I'm more impressed with this town than I expected to be, my first impressions of it after the announcement weren't that great but the content included sold it to me so I got it this morning with my leftover birthday money.
Surpisingly I like the place more than I thought I would, the houses are nicely done, the starter homes are very nice. I love the pools with all the decking, makes me want to make my own like that, I never know what to put around pools but that works so well.
Couple of disappointments though, the gym Weight Lifters Wonderland, has just one treadmill and no weights, oddly named but then there is a second gym so not a great loss. And the hot air balloon, I was mistakenly under the impression it would actually travel a bit but it just teleports, also my sims were being really uncooperative and kept landing it and getting out before I could direct them to do anything, I was getting so cross with them by the time I finally got both inside and actually in the air
The real estate seems quite expensive as well, the military/police rabbit hole is very cheap but the rest are pretty high, I suppose it's the combined rabbit holes that causes the high prices as you're paying for more than one building.