I apologize for the sparse updates. As usual, updates depend upon how I'm feeling. Today is a good day so...here you go.Antonio and Adrianne are friends but still argue occasionally. The argument didn't last long because Adrianne went into labor.
Here's our next generation, Rory Winterly. He rolled the Good and Excitable traits. Adrianne doesn't look too excited about it does she?
Zeta silently plays with her special doll. One good thing about alien children is that they don't make a lot of noise. She almost takes care of herself.
It's toddler birthday time for Rory. I really don't like the buzz cut, especially on toddlers, so he got a new do. I think that he is much cuter this way.
Cameron needs to travel to China to learn his Martial Arts skill. I hope the game will behave itself! I have a couple save files just in case. And the first thing that happens? Crash. Okay. Four crashes without even getting to China means Buy/Debug to get the necessary equipment.
Mommy teaches Rory how to talk.
Where have you been Zeta? It's bedtime! I didn't even know she was missing. So bad! Too many family members to keep track of.
Rory learns how to walk from Daddy.
Grim takes Georgie away...in the bathroom? Grim has no heart! Georgie is the last pet for the Winterly family. At least for a while.
Alana has completed her Lifetime Wish of Culinary Librarian.
The most overlooked sim in the family, Zeta, just had her teen birthday. Poor sim. She is just so good that she doesn't draw attention to herself.
Sarah has finally reached her Lifetime Wish of Superstar Athlete. I didn't think she was going to make it! She's left it pretty late at age 87. Now she can retire.
Antonio died at age 93. Unfortunately, he never made his Lifetime Wish of One Sim Band. Almost but not quite. He learned everything except the drums.
I know I was complaining about too many sims but this is ridiculous! Sarah didn't even get to enjoy her retirement. There are only six sims left in the Winterly family. Sarah was the last sim to have the Earthsong green skin.
Alana is such a coward!
Insane sims make very good parents. At least this one does.
Zeta is blowing brain bubbles. In other words, restoring her brain power. Too cool!
Childhood adventures await Rory. He rolls the Ambitious trait to go with Good and Exciteable. He's quite a good looking boy.
Zeta got struck by lightning. Why is it that she has hair? She didn't have any before she was lit up!
I almost forgot to tell you...Christian has achieved his Lifetime Wish of CEO of a Mega-Corporation. Woot!
That's all for this time.