic needs of a building, the style parameters you chose, and your creativity.