Author Topic: Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: More Toddler Days (28/06/13) NEW UPDATE!  (Read 31043 times)

Offline maisie

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Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: Makeovers and young love (3/12)
« Reply #45 on: March 12, 2013, 05:44:35 PM »
Please PLEASE Please tell me who the heir is! You can tell me in a PM :) I love the update!

I sent you a pm.  ;)

Can't wait to see the twins' makeovers!  Could you possibly PM me where you got Hekabe's hair?  I love it.
Ditto on the hair! Yay, you're back! I can't wait to see the twins' makeovers, and am totally shipping Hesione and Telamon even though I know it's supposed to happen!

Both of you got a pm with a link.
And about the Telamon-Hesione-Topic you will read more today. They are like made for each other.  ^^

I love the two of them together! Hekabe is gorgeous. Her hair is really nice. I think the twins' room is really cute too! I love the way you incorporated the frog and panda with their favourite colours.

Yay, someone got the frog and panda theme!!! I love to play with the favourite colours. ;D
I really was surprised that Hekabe turned out to be such a beauty.


Hello there. My name is Hesione and I'm the daughter of an Immortal Dynasty founder. That would make me probably the next heir if there wasn't my brother. We know who is the older one and after long discussions we decided to tell you at the same time one of us is dying. But that's going to be a sad day in the remote future. So, let me show you our new looks.

That's me in my favourite colour lime green.

Well and that's Priamos. I can't deny that I have a really stunning brother, what do you think?

Soon after my meeting with the mirror I went upstairs. There was someone I want to be with since the time I was a little child.
I told Telamon that I admired him all the time. He gave me a late birthday present, it was the first image he ever painted. So cute!
Then he gave me a bunch of red flowers. "They have the same lovely colour as your hair.", he said.
Then he leaned forward. "I'm so happy you are older now.", he whispered. "Now I'm allowed to do that..."

He kissed me! My legs turned to jelly... That was what I was waiting for since forever.
When he asked me to go steady I ecstatically agreed.

But our young love was disturbed.
The next day came and along with it Telamon's birthday.

Everyone was celebrating, except me.
I was standing there, stunned.

I knew that the age gap would tear us apart another time so I tried to stop him, caching his arm.

It was too late, my love was an young adult. And through that beyond my reach.
That made me sad but I remembered what he told me the day before, that he will wait for me to age up so we could finally live together as a couple.

Here you can see him after his makeover. You can't imagine how much I strive after the day of my birthday.
I mean: Which young woman could resist a man like him? What if someone is going to catch his eye? Someone older than me?

Offline EllaTheTaco

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Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: Makeovers And Young Love (3/12)
« Reply #46 on: March 12, 2013, 08:34:32 PM »
I have a few things to say :)
1. So, Priamos is the heir? If he is, I hope that the red hair just skipped a gen.
2. Hesione and Telamon make an adorable couple, I can't say the rest of the sentence though  ::)
3. Good update and now I know the heir (I think) MWA HA HA.  ;D

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: Makeovers And Young Love (3/12)
« Reply #47 on: March 12, 2013, 08:52:18 PM »

Wow, the twins both grew up so striking! What a lovely family. Priamos and Hesione are such a tease, not telling us who the heir is!

Offline maisie

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Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: Makeovers And Young Love (3/12)
« Reply #48 on: March 13, 2013, 05:16:17 PM »
I have a few things to say :)
1. So, Priamos is the heir? If he is, I hope that the red hair just skipped a gen.
2. Hesione and Telamon make an adorable couple, I can't say the rest of the sentence though  ::)
3. Good update and now I know the heir (I think) MWA HA HA.  ;D

Well, I think Hesione expressed herself a little bit unaccurate. What she meant to tell was that she would be the heir for sure if there wasn't her twin brother who could be the heir instead. I won't say more.  ;)

Wow, the twins both grew up so striking! What a lovely family. Priamos and Hesione are such a tease, not telling us who the heir is!

They both feel flattered due to your compliment. ^^
I love to put a little tension into my stories and this family is going to have lots of drama in later generations.

