Author Topic: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new chapter 04/10/14)  (Read 56324 times)

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 01/04/13)
« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2013, 02:55:03 PM »
Yes! Yes! Thank you, thank you. Why Franklin, though? Is it just a last name thing you're doing here? She is adorable, at any rate. I'm with Darwin though, I hope she grows out of pink. Not because it's not sciency, it's just so gender stereotype-y.

I don't remember, did Darwin just age up with that lack of hair or did you make him have it? Because it makes me so happy. It seems a natural progression.

Uh oh, watch out for Reaper Bob! HE's quite nice though, you know, just doing his job and that.
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By samoht04

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 01/04/13)
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2013, 10:19:18 AM »
Yes! Yes! Thank you, thank you. Why Franklin, though? Is it just a last name thing you're doing here? She is adorable, at any rate. I'm with Darwin though, I hope she grows out of pink. Not because it's not sciency, it's just so gender stereotype-y.

I don't remember, did Darwin just age up with that lack of hair or did you make him have it? Because it makes me so happy. It seems a natural progression.

Uh oh, watch out for Reaper Bob! HE's quite nice though, you know, just doing his job and that.

In a lot of scientific papers, the researchers are only mentioned by surname, maybe because first names commonly used in the past weren't as varied as they are today. I think using their surnames make them more distinctive. And I don't think Franklin will be a very 'Rosalind' kind of girl somehow. . .

I'm glad you like Darwin's hair. It was engineered, but it just seemed right.

So, on with the next chapter! Apologies for infrequent updates, but life is busier than I thought it would be.

Chapter 9: Survival

Jon: There you go Frankie. What do you think?
Franklin: shrugs, crawls off back to the nursery.
Betabee: Don't worry about it Jon. I'm sure she'll appreciate it more when she's older.

Darwin: Tell me again why I got potty duty?

Jo (shouts from the other room): I'm busy painting her portrait.
Jon (shouts from downstairs): You wouldn't make a creaky old man climb the stairs to do it, would you?
Betabee: And I can't do it, which must leave you, Darwin.
Darwin: Ok,  but listen up Frankie; I'm not doing this for your kids. 

Since Jon has so little time left, he's bagged 'teach Frankie her skills' duty. For now.

Darwin only has best friends and his career left to sort. The Gardener career still needs several thousand to max it, but a few Noble histories of Socks and Deathfish fishing books should sort that.

Jon: There's a good Frankie. Well done with walking, now let's start with talking!
Betabee: Any reason for that choice of order?
Jon: I won't be around when she starts asking difficult questions.
Franklin: Grandpa, who are you talking to?
Jon: It's started!

Thankfully all her toddler exhibits were completed without incident. Jo now needs to have enough ice sculptures to do Franklin's child sculpture. This shouldn't be too hard- she's got less than ten to do.

Franklin: Why do I need an exhibit?
Jon: It's part of a recipe so that you can live forever.
Franklin: Why?
Jon: Ask your father. It's his idea.

Jo: So what's your grandpa been teaching you?
Franklin: He showed me how to walk, and told me about immorta- immorti- a big word for a long long time.
Jo: Really? And what will you do with a long long time?
Franklin: Be more like mummy!
Jo: That's good to hear!
Franklin: Yeah, because mummy knows everything.
Jo: Including where you're most ticklish!
Franklin: giggles

Darwin: I like trees. Can you say 'tree'?
Franklin: Trees are good. They help recycle carbon dioxide from the air and emit oxygen through the process of photosynthesis so we have enough oxygen to respire and produce energy for metabolic processes. . .

Darwin: Where did you learn all that?
Franklin: Simple, mummy brought me some books from downstairs and Grandpa read them to me. Some of the words are quite long, but mummy told me not to be scared of long words. They're not that bad really.
Darwin: Do you like reading? would you like to become a writer someday?
Franklin: Not really. It's rubbish being stuck inside all day.

It saddens me to have to tell you that Jon passed away peacefully on his 90th day.
Jon: Can't I have another day with my granddaughter?
Bob: I'm so sorry, but you can't. Your friends are bending the rules enough as it is. Off you go.

Darwin: What do you mean, 'bending the rules'?
Bob: I can't tell you now.
Darwin: Why? You've got to tell me. I don't want to endanger Frankie.
Bob: I can't. It's against the rules of suspense. If I let you know now, there'll be no suspense at all. You've got another seven generations to go anyway until things get hairy. Relax.
Darwin: Not fair at all.
Bob: No-one ever said I was fair.

