Author Topic: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new chapter 04/10/14)  (Read 57227 times)

Offline betabee

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 05/10/13)
« Reply #90 on: October 05, 2013, 04:56:48 AM »
Pasteur: Where's the watcher today? I thought she'd have started narrating by now.
Darwin: Apparently she's got Fresher's flu.
Franklin: Has she tried getting simmunity?
Darwin: She can't- the rules are different in dimension H.
Jill: So what do we do in the meanwhile? I'm sure the forum members will be wanting a chapter anyway.
Luca: Simple- we write it ourselves!
Newton: But none of us have any writing skill . . .
Luca: I'm sure we'll manage. You talk, I'll type.

Chapter 29: In which Newton and Luca go adventuring

Newton: Since we don't want to live on the streets at university, Luca and I decided not to go. We wanted to take some time out from the whole dynasty thing, however, so we decided to go . . .

Newton: . . .to france!

Newton: So, shall we go adventuring while we're here?
Luca: Sure! I'll act as your glamorous assistant.

Luca: I tried to pass the time while Newton found an adventure by beautifying the town. However . . .
French Policeman: That'll teach you for desecrating our beautiful streets! I'll take you down the station for a formal reprimand.

Newton: Luca, I've found us an adventure . . . Luca? Luca?!

Newton: I can't believe you got yourself arrested.
Luca: I can't believe I got myself arrested either. I was trying to do a public service . . .

Luca: You go adventure- I'll leave a sign saying we were here. The place will be famous once we become famous adventurers!
Newton: Ok. Don't get lost.

Luca: After retrieving the baseball . . .
Newton: So, do you have any other adventures for us?
Lea: Not right now, though do try asking again later.

Lea: Before you go, I have a question for you two.
Newton: Ok, go ahead.
Lea: Were you guys like friends in high school and now just afraid to ruin your relationship with each other by telling the other person that you want to be more than friends, that you like-like each other? *
Newton: Erm . . . pretty much, yes.

Newton: The next pictures are pretty self-explanatory as to what happened next.

Lea: My work here is done.

Newton: Ah, so many comets tonight. . . Halley discovered that one, Flamsteed discovered the one over there by that tree.
Luca: Really?
Newton: Yes. But Nullius in verba. **

Franklin: So you're finally dating?
Luca: Yes.
Jill, Franklin: *do a victory dance around the room.*

Newton: That's not all of it, Gran.
Franklin: Oh?

Newton: We kind of eloped.

Franklin, Jill: What?!

Luca: Well, we didn't want the fuss and bother of a big wedding which you'd have inevitably planned out for us.

Luca: And so begins the next generation.
Jill: *sniff* but I really wanted to go to your wedding . . . *sniff*
Newton: You can give us a lavish wedding when we get remarried at the end of the dynasty, OK mum?
Jill: Excuse me while I go start planning . . .
Luca: Do you know what you've just started?

Newton: And so we began our married life together by defacing beautifying the base camp in France.
Luca: We went home after a couple of days.

Newton: I applied for a job in the army . . .

Newton: My museum pieces were finished . . .

Luca: And I joined the mortal wall!

Betabee: So what did I miss?
Pasteur: Not much. Newton got married, Luca may be pregnant and I'm a 5 star chef!
Betabee: Oh. Not much then. Shall I do the clue recall then?
Luca: You may as well. I heard chimes.
Betabee: Ok, the clues for the 5th generation are as follows: Pi, Doc, Olympia and Quanten. Happy Guessing! (I'm off to find a vapourizer and some hot choccie . . .)

* (mis)quoted from Night at the Museum 2, which is an excellent film that has given me much enjoyment.
** Nullius in verba is latin for 'Take nobody's word for it', and is the motto of the Royal Society in London. But don't take my word for it. Look it up on wikipedia or something.
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Offline GoswaldtheGargoyle

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 05/10/13)
« Reply #91 on: October 05, 2013, 05:13:10 AM »
*Joins in the Newton and Luca celebration conga line to go and deliver a get well soon card to betabee*

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Offline betabee

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 05/10/13)
« Reply #92 on: October 12, 2013, 11:08:12 AM »
*Joins in the Newton and Luca celebration conga line to go and deliver a get well soon card to betabee*

Thanks, Goswald. I'm feeling much better now.

