Chapter 23: Dancing During A Delivery: Take Two!Gavin certainly resembles Shante, I may have him as the heir. Look at those eyes! Could you say no to that face? He sorta looks like an anime character with those eyes.
Gavin: BEEP! BEEP! Look out everyone! I'm on the loose!
Vince: Gavin, what are you doing in my room? You'll be hearing from my lawyers!
Gavin: What's a lawyer?
Vince: Okay, nevermind. Just leave.
"Why are you dressed as a prince, Vince? HA! That rhymed."
Vince: I'm not a prince. I'm a LAWYER!
"Whatever. Prince Vince."
Wait, what's that sound?
Kenneth: We're trying for another baby.
"But we don't have enough room."
Shante: Oh. Oops..
"So, how was school Vince?"
Vince: It was boring. I would sue everyone. Including the teacher for giving us this homework.
Shante: Oh no.....
"We are doomed! We don't have enough room for another sim!"
Shante: BLEH!
"Ew. Sim vomit!"
Kenneth has his adult birthday, the whole family comes. Carley gave birth to a daughter, her name is Tanisha.
And of course, what would The Singhs be like without some dancing?
"Kenneth, it's time to age up!"
Kenneth: Don't remind me.
Shante: Yes, I'm pregnant.
"That is the fakest smile I've ever seen."
Kenneth: OH NO! WRINKLES! Get me a beard to cover them up.
Carley: He actually looks like an elder...
Kenneth: Yes! Much better.
Vince: You know grandma, your the only person in this house I wouldn't sue.
Jessica: Ummm...thanks...?
Kenneth: Hey honey, have you seen my wrinkle cream.
Shante: OW!
Kenneth: Not helping honey.
Kenneth: Well in that case....
Kenneth: Let's dance!
*music starts*
Shante: Not again....
Kenneth: *sings in the tune of Applause* I stand here waiting for you to give birth.
Allen: *singing* To give birth just push, am I right or am I wrong?
Jessica: *singing* If only I was you, I'd just sing along!
Shante: What? Okay! *singing* I need to give birth...give birth....give birth birth...GIVE BIRTH!
Meet Delilah.
Delilah: What is going on?
Vince comes home with a girl named Anita Logan-Bloom. Daughter of Moxie Logan and Apollo Bloom.
Vince: ...and that's why our teacher should be sued.
Anita: excellent point indeed...
Anita: Hmmm...this homework is quite the challenge.
Vince: Indeed.
Time for Gavin's birthday!
Jessica: Yay Gavin!
Allen: Your awesome Gavin!
Shante: Now, blow out the candles honey! Your amazing.
Vince: HELLO?! I'm practicing my lawyer training here!
Gavin: These tickle.
Gavin: Please. Dresser.
I think I forgot to take a picture at CAS, so here's Gavin as a dinosaur.
Gavin: RAWR! Hehe.