The whole house was in gloom and grief for the next few days.

Except for the one individual who was a bit too young to grasp that her grandpa was gone.
Watson: No! Not the ears!
Franklin: But they're nice soft. Like mummy's hair.
Watson: Wilkins? Feel free to carry on with the documentaries after I'm gone.

To ensure household peace, the Scientias came to the descision to place all mortal graves in lost willow park. Here's Jon's. RIP.

Jo: . . .And so that's how you take awesome photos.
Darwin: Cool. Thanks. Now back to the garden!

Swan's birthday soon arrived. . .

. . . and I didn't realise she would grow up so large. Here's to supersized beagles!

Darwin: I'm starting to see why Jon complained so much.
Betabee: At least you don't have to do it on caffiene. Jo's still got ages.
Darwin: I'm exhausted already. How many of these did you say I had to do?
Betabee: A few so you can do Ice, then 25 so you can keep them solid.
Darwin: Aaaaahhhhhh!

A few uneventful days later. . .

Betabee: Make a wish!
Franklin: No screenshots of just after the sparkles!
Betabee: Wish granted! Off to the dresser while Darwin and I sort your room.

Darwin: Here's your new rooom, Frankie.
Franklin: But daad, pink is for little girls. I like blue now!
Darwin: sighs Ok, we'll go and pick out a new wallpaper from B&G*, ok?

One trip to the DIY shop later. . .
Darwin: I hope you're happy now.
Franklin: Yep. Thanks dad!
Darwin: flops on the sofa in the living room

So here's Frankie's child outfits, showing off her new love of blue. She's starting to resemble her mother quite a bit.

* Bachelor and Goth hardware, wallpaper and carpet store is quite a small chain of stores, but hopes to expand. Due to the popularity of build mode, this is quite unlikely.
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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 27/04/13)
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2013, 10:52:56 AM »
What a pretty child!  Um, were those plants growing books?

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 27/04/13)
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2013, 07:54:05 PM »
What a pretty child!  Um, were those plants growing books?

Yep. Omni plants. Brilliant for maxing the Gardening career!

So fun, this update! Never mind about the long time between, we readers are a patient bunch. Frankie is a lot of fun. So glad she grew out of pink. I rather think that changing one's favourite colours as one grows is much more realistic. That room looked much better in blue. The whole B&G thing was fabulous. Permission to steal?

We'll miss Jon, but he left a nice legacy. Frankie's my favourite. She's really smart, I love that. That beagle is huge! So funny, she looks like a not-beagle because of her size and colour.
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By samoht04

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 27/04/13)
« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2013, 08:40:23 AM »
What a pretty child!  Um, were those plants growing books?

I'm so glad you like Frankie! The omni plants are very useful- unfortunately I only have three, since I can't get any more by post. They should be enough to get Darwin's career maxed in time though.

Yep. Omni plants. Brilliant for maxing the Gardening career!

So fun, this update! Never mind about the long time between, we readers are a patient bunch. Frankie is a lot of fun. So glad she grew out of pink. I rather think that changing one's favourite colours as one grows is much more realistic. That room looked much better in blue. The whole B&G thing was fabulous. Permission to steal?

We'll miss Jon, but he left a nice legacy. Frankie's my favourite. She's really smart, I love that. That beagle is huge! So funny, she looks like a not-beagle because of her size and colour.

I'm happy you enjoyed it! It was quite fun writing Frankie. I think blue suits her much better, despite the game giving her pink as a favourite colour.

Permission granted! After all, we can't let build mode have a complete monopoly can we?

I'm not sure what breed of dog Swan is- I don't think real beagles get that big. However, hopefully the beagle coloring will be passed onto the next generation.
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Offline ve1ocity

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 27/04/13)
« Reply #35 on: April 28, 2013, 11:32:07 AM »
Jon: You promise she will be treated well after I’m gone? No coffee-driven skilling, no endless nights of elixir making or sculpting?

Hehehe! That line rocked!

Wow! This is one great concept. Love Frankie! She's adorable!
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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 27/04/13)
« Reply #36 on: April 28, 2013, 01:17:21 PM »
nice story and great pics
i liked what you did in your kitchen .