Given no-one has given any guesses as to the name of generation 5, I'm giving you a few options. Do you:
a. Want another clue?
b. Want more clarification on a clue of your choice?
c. Want more time?
d. Want me to post the next chapter and put you out of your misery?
Answer in comments below.
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 05/10/13)
« Reply #93 on: October 12, 2013, 12:18:00 PM »

I don't know enough about scientists to make a good guess.

"Newton: You can give us a lavish wedding when we get remarried at the end of the dynasty, OK mum?"

Oh Newton, you stupid, stupid man. You will rue the day. Heh! I like them eloping in France; very sweet.

Offline betabee

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 05/10/13)
« Reply #94 on: October 12, 2013, 06:14:57 PM »
I don't know enough about scientists to make a good guess.

"Newton: You can give us a lavish wedding when we get remarried at the end of the dynasty, OK mum?"

Oh Newton, you stupid, stupid man. You will rue the day. Heh! I like them eloping in France; very sweet.

I'm sure Newton will come to regret it later on . . .  :D

We'll go for option d, then. Next chapter, coming up!

Chapter 30: In which we say goodbyes (and hellos)

It's official. Generation 5 is on its way!

Luca: Are you excited to be becoming a dad?
Newton: Blissfully happy.
Luca: Are you saying that in response to my question, or just because you're meditating?
Newton: Happy thoughts.
Luca: Thought so.

Luca: You do know you're an awesome Great-grandad-in-law for agreeing to sculpt me?
Darwin: Erm, there aren't that many Great-grandad-in-laws about these days to compare me with.
Luca: Which makes you an awesome one, right?
Darwin: Maybe. I'm not sure. Be careful of the chainsaw, dear.

Since Pasteur has completed pretty much all his other requirements, it was time to roam the town with  pocket full of friendship potions. It's a good time to see which townies are still around as well. Here's Betty Simovitch, werewolf . . .

 . . .Anita Lobos is now a fairy . . .

 . . . even Hannah Jones is still around (though probably not for much longer).

Luca: So how's the job going?
Newton: I'm currently a mess hall server; I'm sure I'll be at the top in no time!

Luca: Don't worry about rushing- you've plenty of time to get everything done.
Newton: Thanks. But I think everything's under wraps. I should be done by the time our baby's engaged.
Luca: Planning ahead much dear?

Newton: Watcher, please be sure to include the picture of my blue martial arts kit!
Betabee: OK. As long as you keep working on it right after, ok?

Luca: The baby's coming!!!
Betabee: Already?
Luca: Did you doze off or something? Yes already! Where's Newton?

Newton: Happy thoughts . . . Happy thoughts . . . Dishwasher noise . . . Happy thoughts . . .

Betabee: So, I think he's keeping a safe distance.
Luca: Oh well. At least he won't distract me from the oncoming sparklefight.

Forum, may I introduce the next generation: Einstein!
Pi refers to the fact that Einstein's birthday is March the 14th, also known as Pi day! (3/14 in month/day format)
Doc is a back to the future reference; Doctor Emmett Brown, otherwise known as Doc, has a dog called Einstein.
When he was working in a patent office in Bern, Einstein created a discussion group called 'the Olympia academy'.
Quanten is german for Quantum, referencing Einstein's work on modern quantum theory, a key part of modern physics.

This means it's time for another goodbye: we have 7 sims and 3 pets in the house. Thus, if Doc and Quanten are going to have a puppy, Olympia must leave the house.

Betabee: Bye-bye Olympia.
Olympia: To the TARDISLLAMA!

Jill: Don't you think he's adorable?
Pasteur: He's our grandson- he's adorable by default.

