I understand what you are saying, but for me, I live in deadville, hicktown, call it whatever you want, it a a small village and there are no beautiful people here, ones who have any good looks and smarts leave as soon as they can. I stayed because of a commitment to my family, elderly parents. I make my sims be what I wish I was, slender, beautiful, great shape, great body, what I wish I looked like. Males are hot, not too much muscle, but you can see that he isn't the guy who sits and watches tv, he love to work out.
I don't want to see plain Jane, I see that every morning when I look in the mirror. So, for me, I go with making her what to see; the pretty woman walking down the street and gets the looks from all the guys she passes by.
Males who have women drooling, dreaming of all kinds of things she would like to do with him.
It all boils down to, what you enjoy playing with. Some enjoy, like me, making beautiful people who are the image of what you want to be. Some want to make the unique sim, sims that don't look "perfect", that have the nose with the slight bump (like mine) or the too small mouth (like I have) and that is great, and I think the suggestions here are helpful for those players.
For me, I want that beautiful sim, I love bright colors, I don't like to make a variety of clothes as it takes up space, slows down my computer with all the "stuff" that it has to process. Of course, I am the strange woman who has only three pair of shoes; one for dress, one for regular and the nasty ones for doing nasty work that I don't care about my shoes, they are already ruined.