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 27/04/13)
« Reply #37 on: April 28, 2013, 02:28:23 PM »
What a great little dynasty!  I love the theme to it.  Sims and science go together like peanut butter and jelly.  ;)  Good luck with it, and I hope to see more about Frankie and Darwin soon.

Offline betabee

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 28/04/13)
« Reply #38 on: April 28, 2013, 04:21:59 PM »
Hehehe! That line rocked!

Wow! This is one great concept. Love Frankie! She's adorable!

I think so too. She is quite pretty.

nice story and great pics
i liked what you did in your kitchen .

Thankyou, and welcome to the forum.

What a great little dynasty!  I love the theme to it.  Sims and science go together like peanut butter and jelly.  ;)  Good luck with it, and I hope to see more about Frankie and Darwin soon.

You're in luck- here's the next chapter now . . .

Chapter 10: X-ray Crystallography

I discovered an option when clicking on Frankie for 'change costume', exclusive for spooky day. So, without further ado, Frankie has the unique opportunity to play dress-up!

Among the assortment of costumes include bunnies, roman soldiers,

Various superheroes/supervillains (I won't show all of them),



and tigers.

Given that this costume availability coincided with painting/sculpting time, it seemed the perfect opportunity to introduce variety into the museum.

A day or so of sculpting by Jo later, I give you four options for the museum pieces. I don't care about the prices. Do you, the forum, prefer:
1. Frankly heroic;
2. Frankly quite noble;
3. Frankly regal;
4. Frankly gnome other option.

If it helps, here are the other two museum pieces.

Darwin: So Frankie, have you given any thought to your supermax skill?
Franklin: Maybe fishing? It will mean I can go outside a lot. Not that home isn't good, but it would be nice to see more of the world.

Jo: Sound like a good idea. I can teach you how. It would be good for you to get more fresh air.
Darwin: Though you'll want to wait until after winter for a pond at home.
Franklin: Deal. I might focus on getting some friends at school in the meanwhile.
Betabee: Also that will give me time to focus on getting the last of Darwin's requirements finished.

As Frankie heads off to her first day of school, I am reminded of this quote from the Lord of the Rings:
“Home is behind, the world ahead,
 and there are many paths to tread
 through shadows to the edge of night,
 until the stars are all alight.”

A few days later, Darwin is only $3,000 or so from maxing the gardening career, despite all but one of his omni plats dying.
Darwin: Hi Carlotta! Remember me! . . . The guy who chucked a potent friendship elixir at you ages back? . . . Yeah, can I talk to you for a while until we're friends again? . . . Oh, you're a werewolf now? . . . Hey, no need for threats! . . .

Darwin isn't the only one trying to make some friends.
Franklin: Hi Horace. Can you come over?
Horace: In a little while.

Franklin: Erm. . . Hi Horace.
Horace: Hello.
Franklin: You're . . . taller.
Horace: Disadvantage of being a newspaper deliverer.

Franklin: Oh well. Do you want to play tag anyway?
Horace: Fine then. Am I out of the dynasty spouse runnings yet?
Franklin: Not quite. I'd advise getting a different job though.

But before their game of tag can commence, we say goodbye to Watson, aged 47 days.

Watson: Wilkins, do continue the beagle line for me!
Wilkins: Yes sir!
Grim: Off you go now. Fetch!

Horace is so affected by seeing Watson die that he resorts to the bar in the kitchen thaat no-one uses.

But eventually Frankie manages to play tag with him, making him a friend. Who knows- they might end up married if I can't find other options (such as younger classmates).
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 28/04/13)
« Reply #39 on: April 29, 2013, 03:18:05 AM »
If you want to marry him, never invite him over again until you're ready to marry him, and then move him in quickly.

As for museum pieces, the gnome and princess have the most distinctive silhouettes, but the first two seem to fit her character more.

 :'( *sniff* good-bye, Watson . . . I'll miss your nature documentaries . . .
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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 27/04/13)
« Reply #40 on: April 29, 2013, 04:36:30 AM »
nice update and RIP Watson

-- The omni plants are very useful- unfortunately I only have three, since I can't get any more by post. They should be enough to get Darwin's career maxed in time though.
its a known bug .one of the forum members her name is Serena Darrin posted this :what you need to do, is to tell your sim to order the omni plant seeds, but then cancel the command before they get to the mailbox. The animation for them ordering the seeds will play out (but they won't be at the mailbox).  I had my Omni plant seeds appear in the mailbox the next day.
it worked for me

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 28/04/13)
« Reply #41 on: April 29, 2013, 10:28:11 AM »
If you have the University expansion some of the coffee beans can be quite the cash crop.  This post has great details about the benefits of red berry beans.  And I can't remember if you mentioned it, but is Darwin selling his crops through the consignment system?  That's a great way to wring every last bit of career advancement possible out of produce sales.

