Author Topic: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Announcement Regarding Photobucket's New Policy  (Read 163006 times)

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Chapter 45: Our Most Chaotic Birth Yet?
« Reply #255 on: June 17, 2014, 10:42:44 AM »
Wow, that's interesting Serenity, I love how I meet people from all over the world here.

I nned to update like now, I'm already almost half-way through with the next town.  :o

Chapter 45: Our most Chaotic Birth Yet?

Leah: [intiating nonsense sequence] LOL. I have destroyed all the beehives in the neighborhood. I am Super Leah.

"Why. Just why."

Marilyn's pregnancy is going very well. Maximus often visits to check on her, and the other family members are all looking forward to the baby.

Anita: Oh dear me, I believe that this baby just kicked me.

Marilyn: Yeah, I'm going to raise it to be smart and not crazy. I swear, if it turns out like Leah I will freak out.

Anita: I don't blame you dear. Leah is a freaking lunatic.

Leah: [intiating offended sequence] OH NO YOU DIDN'T GRANNY!

Anita: …Oh dear me.

Gavin: ..and lord llama, we beg of you that we have a perfectly sane child.

Anita and Marilyn: Amen.

Leah and Darrick are now dating. I'm amazed Darrick is so fond of her, especially with her nuttiness.

Leah: [Intiating love sequence] Darrick I love you.


Aaron however, is still looking for a girlfriend. He's tried flirting with many girls, but none of them liked him.

Aaron: Shh..this one's different. Hey, is this Chanel? Yes, this is Aaron..yes the guy your twin sister beat up after I attempted to flirt with her..wanna meet at the park? Okay, OKAY! No need to threaten me with your haunted house!

This is Chanel Jones. The girl Hannah Jones gave birth to at the party, she's really pretty.

Aaron: Look, I'm sorry that I creeped out your sister Amelia..

Chanel: Don't forget my friends; Abbie Crosby, Silvia and Elsa Dean, Milla Newbie, and Francine Simovitch..

Aaron: Yes, them, I'm just not good with words..and..I like you and think you're pretty.

Chanel: Oh, that's sweet, but I'm currently dating Giovanni Singh.

Aaron: WHAT?!

NO! NO! NO! Not another Max-Rae-Davon conflict! Seriously? Not again!

Marilyn: Please make this a sane baby..

Aaron invites Chanel out again, and get rejected for his first kiss.

Chanel: Look, your pretty but..I like Giovanni okay?


Aaron FINALLY is sucessful in making him kiss her, and he also convinces her to break up with Giovanni.

Leah: [intiating lovey-dovey sequence] Oh Darrick, you're so gorgeous. Please accept these flowers.


Anita: What is wrong with my family? I could be relaxing in my old mansion in Bridgeport right now instead of this nonsense.

Marilyn: YEOW!

Marilyn: It's coming!

"What's Maximus doing here?"

Marilyn: I invited his household something wrong-OW!

Maximus: It's just that she's still..

Laurel: WHAT?! You wanted to bring me and JAIME over here JUSt so you could watch Marilyn give birth?!

Maximus: my household.

Marilyn: Yes, it's coming out!

Laurel: I hate you!

Jaime: Boogers are salty.

Anita: Oh, I should help my daughter? Okay but first, LEMME TAKE A SELFIE.

Gavin: So, have you ever played Minecraft?

Darrick: That doesn't exist in our world.

Marilyn: Ahh..

Marilyn: It's a girl!

Everyone meet Celeste Singh. She's an Evil Genius. CRap.

Marilyn: No. No. No. NO. NOO. NOOOO!!!

She and Marilyn move out.

Oh, and here's Celeste's half-sister, Jaime.


The rest of the day is pretty uneventful except..

Anita: I feel sparkly!

Dawn: Mom..your dying.

Anita: Well, crap.

Anita: Oh well, I had fun with ya'll. See you in another life!

Rest in peace Anita Logan Singh! You brought a lot of beauty to the family.