Jill: He can have little red shoes as part of his page's outfit at his parent's wedding . . .
Pasteur: That sounds lovely dear. Are you sure it'll fit with the rest of the colour scheme though?
Jill: I'll work it in somehow.

Jill: You'll be an adorable pageboy. Yes you will!

Jill: You really will!

Darwin: What do I call you? Stein for short?

Darwin: A word of advice, kid- don't tug the beard too much. It took a lot of work to get the beard.

Newton: I wonder? Will you get my hair or Luca's?

Betabee: Well, let's find out!

Newton: My hair, judging from the eyebrows.
Betabee: Brown again? Seriously?
Einstein: Can't . . . focus . . . on the sparkles.
Betabee: Don't worry, Einstein. You don't need to.

Next time: A closer look at toddler Einstein.

Edit: I realised I called Hannah Jones Heather Crosby by accident. Must check notes when writing chapters .  . .
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Offline Audren

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 12/10/13)
« Reply #95 on: October 12, 2013, 06:27:19 PM »
The only person I could think of was Archimedes, since I think he was the first guy to try to measure pi (incorrectly, but still) and Olympia being a reference to his Greekness. It all makes sense now, though.  :P

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 12/10/13)
« Reply #96 on: October 13, 2013, 12:41:42 AM »

I can sympathize with Newton: "Happy thoughts . . . happy thoughts . . . dishwasher noise?!" Only with me it's ticking clocks. Dishwashers are just fine.

And yes, be very careful with that beard; Darwin worked very hard to get it. After all, he had to beg his watcher to buy it for him!  ::)

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Offline betabee

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 12/10/13)
« Reply #97 on: October 19, 2013, 11:28:35 AM »
The only person I could think of was Archimedes, since I think he was the first guy to try to measure pi (incorrectly, but still) and Olympia being a reference to his Greekness. It all makes sense now, though.  :P

I'm sorry if the clues were too cryptic. The one I thought people would get was the back to the future reference with Doc. I'll have to be careful what I pick for generation 6's clues.

I can sympathize with Newton: "Happy thoughts . . . happy thoughts . . . dishwasher noise?!" Only with me it's ticking clocks. Dishwashers are just fine.

And yes, be very careful with that beard; Darwin worked very hard to get it. After all, he had to beg his watcher to buy it for him!  ::)

I hypothesize that he's sitting by the dishwasher for the calming white noise it provides. Hmm . . .  :)

Chapter 31: In which hats are cool

Einstein is the 5th in line to get brown hair. I wonder if we'll still have the brown when we get to generation 8 . . .

Again, for my own sanity, Einstein's going blond for now.

Betabee: So what hairstyle do you want?
Einstein: Hat!
Betabee: There's more variety than that . . .
Einstein: Hat!
Betabee: Okay . . .

We have a strange pattern of favourite colours so far. Green, hot pink blue, green, blue, and now green again!

Einstein: Why can't I have a cooler selection of hats?
Pasteur: Well, there's a limited selection for toddlers. Don't worry, you can get more later.

Einstein: Let me guess- now you're going to post loads of pictures of my awesome hat?

Betabee: In a minute. But first- your museum pieces!
Einstein: Hats! Yay!

Einstein: Mummy, do you like my hat?
Luca: It's a nice hat. It is very practical though. You could go for something a bit more stylish.

Einstein: Don't worry, mummy- I will go for a wider variety of hats when I'm older.

Franklin: So what caused your sudden love of hats?
Einstein: You wouldn't understand.

Franklin: Why not?
Einstein: I'm a complex individual. My reasoning is complicated.
Franklin: I'm sure I could have a go at understanding.
Einstein: But it may bore the forum readers.
Betabee: Actually, I think they'd be quite interested.

Einstein: Puzzle knows that I like hats because of their insulatory properties. But I doubt Puzzle will be allowed out because of some silly reason the watcher gives like 'household space'. Silly household space. It's not at all logical, is it Puzzle?

Finally, Pasteur's elder birthday rolled around.

Pasteur: Oof . . . Papie, is there any chance there's a spell to cure chronic backache yet?
Darwin: I'm working on it. Go sort out your clothing.