Frankie is just too adorable.  I absolutely love her gnome ice sculpture.  Kids can dress up as princesses any time, but can they be gnomes as easily?  If not you've got a pretty rare pose there!  And I wouldn't stress too much about an older man as her spouse - they're ideal for immortal dynasties, what with household space potentially being an issue!

Offline betabee

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 28/04/13)
« Reply #42 on: May 20, 2013, 12:06:12 PM »
If you want to marry him, never invite him over again until you're ready to marry him, and then move him in quickly.

As for museum pieces, the gnome and princess have the most distinctive silhouettes, but the first two seem to fit her character more.

 :'( *sniff* good-bye, Watson . . . I'll miss your nature documentaries . . .

I miss Watson too. It's made a bit less hard by how much Wilkins resembles him though.

nice update and RIP Watson

-- The omni plants are very useful- unfortunately I only have three, since I can't get any more by post. They should be enough to get Darwin's career maxed in time though.
its a known bug .one of the forum members her name is Serena Darrin posted this :what you need to do, is to tell your sim to order the omni plant seeds, but then cancel the command before they get to the mailbox. The animation for them ordering the seeds will play out (but they won't be at the mailbox).  I had my Omni plant seeds appear in the mailbox the next day.
it worked for me

If you have the University expansion some of the coffee beans can be quite the cash crop.  This post has great details about the benefits of red berry beans.  And I can't remember if you mentioned it, but is Darwin selling his crops through the consignment system?  That's a great way to wring every last bit of career advancement possible out of produce sales.

Frankie is just too adorable.  I absolutely love her gnome ice sculpture.  Kids can dress up as princesses any time, but can they be gnomes as easily?  If not you've got a pretty rare pose there!  And I wouldn't stress too much about an older man as her spouse - they're ideal for immortal dynasties, what with household space potentially being an issue!

It's good to know about the alternatives for more omni plants and the coffee beans- unfortunately I don't have university life yet (I'm waiting for a relative to buy it for my birthday!) but I might make use of them if I do another immortal dynasty.

Frankie: What's this about other immortal dynasties? You aren't that far into this one!
Betabee: B-but I've been busy! With exams!
Darwin: And procrastinating from Sims.
Betabee: So Frankie can go to university.
Jo: That's no excuse. She can go to University at any time.
Betabee: But-
Jo, Frankie, Darwin: Get on with it!
Betabee: Ok, ok! Updating now. . .

Chapter 11: In which the author dismisses the previous chapter naming convention as silly and unsustainable

Yeah, I got bored with trying to find relevant chapter titles relating to the current heir. On with the show!

The last omni plant died when Darwin was only a few thousand simoleons from a maxed career. They were good and noble omni plants, and Darwin should be able to get the rest of the way without them though sale of glow orbs.

So after maxing his career a few days later, it was time to go and throw potent friendship elixirs at random people. Unfortunately Mr. Caspian seems to have skipped town (foiling plans to get him in the household) but luckily George Dean should be with us for a while yet.
Darwin: George, as a friend I would like to warn you of my Watcher's plans for townie gene introduction.
George: I consider myself warned. Billy sent a letter saying moonlight falls is very nice at this time of year.
Darwin: It's not that I don't want you in the house, it's that my daughter's growing up and my protective father instinct is kicking in.
George: As someone you threw a potent friendship elixir at five minutes ago, I want to assure you I won't be spending time with your daughter. I've got better things to do- like planning extended breaks to moonlight falls.

Jo's adult birthday passed without ceremony, except from a quick trip to the hospital to stave off a mid-life crisis.
Jo: Well, I've got better things to do than spend time agonising over if i've made a huge mistake continuing with this. My husband and daughter need me.

Betabee: Oh no!
Darwin: What?
Betabee: You've got a bowl stuck to your hand.
Darwin: It's not my fault I'm not allowed to become a better cook and avoid incidences like this. It doesn't hurt anyway.