We leave this chapter with a photo of Anita and Gavin in the hot tub, taken only a few sim hours before Anita's death.

Offline Trip

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Re: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Chapter 45: Our Most Chatic Birth Yet?
« Reply #256 on: June 17, 2014, 11:55:17 AM »
Good bye Anita. :(

Congrats to Aaron for successfully wrecking a relationship. Chanel is lovely! Who doesn't love a redhead?

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Offline Beezy

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Re: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Chapter 45: Our Most Chatic Birth Yet?
« Reply #257 on: June 24, 2014, 11:26:13 PM »
Good bye Anita. :(

Congrats to Aaron for successfully wrecking a relationship. Chanel is lovely! Who doesn't love a redhead?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk

Red hair is such a beautiful hair color, it's my favorite in the game.

I've lost track of how many relationships the Singhs have destroyed.  :P

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Re: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Chapter 45: Our Most Chatic Birth Yet?
« Reply #258 on: June 25, 2014, 05:11:41 AM »
R.I.P. Anita :'( she sure was a stunning sim. And welcome baby Celeste, poor Marilyn.
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Re: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Chapter 45: Our Most Chatic Birth Yet?
« Reply #259 on: June 26, 2014, 11:52:16 AM »
Poor Marilyn, mother of Evil Genius. "Crap" is quite what I would have said.

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Chapter 45: Our Most Chatic Birth Yet?
« Reply #260 on: June 28, 2014, 12:36:55 PM »
R.I.P. Anita :'( she sure was a stunning sim. And welcome baby Celeste, poor Marilyn.

Poor Marilyn indeed! Anita's genes went very far, and that's a good thing!

Poor Marilyn, mother of Evil Genius. "Crap" is quite what I would have said.

I can see why! Who would want an evil genius as a baby?  ;D

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Re: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Chapter 45: Our Most Chatic Birth Yet?
« Reply #261 on: October 08, 2014, 01:53:09 PM »
Sorry about the hiatus, an update will be coming soon! I way ahead in the game, I'm in the middle of the next town!

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Re: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Chapter 45: Our Most Chatic Birth Yet?
« Reply #262 on: November 30, 2014, 10:08:00 PM »
Chapter 46: Riverview's done..Already?!

Aaron has a mood swing and he wants to cut his hair, wishes are my command!

Gavin visits Marilyn to check on her and Celeste. He finds closure in the child.

Gavin: You are a sweet, innocent child..

Celeste: HAHAHAHA! Imbecil, I shall program Siri to become my mutant phone servant and RULE THE WORLD!

Gavin: *sniff* Just like Anita! Marilyn, you have a wonderful daughter!

Marilyn: Oh please, keep her! She tried to burn the house down yesterday.

Gavin: How sweet!

Celeste: MUAHAHA

Gavin's suffering doesn't last long, he too, passes peacefully. The family was over for a get-well party for Anita's death, so they witness another death.

Leah: [intiating sadness sequence] OH NO! Dad is getting swarmed by bees!

Marilyn: Seriously? We just lost mom! Whose gonna distract Celeste?

Leah: [inserting care sequence] Celeste is evil. She will kill us all.

Grim Reaper: YEAH MY MAMA SHE TOLD ME DONT WORRY ABOUT YOUR SIZE- Oh wait, another death? I need to get back to my date with Paige!

Gavin: Do what you have to do.

Gavin: Bye guys!

Carolyn: (Max's daughter) This party was on point! Even though Grandpa died.

Gavin: Kids these days. Always about partying.

Rest in peace Gavin! He sort of looked like me in real life..

Aaron soon ages up.

Aaron: Please, I saw Celeste do something to the cake.

"I hope it wasn't kerosene.."

Aaron: YES!

Aaron: Ugh, Master suite hair!

Aaron is the heir, his lifetime wish is surrounded by family, which should be interesting..

I don't use OLS that much, so I decided to give it a shot on Aaron. Looks fine but, he's gonna be chilly in the next town.

Since there's a lot of action in the house, I give him a part-time job at the grocery store.

