Chapter 3: Allen's Introduction"Again?"
Priscilla: Hey! I have the Surrounded By Family LTW!
"Doesn't mean we have to complete it..."
Matias: Hey, I'm taking a shower! Go vomit somewhere else!
Priscilla: I will, as long as you clean it up.
Matias: Nevermind!
Priscilla: Yay! I'm pregnant again!
"Nice sheep dress. Why is the background blue? Are they falling from the sky or something?"
Priscilla: They could be SKY SHEEP!
"You shouldn't make ever."
Matias is Level 3 now, he always does Sing-A-Grams
Matias: I'll give you this if you pay extra, you really need what's inside.
Lanya Avilla: What's inside?
Matias: Makeup.
Lanya Avilla:
"We should leave the joking to you."
One of Matias's Sing-A-Grams takes him to MN8. Where he finds a sad Sadie Mason. You were wrong lepapillionrouge!
Sadie: I can't believe Mercedes died! She was my best friend ands would never steal my Fiance! I will get my revenge on that EVIL FOOD STAND LADY! I'll see what she thinks when SHE'S on fire!
Marcy has her toddler birthday. She's a clone of her mother. Like literally. Let's hope the next child looks like Matias or is a mix of both parents. She constantly gets attention from her parents.
In fact, Priscilla was with her when she went into labor.
Marcy: *GIGGLE*
Say hello to Allen Singh, who will most likely be the heir.
Matias, meanwhile has just finished his gig. He comes home to find his son was born. And he is outraged that he was already named.
The Singhs find out that Matias's Aunt Hilda was blown up in a cooking accident, so they recieve all of her money. They use it to re-do their house.
Along with the inheritance came the coffin of Hilda. Creepy. However it turns out that Hilda is still alive, but is a skeleton. Something about nuclear material in the explosion, no biggie. They decide to turn Hilda into their housekeeper.
Allen has his toddler birthday, and while he's cute, he is another clone of Priscilla. Yay. Maybe another child will do.
Soon, it's time for Marcy's child birthday. Hilda plays with her one more time.
Marcy: Why are you holding me up so high Hilda?
Hilda: I want to keep you away from the part of me that's radioactive dear.
Marcy: Oh.
The guests arrive. Seth Monroe looks pretty happy to be here, but Ariella Chen-Khan looks about as happy as Kristen Stewart while she's sleeping.
Ariella has a daughter named Hilary Khan-Chen, (I have Twallen's Story Progression) who could be a suitable spouse for Allen. However, Seth had a daughter with Holly Robins before breaking up with her. The daughter's name is Jessica Robins. Both Jessica and Hilary are toddlers. Who will be the spouse?
Marcy: Daddy, who's that man?
Matias: He's rude honey. Don't worry, I have someone guarding outside so no one else will come in.
Willard Wright: Can we come in?
Natasha: No, Mr. Singh told me to not let anyone in.
Danielle Platt-Cupp: *GROAN*
Time for Marcy to age up. None of the guests are paying attention to her. Rude.
As you can tell by Priscilla's outfit, she's pregnant again.
Wow Willard, didn't you want to see Marcy? Now your ignoring her.
Marcy rolls the lucky trait to go along with clumsy and friendly.