Chapter 43: Dimitri Ivanov: Ladiesman
Marilyn ages to Young Adult, and it's her graduation.
Anita: Dawn, dear, why are you wearing your wedding dress?
Dawn: Watcher was too lazy to change my formal wear. *glares*

"Still, you look very pretty."
Gilberto: I can vouch for that.
Dawn: Whatever..hey, where's Leah?

Leah: [intiating typical insane child sim sequence] Haha, fairy bear, would you like to have a tea party? We will discuss plans to DESTROY THE SPECIES OF HONEYBEES. MUAHAHAHA
Fairy Bear: Help me.
Dawn: Leah, change into your formal wear!
Leah: [intiating stupid sequence] This is my formal wear mama.
Graduation goes pretty well, Marilyn doesn't win any awards though.

She soon gets a job as a Private Investigator.
Leah: [intiating curious sequence] Aunt Marilyn, why do you look so angry?
Marilyn: I got called for a case from your cousin Giovanni, his mouthwash was missing. He thought Max stole it. He did, and guess what his excuse was?
Leah: [intiating question sequence] What? Oh, and Giovanni smells a lot like bananas. I don't want to sit next top him anymore.
Marilyn: You're creepy. He said he stole it because it was chocolate-cake flavored. WHO LIKES CAKE?!
Leah: [intiating sarcastic sequence] Uncle Max does.
Marilyn: Shut up.

Oh, and by the way, this is Giovanni Singh. Max and Tera's son.

Leah: [intiating singing sequence] I mean it's crazy-
Doll: What?
Leah: We finish each other's-
Doll: Sandwiches.
Leah: That's what I was gonna say!

It's soon Dawn's birthday.
Leah: [intiating rap sequence] Go mommy, it's your birthday! This party's like your birthday!
Dawn: It is my birthday Leah. You're crazy.
Leah: [intiating ignore sequence]
Marilyn: Finally!

Dawn: How do I look?
Marilyn: …..
Leah: [intiating compliment sequence] You look splendid mother.
Dawn: Thanks Leah.

It's also Aaron's birthday!
Aaron: *epic exhale*

Aaron: Why did you give me long hair?
"Because it looks good on you."
Marilyn, Anita, Gilberto, Gavin, and Dawn decide to spend the weekend in Isla Paradiso.

They soon leave.
Dawn: Aaron, I'm trusting you to make sure Leah doesn't accidentally burn the house down.
Aaron: Okay.

Aaron: I'm gonna need a few friends to help me watch over Leah.
"If you want to throw a party just tell me."
Aaron: This isn't a party! It's just..a social gathering.
"That's what a party is."
Aaron: Oh shut up. Hello, is this Dimitri Ivanov? I'm going to be having a party tonight. Can you spread the word?

Aaron: Listen Leah, I'm gonna be having some friends over, so don't embaress me m'mkay?
Leah: [intiating accept sequence] Okay.

Soon enough, the guests arrive.
Etta the Maid: What the-?! Is this why you asked me to stay?
Aaron: Yes, it's gonna be a huge mess afterwards.

Dimitri Ivanov flirts with all the girls there, and Anita Lobos even autonoumusly kisses him.

Then, when Anita is chatting with Christel, another party-goer, Dimitri slow-dances with Susie Broke.

And, when Susie isn't looking, he dances with Anita again. Just like that episode in
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide. Ah, childhood shows of the early 2000's.

Other teens flirt too, Perry David and Tatiana Ivanov hold hands the entire night.
The party is a modest success, and the police didn't show up.

"Leah, what are you doing?"
Leah: [intiating answer sequence] Looking for bees! Ooh, I see one! It's ugly too!

"No, that's just Elaine Joy.."
Elaine: What's up there?

Leah: [intiating owned sequence] Take that ugly bee!
"Wait, how did you change clothes so fast?"
Leah: [intiating cockiness sequence] A magician never reveals her secrets.

Elaine: Urrgh! Not my hat!
Leah: [intiating sass sequence] That will teach you to not mess with the queen lady!