Dawn: Hey Corey-AAAHHH!! I just ate feathers.

Celeste: HAHAHA! My plan is in action! They are distracted! *runs off*

Dawn: Hey, I smell something…

"No. Freaking. Way"


Leah: [intiating rescue sequence] I knew this day would come. When Sgt. Celeste of the bees would try to kill us. I was prepared. DIE FIRE!!

Luckily, Leah puts it out. Celeste is not an innocent child for sure.

Leah: [intiating confidence sequence] Ha. I knew this would happen. They are throwing a party to honor my services.

Dawn: Actually, it's just your birthday.

Leah: Oh.

Dawn: She didn't make a sequence! She's growing out of it!

Leah: [intiating whatevs sequence] Fine. Just get me into a beekiller outfit.

Leah: [intiating disgust sequence] This is not what I asked for.

Leah: [intiating partner sequence] Let's team up. Together let's kill the bees.


Darrick moves in and gets a makeover. They then get married.

Leah: [intiating love sequence] Together let's destroy the bees.

Darrick: YES! DIE BEES!

Aaron: Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes.

Chanel: No.

Aaron: WHAT?!

Chanel: HAHA! Gotcha!

Aaron: That's so not funny.

Chanel moves in and gets a makeover. They are then married.

With that, we say goodbye to Riverview, and the hiatus! Time to go somewhere a little colder..

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Re: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Chapter 46: Riverview's Done..Already?!
« Reply #263 on: November 30, 2014, 10:31:05 PM »
Good-bye hiatus! Not gonna miss that one bit. ;)

Chanel is really pretty.
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Re: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Chapter 46: Riverview's Done..Already?!
« Reply #264 on: December 03, 2014, 03:06:04 PM »
(Initiating guess sequence) I'm guessing since you said the place would be cold that it's either Midnight Hollow or the more likely Moonlight falls as I have not seen any Midnight Hollow content in your story.
(Initiating Wow sequence) How did you get through Riverview so quickly, it always lagged there for me and I used an absolute tonne of performance boosting mods and every other non-store town was OK.

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Re: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Chapter 46: Riverview's Done..Already?!
« Reply #265 on: December 03, 2014, 06:20:46 PM »
Welcome back! Is everyone going to the next town?

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Chapter 46: Riverview's Done..Already?!
« Reply #266 on: December 08, 2014, 12:13:04 PM »
Good-bye hiatus! Not gonna miss that one bit. ;)

Chanel is really pretty.


(Initiating guess sequence) I'm guessing since you said the place would be cold that it's either Midnight Hollow or the more likely Moonlight falls as I have not seen any Midnight Hollow content in your story.
(Initiating Wow sequence) How did you get through Riverview so quickly, it always lagged there for me and I used an absolute tonne of performance boosting mods and every other non-store town was OK.

Lunar Lakes was laggy and glitchy for me, it was by far my least favorite town. Riverview was eh, it went by quick.

And..I would check again on the midnight hollow content. ;)

Leah: [insert spoiler sequence] Check out my teen hair karlissa.


Leah: [intiating apology sequence] Sorry watcher.

Welcome back! Is everyone going to the next town?

Everyone who is currently in the house is going. :) Max, his family, as well as Marilyn and Celeste will not be joining us.

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Re: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Chapter 47: What is Hidden, can be Found
« Reply #267 on: December 24, 2014, 06:56:15 PM »
Chapter 47: What is Hidden, can be Found

As you can see by the artsy title, the town is...

HIDDEN SPRINGS! The Singhs purchase an expensive mountain home for their stay.

Immediately, the Singhs settle in their bedrooms.

Darrick: This room is nice, isn't it Leah?

Leah: [intiating complaint sequence] I don't like this room Darrick. The black and yellow reminds me of bees.

Darrick: Don't worry, I'll protect you.

Leah: [intiating defense sequence] Only karlissa can protect me.

Darrick: Well, I'm not karlissa so..

Leah: [intiating horror sequence] Then we are doomed.