Pasteur: Ok, but first, the 'tasche needs tending to.

Like his mother, Pasteur went for quite a practical set of outfits for the next few generations.

Pasteur: Don't you have more interesting things to watch than me being sculpted?
Betabee: Erm . . . not really.
Pasteur: You could go listen to more of Einstein's hat chatter.
Betabee: Any other ideas?
Pasteur: hmm . . . the yard's still quite empty. Go do some landscaping.

So I ended up building a playground. It should be effective at keeping idle immortals out of harms way (as well as bored children).

Pasteur's last museum pieces were completed within a few hours.

It's ambrosia time!

Pasteur: It'd be nice to have some nectar to wash this down with . . .

Betabee: Go make some then. You've got time.

Pasteur: On the other hand, I could play Gnubb.
Betabee: You've got time. Hobbies can wait.

Pasteur Scientia: IMMORTAL
Lifetime wish: celebrated 5 star chef    Done!
Career: culinary                          Done!
Supermax: Cooking                   Done!
Building: Litte corsican bistro     Done!
Property:port-a-party mini warehouse   Done!
3 Lifetime Rewards: discount diner, born to cook, better mixologist   Done!
6 best friends: Mags Newbie, Odin Crosby, Betty Simovitch, Anita Lobos, Jill Scientia, Hannah Jones         Done!
6 Blackops: We love falafel, A french puzzler, corporate dining, new high quality ingredients, the dish showdown, riddle away.    Done!
Portraits: To, C, Te, YA, A, E    Done!
Sculptures: To, C, Te, YA, A, E   Done!
Photos: To, C, Te, YA, A, E       Done!
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 19/10/13)
« Reply #98 on: October 24, 2013, 08:42:09 PM »

The elder's children's playground looks like it should provide hours of entertainment.  ::) Congrats to, what is Pasteur, Gen 3? Yeah, bud, you've got pleeeenty of time.

Offline betabee

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 26/10/13)
« Reply #99 on: October 26, 2013, 05:24:13 PM »
The elder's children's playground looks like it should provide hours of entertainment.  ::) Congrats to, what is Pasteur, Gen 3? Yeah, bud, you've got pleeeenty of time.

Pasteur: Ah, the art of Procrastination by trampolines and water slides and gnubb!

Chapter 32: In which you meet a new cluedog (I'm sure cluedogs should be part of a cluedo expansion pack or something. it would make the game cooler if you had sniffer dogs for something)

As the chapter title implies, Quanten and Doc have finally got around to starting the first of the generation 6 cluedogs.

Betabee: Hey Newton. What are you up to?
Newton: I'm fulfilling an opportunity, by defacing beautifying the town a bit.
Betabee: Cool. How's the opportunities coming?
Newton: This is the third one.

Because of a boring few days, it's time to meet the next cluedog (Already!). Forum, meet Maxwell. Maxwell, meet the forum.
Maxwell: Yo.

Newton's still working on the martial arts. If he completes the skill challenges other than the china tornament one before he's an elder, he'll travel to china so he can supermax martial arts. At this point, I'm a bit scared of sending him to china for fear of travelling bugs. I'm further in this immortal dynasty than any of my previous attempts, so I would hate for it to die by travel bugs.

Doc: Ahh . . . I feel like I should be inventing a flux capacitor about now . . .
Betabee: OK, but you may have trouble with it due to your lack of opposable thumbs.

I probably could have filled out this chapter with more toddler spam, but you the forum would prefer to see what Einstein looks like as a child, right?
Forum: Right.

Einstein: Argh! I haven't got a hat! Help!
Betabee: The dresser is upstairs. Off you go!

Betabee: Better?
Einstein: Well, there aren't enough hats yet. But this hat will do for now.

Einstein aged up with the insane trait.
Einstein: I prefer the term complex. I see the world differently, that's no reason to call me mad.

Einstein's room is as . . . unique as he is. Designed to allow his inventive creativity to florish (without the need to trek down 2 flights of stairs to get food).