Offline azokka361

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Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: Makeovers And Young Love (3/12)
« Reply #49 on: March 13, 2013, 07:08:39 PM »
I'm hoping that Hesione is heir, because a) photography is notoriously difficult to supermax, and b) I'm gender-biased. But both twins are simply excellent-looking, for lack of a better word!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline EllaTheTaco

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Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: Makeovers And Young Love (3/12)
« Reply #50 on: March 13, 2013, 07:53:29 PM »
Darn, I thought I knew, now back to figuring out who the heir is :)
I just found out who the heir is, (I think) Hesione is probably the heir because then you wouldn't have written that, and you were trying to fool everybody, but Ella the Great can never be fooled! lol, I'm probably wrong though, or am I?

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: Makeovers And Young Love (3/12)
« Reply #51 on: March 13, 2013, 10:50:35 PM »
Ella the Great can never be fooled! lol, I'm probably wrong though, or am I?

Haha  You have two choices so you'll have a 50% chance of being right. 

Love the story and yes I thought Hesione was the heir.  Then again I might be wrong too!
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

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1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: Makeovers And Young Love (3/12)
« Reply #52 on: March 14, 2013, 12:08:47 AM »
Wow, we have to wait until one dies? That's so long! But I like it, it keeps us from writing one off as "just a spare."

Everyone in this family is really good looking. I'm impressed. Poor Hesione! Finally old enough to act on her crush and then he ages up again. So sad.
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By samoht04

Offline maisie

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Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: Priamos' Report (3/16)
« Reply #53 on: March 16, 2013, 02:03:31 PM »
Haha  You have two choices so you'll have a 50% chance of being right. 

These words I can totally agree. ;)

Everyone in this family is really good looking. I'm impressed. Poor Hesione! Finally old enough to act on her crush and then he ages up again. So sad.

Thanks. ^^
Yea, Hesione is going to have 13days where she is only allowed to make Sheep's eyes at Telamon.
By the way, if they've had aged correctly, there wouldn't be a day as a teen together with him. But the younger twin strangely was one day closer to aging so I asked for permission to age both of them at the same time. Sometimes the aging is mocking me...  :-\


Hello, my name is Priamos. You already got to know my twin and now it's my turn.
What my incredible lovey-dovey sister forgot to mention the last time was that both of us got the photographer's eye trait while her beloved got the proper trait.
I think that really is fitting him. While Hesione was totally distracted due to Telamon's birthday I asked mom do teach me how to drive.

It was kind of a hard lesson. Mom said I was driving leadfooted that's why she drop me midway through the city.
Then she went away...even faster than me. But I was the one who drives with my feet down the floor...for sure.
So, i spent my time with a book about photography.

When I was back home I found my sister and Telamon sculpting and painting in full harmony.
Maybe they got used to the fact they have to wait?

Later, Hesi was standing in the hallway, absent-minded. Seems like her first kiss totally dominates her thoughts.
Well, she still is an impatint little girl.

That night mom went home with an ecstatic smile on her face. She maxed her career!

That means, since all her other requirements were done for days, she could eat ambrosia. Finally.

I used the moment to catch Hekabe and ask her to continue with my driving lessons. Fortunately she was a more patient teacher than mom.

The next day was Hekabe's and Telamon's graduation day. Telamon was voted valedictorian and most likely to take over the world what is kind of strange...
Do you see that woman in the foreground? Later, mom got into a fight with her. Strange woman.

Back home, Hesi and me had a long conversation about sculpting. You can beliefe me that there is nothing better than a twin with exactly the same interests. We can talk about everything, even if she is a girl.

In the end, she agreed to be best friends forever.
I mean, we used to be that since we were playing peek-a-boo but it's nice to see it in our relationship panel, too.

Upstairs, auntie Constance was talking with mom about some new recipes.

They are still very good friends. It's reasonable considered all the years they went through together.

I couldn't go anyhere without meeting people discussing. Here is Telamon promising Hesi that he will always protect her.
For my sis he surely is the prince she was wishing for in her childhood. I hope he will be worth it...if not, he will get to know me!

I don't need to bother at the moment: All they can think about was each other.
Seems like love burns every other thought. I really don't know if I want to be obsessed like they are...

That's one of the few pictures where almost everyone is sitting together. Most of us are all the time busy with the dynasty restrictions.
Keep an eye on Hesi's glance.

Speaking about restrictions, let me show you what exactly we were doing:
Hekabe was fishing every night. Who knows why she was wearing her swimsuit, at least not myself.

Hesi was schultping as I was. She was a little faster due to my driving lessons.

Telamon spent his time painting. He is going to succeed his mother.

Finally, that's dad scultping either my twin or me. I can't remember.