Alien: I see simnation is advancing in technology. Maybe they'll be ready for first contact soon.
Betabee: And will you be alive long enough to get home and report it to your superiors?
Alien: Probably not. That's the disadvantage of sub-warp space travel. We won't bother you for another few generations anyway.
Betabee: Oh goody. Alien threats.
Alien: Not threats really. Just curiosity.

So with all requirements complete other than elder pieces, Darwin grows old.

With the bowl still stuck on his hand.
Darwin: Well, aren't you going to remove the bowl? It'll make eating ambrosia harder.

One quick bowl-removal later. . .
Darwin: I really need a longer beard than this.
Betabee: It's the longest one I could find. Deal with it.
Darwin: Why can't you buy me a longer one?
Betabee: Could, but won't. You won't want it on the swap shop after the end of the dynasty anyway.
Darwin: (grumble)
Betabee: It's not forever. It's only for, ooh, 7 more generations?

Betabee: I love that I didn't need to change your outerwear from what you aged up in.
Darwin: I know. It's very becoming of the fashionable victorian gentleman.

Darwin: You don't mind too much that I'm old now, do you?
Jo: I don't mind at all. I think it's a good thing you're older than me.

Darwin: Why?
Jo: Because I get to spend more time with you before I go without you worrying about requirements and such.
Darwin: We'll always be worrying about them a bit.
Jo: I know, but from now on, it's less up to us. It's Frankie's job now.
Darwin: We'll still help out.
Jo: Always. Now get some sleep. We've got museum pieces to do in the morning.

I eventually settled on the gnome sculpture for Frankie's child piece, for uniqueness and individuality.

Darwin: I'm quite amazed at how you do these sculptures.
Jo: I could teach you if you like. Though you'll have to work on the non-melting property yourself.
Darwin: Well, someone's got to do it for the rest of the dynasty.

Betabee: A penny for your thoughts.
Darwin: It's out of my hands now.
Betabee: What is?
Darwin: All of it. The immortality of myself and my descendants. Even my museum pieces are in the hands of Jo.
Betabee: You've got to trust them to get the job done then.
Darwin: I guess. It's not easy given I haven't met most of them yet.
Betabee: I'll leave you to your musings.

In very little time the last requirements were finished.

Darwin's museum is complete.

It's ambrosia time!

Betabee: Do we get detailed information on the taste?
Darwin: Needs Some sauce. Pass the ketchup?
Betabee: How do you know about ketchup?
Darwin: You learn a lot of things in founding an immortal dynasty.
Betabee: Don't tell me. . . you'll explain later?
Darwin: Is this another reference to something I don't get?
Betabee:There's a lot more you learn in being a watcher.

And so we have our first immortal!

Who has been sufficenty trained by his neat wife to put the dish straight in the dishwasher.

Darwin Scientia: IMMORTAL
Lifetime wish: Perfect garden      Done!
Career: Self-employed gardener     Done!
Supermax: Gardening                Done!
Building: Flying V's coffeehouse  Done!
Property: Lost willow park          Done!
3 Lifetime rewards: Super green thumb, no bills ever, haggler.    Done!
6 best friends:Jo Lessen, Carlotta Lobos, Liliana Portillo, Meadow Carpenter-Rhodes, George Dean, Leia Goodson     Done!
6 Blackops: Great greens, uncommonly good, outstandingly rare, the omnificent plant, outstanding tasting ingredients, save the herding         Done!
Portraits: YA, A, E      Done!
Sculptures: YA, A, E     Done!
Photos: YA, A, E         Done!
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Offline ve1ocity

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 28/04/13)
« Reply #43 on: May 20, 2013, 12:09:18 PM »
Ah... congratulations for the first immortal! I know how it feels :)!

BTW of the portraits on the wall, how did you take the side angled lying-down one?
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Offline betabee

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Re: Scientia Immortal Dynasty (new update 20/05/13)
« Reply #44 on: May 20, 2013, 12:11:52 PM »
Ah... congratulations for the first immortal! I know how it feels :)!

BTW of the portraits on the wall, how did you take the side angled lying-down one?

Jo was standing on the other side of the bed to where Darwin was sleeping and took the photo from there.
Scientia Immortal Dynasty    -Christmas special: Snowflake days of futures past
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