Newton: And that's my last blackop!
Betabee: Yay! ANd you're a flight officer. Halfway though the career, woot!

Einstein: AAAhhhhh! Why are you watching me?
Betabee: Well, I'm a watcher. What else can I do?
Einstein: I dunno. What do you want?
Betabee: Well, a variety of things, but mainly this- why do you call yourself complex?

Einstein: Well, I'm part real and part imaginary. See?
Betabee: Yay, maths joke!

I'm not sure why, but there's this blank hole in the back lawn of the science lab. It doesn't seem to be doing anything, so I think I'll just have to keep an eye on it. It doesn't seem to be a game-breaker though. Unless it grows and swallows the house or something.

Here's another glitch. This is Puzzle, Einstein's IF. I don't know why she appeared real, and Einstein could talk to her and everything. It was fixed when Einstein went to school.

Maxwell's an adult dog now.
Maxwell: Already?
Betabee: Well, it's been a boring few days, so i've been speeding a bit and not taking screenshots. deal with it.

Betabee: For example, I put Quanten up for adoption, but forgot to take a picture of her leaving. *facepalm* Hence I have given you a pic of Newton trying to find Maxwell a lady dog friend from the adoption shelter. (she is still not found yet. all the lady dogs seem to be elders today at the shelter . . .)

A few edits have been made to Einstein's room. He had trouble using the mini fridge, so a full size pantry has been installed. The dining table is new too, making sure he doesn't need to trek downstairs to eat or anything.
Einstein: Now if only I didn't need to go to school . . .
Betabee: Sorry, but you've got to go.
Einstein: But I'm so much better than school.
Betabee: Everyone's got to go. Even if they're better than school. I don't decide these things. Sorry.

To finish, Einstein's child museum pieces are in place.

Next week: Ends and completions and continuations. Like most weeks.
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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 26/10/13)
« Reply #100 on: October 26, 2013, 05:28:29 PM »
The black hole is a SocialJig object. They're pretty harmless, but they look weird and occasionally cause route failures.

Late congrats to Pasteur on immortality. :)
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 26/10/13)
« Reply #101 on: November 01, 2013, 02:27:03 PM »

Why does Einstein like hats so much? I mean, I could see Newton liking them, what with the whole apple falling from the tree thing, to protect his head. Not sure about Einstein. Nice math pun, by the way, about being complex. Very cute. And yay, imaginary friend gene! Kinda useless, but fun!

Offline betabee

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 02/11/13)
« Reply #102 on: November 02, 2013, 09:27:06 AM »
The black hole is a SocialJig object. They're pretty harmless, but they look weird and occasionally cause route failures.

Late congrats to Pasteur on immortality. :)

Thanks for the information.  :) At least I now know it's mostly harmless, though I may need to shift the position of the next wedding a bit to make sure it doesn't interfere.

Why does Einstein like hats so much? I mean, I could see Newton liking them, what with the whole apple falling from the tree thing, to protect his head. Not sure about Einstein. Nice math pun, by the way, about being complex. Very cute. And yay, imaginary friend gene! Kinda useless, but fun!

I'm not sure a hat would protect your head so much- a helmet would be better really. Newton, you should wear a helmet.
Newton: But it would mess up my hair!
Betabee: I didn't take you to be so girly as to complain about your hair.
Newton: I can be masculine and still care about my hair. It takes a lot of effort to keep it nice!
Betabee: Including perfumed shampoo?
Newton: How did you know I use perfumed shampoo?!
Luca: I told her.
Newton: What?!
Luca: It's for the best, dear. Don't be ashamed of it. Nearly half the population takes no shame at all in using perfumed shampoo, and even conditioner.

I digress . . . Hats aren't Newton's thing really. I'll explain Einstein's reason in the next chapter, which is luckily coming up right now . . .

Chapter 33- In which the nursery is declared obsolete

Betabee: Why has the camera panned- . . .ah.
Jill: At least Einstein's at school so he doesn't have to see this.