The week-end was over and we had our first day of highschool. In the background you can see mom who collects the mail.
In her nightgown, as every morning. Right in front of the bus. Parents can be so embarassing...

Again, it was time for some tutoring.

Since Hekabe was an even better driving teacher I asked her instead of mom. Somehow history was easier to understand with her help.

In the end, just a funny pic of auntie Constance. Yes, we all know that you are a little bit neurotic.  ;)

See you the next time, or maybe later, Priamos Oceanus who has to hurry for meal.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: Priamos' Report (3/16)
« Reply #54 on: March 16, 2013, 05:48:29 PM »
Nice to hear from Priamos. I always like to hear a different perspective. I enjoyed the update very much. I keep waiting for Priamos to get romantically interested in Hekabe!
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By samoht04

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Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: Priamos' Report (3/16)
« Reply #55 on: March 16, 2013, 06:03:53 PM »
Nice to hear from Priamos. I always like to hear a different perspective. I enjoyed the update very much. I keep waiting for Priamos to get romantically interested in Hekabe!

That won't happen until the twins age up, seeing as Hekabe is a young adult and was before Telamon was.

Offline EllaTheTaco

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Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: Priamos' Report (3/16)
« Reply #56 on: March 16, 2013, 08:22:39 PM »
Hekabe +Priamos = Love
Hesione + Telamon = Love
Simple :) Did you notice that both the girls' names start with an H? :D

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: Priamos' Report (3/16)
« Reply #57 on: March 16, 2013, 09:48:16 PM »
That won't happen until the twins age up, seeing as Hekabe is a young adult and was before Telamon was.

I don't mean like an actual Romantic Interest in-game, I mean a crush written into the story.
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By samoht04

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: Priamos' Report (3/16)
« Reply #58 on: March 17, 2013, 01:38:00 AM »

I too am rooting for a Hekabe + Priamos story. She was clearly trying to make him notice her; why else would she walk around in her bikini like that? I think she's fishing for a man, not actual fish!

Anyway, congrats on Immortal Number One!

Offline maisie

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Re: Oceanus Immortal Dynasty: The First Immortal (3/17)
« Reply #59 on: March 17, 2013, 09:36:33 AM »
Nice to hear from Priamos. I always like to hear a different perspective. I enjoyed the update very much. I keep waiting for Priamos to get romantically interested in Hekabe!

I love to tell different views, too. I hope it gives a story more depth.

That won't happen until the twins age up, seeing as Hekabe is a young adult and was before Telamon was.
I don't mean like an actual Romantic Interest in-game, I mean a crush written into the story.

It will take a while until he realizes that he has a real crush. He is a little bit slow on the draw but the day he realizes it he will be inexorable. ;)

Simple :) Did you notice that both the girls' names start with an H? :D

That's due to my naming theme. I think you will get it by the time the next generation is born.

I too am rooting for a Hekabe + Priamos story. She was clearly trying to make him notice her; why else would she walk around in her bikini like that? I think she's fishing for a man, not actual fish!

Anyway, congrats on Immortal Number One!

I didn't see it that way. I always thaught she inherited a little bit of her mothers crazyness (Meadow was all the time wearing the wrong clothes) and Hekabe loves to play with the sprinkler (she is obsessed with it, really!) so she is all the time in her bikinis or changes into them. But I have to say I like your explanation much more, who knows what's going on in her head?  ;D
Thank you for the congratulations, that reminds me I forgot Rhoio's stats. ^^"


First Immortal: Rhoio Oceanus

Traits: natural cook, friendly, family orientated, brave, neat
Likes: black, cookies, aegyptian music

I Lifetime Wish: Culinary Librarian
II Career: Culinary
III Supermaxed Skill: Cooking
    Other skills maxed: Fishing
IV Building: Bistro Rhoio's Inn
    Property: Hatchery          Upgraded? yes
V 3 Lifetime Reeards: Moodlet Manager, Fertility Treatment, Speedy Cleaner
VI 6 Best Friends: Billy Caspian, Constance Shelley, Aiden Jones, Betty Simovitch, Guillaume Goldschmied, Odin Crosby
VII 6 Opps: Fresh Fish, Catering Chaos, Sushi-Samba, From one chef to another, From river to grill, Cooking Contest
                (I freely translated what I couldn't found at sims.wikia)
VIII portraits: ya done, adult done, elder done
IX photos: adult done, elder done
X sculptures: ya done, adult done, elder done