Darrick: We could just paint it a different color.

Leah: [intiating] Yellow and black cannot be painted. They will always torment us under the guise of different colors.

Darrick: Who the heck did I marry.

Chanel: Umm..your sister is..unique.

Aaron: Yeah, she's weird. It's a nice place huh? Wonderful for our five future children!

Chanel: FIVE?! Oh dear, and I thought life at my old haunted house was scary. Those ghosts are nothing compared to the thoughts of five children tearing me apart.

Aaron: It's okay babe. We'll get through it.

Chanel: Let's hope..

Chanel: Oh gosh. Moprning sickness, cramps, cravings, it's starting.

"Leah, what are you doing?"

Leah: [intiating escape sequence] Hello, is this Sim Estates? Get my husband and I a house pronto! And no black and yellow colors, those colors make me feel threatened.

Leah couldn't handle the room, and Darrick couldn't handle Leah's complaining, so in the end, they decided to move out, don't worry, we'll see them soon!

With Leah gone, the Singhs can have some relaxation. Aaron is unemployed, but he does all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, and in the future, child care for the family while Gilberto works at the school and Dawn works as a secret agent.

Aaron: Your move.

Dawn: Ugh, besides my king, I only have pawns and a knight left..

Aaron: DECIDE!

Dawn: OKAY! *moves knight up*

Aaron: Ha! I fooled you! CHECKMATE! *moves rook to Dawn's king*

Dawn: AGH!

Chanel writes in her freetime, but she has a wish to join the stylist career. Why not?

Tattoo artist: Okay, and this is where the customers wait for you-

Chanel: *spins* I'm pregnant!

Tattoo artist: Okay, enjoy the week off!

Chanel: But I haven't started working yet!

Chanel: OW! I'm going into labor!

"Wait, where's everyone?"

Chanel: Aren't they supposed to dance or something?

"Um, I'll sing for you."

Chanel: Good enough.

"I know you lie, your lips are movin, tell me do you think I'm-"

Chanel: He's here!

"Did he just come out to shut me up?'

Chanel: Probably.

Meet Dalton Singh!

Aaron gets a wish to have another child so I call the adoption service, and everyone welcome the first adopted child of the town jump; Walter!

Walter and Dalton become the stars of the household, the adults fight over them, resulting in tons of foot stomping.

It's Dawn's last day as an adult, so she's goes to the gym to train people one last time.

Astrid: I'm so tired, can we stop?


Astrid: Help me.

Dawn: Goodbye beauty..

Astrid: HAHA! Whose the lazy butt now?

Dawn: Ugh, I feel old already.


Dawn: Urgh.

Dawn gets a sophisticated makeover.

Dawn: Much better.

Gilberto then takes Dawn out.

Gilberto: You're still beautiful.


They then spend the night at one of the lodges.

The next day, the boys age up.

This is Walt, he has a Scandinavian look about him.

This is Dalton. He takes after Aaron but I can see Chanel in him. Dang, Gilberto's genes are lasting a long time.

Chanel and Aaron try for baby, and I hear chimes.

Chanel: Oh no, here they come.

Oh, and look! Leah had a baby too! Meet Darnell Singh!

Leah: [intiating motherly sequence] I will train Darnell to kill bees.

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Re: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Chapter 47: What is Hidden, can be Found
« Reply #268 on: December 28, 2014, 10:08:13 AM »
Good luck Darnell, you will ceirtanly need it.  ;)
Love to see you back, Corey, I can't wait to read more about the Singh family  :D
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Re: The Singh Random Town Jump -- Chapter 47: What is Hidden, can be Found
« Reply #269 on: December 28, 2014, 12:04:19 PM »
Good luck Darnell, you will ceirtanly need it.  ;)
Love to see you back, Corey, I can't wait to read more about the Singh family  :D

Thank you! Darnell has a crazy mother.

Also, OH MY GOD! Almost 16,000 views?! This is more famous than my Morris DecaDynasty! Thank ya'll so much!