Welcome to town number 11, Twinbrook. This is the Winterlys' new home. I started building it sometime last year and found it while looking for other houses that I lost when my grandson borrowed my flash drive. You can see that it's not completely decorated yet.
Here's our happy couple. Rory Winterly is Excitable, Good, a Bookworm, a Genius and is Ambitious. He will become a World Renowned Surgeon. He is so handsome! I think he looks a lot like his Grandpa Christian.
Laurel (Murphy-Finnegan) Winterly is Hot-Headed, Good, Athletic, a Schmoozer and is a Light Sleeper. She will be a Superstar Athlete. I can't tell if she is more green or blue but, as you can see by their kissy face picture, she's definitely an off color. Laurel might be a rainbow slider sim? I love the pointy ears too!
I sent Rory off immediately (after nooboo trying) to learn the logic skill and join the medical career. Laurel was sent to join the sports career.
Cameron and Adrianne are both full fledged adults. Neither one got the midlife crisis, thankfully.
Here's Laurel showing off her (as yet non-showing) pregnancy tummy. The next generation is on it's way!
Rory decided to try his hand at cooking. Keep your fingers crossed! Whew! No fire!
Cameron has mastered the martial arts skill and is at level 9 of the athletic skill. He has time to spare to get his Physical Perfection Lifetime Wish. I'm not so sure about Adrianne.
Laurel has gone into labor. And, it's a girl! It looks like Victoria has inherited her mother's unusual coloring. Not quite a true greenboo but close enough!
Yes, Victoria is definitely a different color shade than her father.
Both Alana and Christian have aged up to Elder. No birthday pictures this time.
Mother and daughter look to have the exact shade of blue/green.
Then, it's time for Victoria's toddler birthday. I'm curious to see what her hair color will be and to see if she got Laurel's pointy ears. I think I see "the" ears! Yep! There they are! I think she looks better with her original hairstyle though so I'll change it back. She almost looks like a little vampire with her pale skin color.
That's all for this time. Thank you for reading.