Zara the Conductor
So I decide to start up my Town Jump again and the very first time I see Zara, she's in a foul mood. I have no idea what she might be upset about, besides the fact that I haven't even touched their file since April. I guess that would make anybody a bit testy. On the other hand, I finally realize that Zara looks
a lot like Mia, which somehow I hadn't noticed before.
It could also have something to do with the fact that Zara got pranked by someone in the house. The logical trickster here would be Zander, but due to the timing of this, I don't think Zander would've been old enough to set the trap, leaving Zara's only possible prankster to be... Zara. Why she would fall for her own prank, I don't really know.
It's only been a week since I took this screenshot, and I've already forgotten why I took it. I guess Roger might've been modeling his fancy World Adventures sweater, but I could've sworn he was going something interesting.
Due to the extensive snow days we've had in this file, this is actually the first day of school for Zander. Yes, he's halfway through his life stage, and he's never even gone to school. I'm actually happy about school starting up, though, since having to deal with five Sims at once is kind of annoying. Mia and the kids all leave at the same time, leaving Roger home alone to do stuff until he heads off to the theatre around 2:00. It works out that Roger leaves just around the time that Zara gets home, so no babysitters.
Good thing, too, considering what our current babysitter gets up to. He goes into the nursery, tosses Zelda in the air, runs outside to kick down one of Zander's snowmen, and then goes back inside to toss Zelda in the air. Rinse and repeat until Zara gets home. I think he ended up aging up and becoming a paparazzi, which is probably even worse.
Roger and Mia, clearly needing a break from the babysitter, head out on a Free Vacation. Zara, who's been in a bad mood ever since she aged up, takes the opportunity to throw a teen party. Despite the fact that she only knows two teens.
Fortunately, Chuck Lai also aged up at some point, allowing Zara and Chuck some bonding time. Right now they're having a good time, but a few days later he comes back over and refuses all romantic interactions. He still gets a positive bonus to the relationship, but he rejects the romance. We'll see if reloading the game fixes that, or if Zara will have to find love somewhere else.
I hope she doesn't have to do that, though. Despite his tiny eyes, Chuck has some really cool genetics, and his facial expression are hilarious. The other guy there is the babysitter, I think.
In all of the excitement of a teen party, Zelda is lost in the action and takes a nap on the hardwood floor. Ouch. She gets back to her crib eventually, though.
I'm not sure if it's established in the code for teen parties to break stuff and make a mess, which would make sense I suppose, but the four teenagers manage to break
everything. The only appliance left unharmed is the sink. Everything else (the toilet, tub, shower, and dishwasher) is all trashed. I have Zara start off on the dishwasher on her quest of repairing, but something I should've expected but didn't happened.
Thanks to all the water floating around nearby, Zara makes the perfect conductor for some good old fashioned electrocution, hitting her with a nasty moodlet. I should've started her off with the shower, so I'd have a place to clean up in case she did get zapped. I'd have her fix the shower right now, but we hit a roadblock there, too.
With such the horrible mood Zara is in, she refuses to try to fix the shower. However, since her singed moodlet is the main cause of her grouchiness, the only way for her to feel better is to... fix the shower. Faced with such an impossible choice, Zara takes a third option and calls a repairwoman, who fixes everything
except the shower. Figures. The only thing to make this day worse would be if a cop showed up or something.
Oh, brilliant. Fortunately for Zara, there is no cop attached to the car. The car just sat there, with nobody inside, yet no police officer on the outside. By the time Roger and Mia got back, it was gone.
And, just to make things even better, another zombie dies on the lot. The first time, I was kind of touched, but now it's just annoying. Why won't these zombies go die somewhere else!
The best part of the whole thing happens when Mia and Roger come home. They come back to find half of their appliances broken, the dishes from the party still unwashed, puddles in the kitchen and bathroom, and their three children peacefully and innocently watching TV (with Zelda watching through the sofa, no less) with their oldest daughter singed in some sort of mysterious circumstance. That'd be enough to set off some bells for the parents, right?
Wrong. Roger and Mia don't suspect a thing.
Instead, Roger gets re-acquainted with his old enemy, The White Bishop.
Somewhere in there, our heir Zelda ages up. At first I want to take her to the mirror immediately to get rid of that ridiculous hair style, but I quickly decide that I'm too tired to give a Sim a makeover, so I save it until morning.
Morning comes around and I realize that I don't hate the hair style as much as I did the night before. In fact, I like it enough to let Zelda keep it. She'll shy away from the PlantSim style when she ages up again, but for now she can pretend to be Cress.*
Zelda runs off into Zara's room to try on her old princess clothes. Ordinarily Zara would get mad, but she has more important things on her mind right now.
Important things like getting electrocuted again. I guess this is Zara's Loser trait coming to the forefront.
Zander ages up the day after Zelda, and the only screenshot I get of it is Roger blowing his heart out. Poor Zander.
I had inklings of this earlier, but now that Zander is a teen I can tell that he looks a good deal like Roger. I'm not sure what he got from Mia, if anything, but it certainly isn't much. He inherited Roger's squinty eyes, which neither of his sisters got. Zander doesn't mind too much, though, since he gets a cool makeover, too.
*At this point, I was supposed to link to Sutz's
Story of a PlantSim, as it was the story referenced in my "Cress" comment, while also simultaneously mocking my habit of placing asterisks in my stories to note references and then never comment on them. My joke would have been somewhat undercut by the fact that I once again forgot to comment on my asterisk. This time, I actually went back to add it. Congratulations, Audren.