Pasteur: Why now? Why?
Grim Reaper: Because. Sorry.
Jill: Don't worry about me, dear. I'll see you in a few generations.

As revenge for taking her mother-in-law, Luca decides to sock Grim with a pillow. It may not be a very effective revenge, but it's less harmful overall. 

Luca: Are you okay, son?
Einstein: I'm disappointed.
Luca: How so?
Einstein: My grandmother is dead and they won't give me any time off school to cope with my loss. They even say I still need to do my homework! This wouldn't happen in H-dimension!

Pasteur was too grief stricken to deal with placing Jill's grave, so the task fell to Luca.

Luca: What is this place? It seems so old, yet holds so many memories . . .

Luca: Well, I hope you will be happy here for a while . . . I will miss you. You were like a mother to me. Thankyou.

Puzzle is fully back to normal now. However, Puzzle will never be made real- we're at the time where household space is starting to be an issue. I'm going to try and find Einstein an older wife so that generation 6 has less problems with bringing in generation 7.
Puzzle: Well, that's a bit rubbish.
Betabee: Tell you what- I'll make you real in a separate save file and save you to the sim bin. Okay?
Puzzle: That'll have to do, I guess.

Einstein: Dad, they've got this question wrong.
Newton: How so?
Einstein: Well, they're asking about forces and stuff, but in the model solutions they are completely forgetting to account for special and general relativity . . .
Newton: Hmm. It's weird when you get to an age when you don't understand the stuff your children are studying.

Newton has finally maxed martial arts. Yay!

The plant nursery has become rather useless- Darwin has stored enough ingredients and life fruit to last the family until well beyond the end of the dynasty. Therefore, I have replaced all the plant pots with a collection of rocking chairs to help keep the elders occupied.

Maxwell: Who's this?
Betabee: This is the mother of the next generation of dogs- we adopted her from a neighbor. Meet Anode, everyone!

Einstein was so busy making widgets he aged up sans cake.

Einstein: Don't tell me this age-up hair runs in the family.
Betabee: Well, your father hated it as much as you do.

The hat-loving continues. (Mostly because I want to tell who is who among the immortals at a glance, hence differing hairstyles. Also because hats don't often get a look-in in the hairstyle department. Einstein is a unique individual and I wanted to reflect that in his choice of hair. Besides, if I went for the real Einstein's hairstyle then this Einstein may be mistaken for a thinner version of Crazy Man.)

And so does the odd mixture of clothing styles.

Newton has finally mastered meditation, so has progressed to sparring. He isn't even an adult yet, so this bodes well for him supermaxing martial arts in time. Woot!

On the skill challenges note, Einstein has finished making 250 widgets, and so is starting on his campaign to clean the floors of the world.
Einstein: Well, it's a sensible precaution. It will render the five-second rule obsolete!

Betabee: OOh, pretty lights! I haven't had any alien abductions before. I wonder who they're going to examine?

Einstein: Those lights can't be friendly- they've interrupted my great endeavor for floor cleanliness . . .

Einstein: Hhhheeeeellllpppppp! I reaally don't like zero gravity . . .

A few hours later . . .
Einstein: Well, you certainly don't have good floor hygiene. I slipped over at least twice when running around your spaceship.

Despite alien abductions and floor cleanliness campaigns, Einstein managed to take time out to get his museum pieces completed.

Next time: Einstein's teen years.
Scientia Immortal Dynasty    -Christmas special: Snowflake days of futures past
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Offline Eldridge

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 02/11/13)
« Reply #103 on: November 03, 2013, 02:49:02 AM »
Hi, betabee! I've been reading yours and I’m happy that I finally can catch up the latest! It took a long time to get in there. Just want to let you know that you have another stalker reader who always stalking reading as silent stalker reader :P

Here are your comments:

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Your story is enjoyable to read, I love it so far! Can't wait for Einstein teenage years days :)
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 02/11/13)
« Reply #104 on: November 03, 2013, 02:59:02 PM »

Floor hygiene: it's an important goal. Good to see that Einstein's got his priorities straight.  :P

