Author Topic: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty *Graveyard Please*  (Read 12292 times)

Offline Pyro0001

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Re: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2013, 07:14:21 AM »
HI everyone. Sorry I haven't updated, I have a major exam coming up, it's painstakingly difficult! *FREAKS OUT FROM STRESS*


Chantelle: Oh no! Little Katie’s aging up! Now she will lose her toddler cuteness!
Katie: I can hear every word you know! I’m not as dumb as I look! Now please, let me concentrate on becoming a child, OK Mum?

Katie: Ta da! Good grief! I look like a farmer! Plus, my hair is so passé!
Hank: Girls will be girls...

Katie: Phew – I hope Mum likes these purple tips!
Chantelle: Oh sweetie! It looks very nice but hair dye can make your hair fall out!
Katie: Huh?
Hank: Um…Looking good Katie!

Hank: OK Katie, I finished putting together your bed!
Katie: Thanks Dad, but remember, I’m a DOG PERSON, not an equestrian!
Hank: *Sigh*

Cuddles: Woohoo!
Katie: Seriously? That’s a swear word, and if you swear, you don’t get any ice cream.
Cuddles: It doesn’t matter, I’ll just continue floating in the air and throwing sparkles.
Katie: This conversation between doll and sim wearies me.


Chantelle: Have a good day sweetie! Also, don't stare at the bus driver! Bye!
Katie: *Stares*
Bus Driver: Listen kid, I’ve had generations of kids staring at me, so just leave me alone!

Hank: It’s my birthday! And I’m stabbing my shoulder with a giant nail!
Chantelle: I hope you don’t age up with a missing limb!

Hank: Wow, this really hurts! I think my spleen stopped working! But I still look awesome! I don’t even have a ruptured muscle!
Katie: Should I call an ambulance for excessive use of exclamation marks or for a self-mutilated father?

A bit later

Mocha: Bark
Chantelle: Oh look Hank, Mocha’s aging up!
Hank: Sassy and Mocha sure look similar in shape, but not colours.
Katie: LOL

Chantelle: I still can’t believe that City Hall provided me with a stretch limo!

Chantelle: It’s my birthday now! Well, at least I’m holding a party thingy, not a rusty old nail!

That night

Katie: Hi HOTTIE
Hank: Who are you talking to?!
Katie: That pop star on TV!

NEXT TIME: Katie becomes a teen and snags a boyfriend (a real one, I think)!

By the way, Chantelle's traits are natural cook, green thumb, hopeless romantic, bookworm and family oriented.
Katies traits are artistic, genius and dog person.
The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

Offline azokka361

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Re: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2013, 12:26:30 AM »
Katie is so cute! Shame on you, Chantelle, for thinking she would lose the toddler cuteness . . . I expect a written apology, three copies, typed. I find it hilarious when kids age up in overalls--it's usually a sign. A sign of what, you ask? Well, I don't know.
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2013, 10:46:03 AM »
So much fun. I like the light-heartedness of this dynasty.
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By samoht04

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Re: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #33 on: February 18, 2013, 09:24:22 PM »
Thanks guys  8)

Also, Katie actually isn't a Genius, she's Friendly. I made a mistake.
The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction


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Re: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2013, 12:58:38 PM »
Katie is such a cutie! Great update. :)

Offline Pyro0001

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Re: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2013, 07:38:20 PM »
I had the funniest dream last night, I dreamt the Leonardo DaVinci wrote a book of the movie 'Prometheus' 500 years ago!

Also, I have so many views! Thanks everyong for seeing my story  ;D
The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2013, 09:00:38 PM »

Aw, Katie is so cute! And "woohoo" as a swear word, haha!

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Offline Pyro0001

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Re: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #37 on: February 23, 2013, 06:58:39 AM »

Chantelle: Hank, I upgraded the house again.
Hank: Nice!
Katie: It's OK. Carter's house better.
Hank: Who's Carter? Is he your boyfriend?
Katie: Well...NO! I'm only 11 years old!

Chantelle: Well I'm sure this Carter doesn't have a hover bed!
Katie: Where did you get THAT? Did you steal it from NASA or something?
Chantelle: No, Hank got it online.

Chantelle: La la, I'm just going to buy this salon.
Receptionist: How may I help you?
Chantelle: I'm paying you over §50 000 for control over this spa!
Receptionist: This probably isn't legal, but OK!

Katie: It's my birthday! And my mum and dad are in their pyjamas!
Chantelle: Hey, this is comfier than a leopard corset!
Katie: You killed a leopard! How barbaric!
Chantelle: Leopard PRINT!!

Katie: PUFF

Katie: I'm in my underwear!! HELP...

Katie: Phew! Much better.


Katie: Carter, I kinda had a crush on you when we were younger, and I just want to tell you that I am crazy in love with you!
Carter: That's awesome Katie. I had a crush on you too! Come and kiss me!


Carter: Your mum has been, like, watching us the whole time.
Katie: *Giggle*

Chantelle: Carter, umm, you can date my daughter, just...treat her well okay?
Carter: Sure Mrs Katie
Chantelle: I'm Chantelle!!

A few days later

Hank: I finally finished Summer Hill Springs! It's Level 3.
Chantelle: Looks great :D

Chantelle: I HATE that song! Can't you sing another song?
Katie: Fine! TWENTY TWO!!! OOOOOOHH....
Chantelle: I'm going to bed before people from Al Simhara complain about the noise!

That night...

Chantelle: Why is Sassy's fur grey? Is she sick?
Hank: No, I think she aged up.
Chantelle: Sassy, poor Sassy, she's one step closer t-to DEATH!
Hank: Don't worry, she's lived a good life.
Katie: You guys are so depressing! I think now is the time for dramatic music by Beethoven! Da-da-da-DAAAHH!!!

NEXT TIME: Mocha finds a mate and Carter...well, see the next post to find out

NB: Katie's teen trait is Flirty
The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

Offline Tilia

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Re: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #38 on: February 23, 2013, 12:28:45 PM »
Oh my God, I LOVE that photo of the stargazers giggling at their interloper.  It is so incredibly cute and realistic.

Offline Pyro0001

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Re: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #39 on: March 01, 2013, 07:31:59 AM »

Chantelle: My garden is so nice! I already have a tomato plant, lettuce plant, apple tree and a grape bush.

Katie: They’ve barely even sprouted yet!

Chantelle: I only planted them yesterday!


Katie: It’s my Prom Night! I’m going to be woozy for a week!

Hank: More like troublemaking for a week.

Katie: Dad! I’m 16, not 6!

Hank: 6 year olds don’t go to proms…!

Katie: I – Oops the limo’s here. Bye!

*Runs out door*

Carter: Ooh, sweet! A white limo. We should hire this when we get

Katie: We’ve only been going steady for, like, one and a half weeks!

At the Prom

Katie: Aren’t you coming, baby? They’re playing your favourite, Miley Cyrus!!
Carter: Katie, I told you to keep that a secret…

The next morning

Chantelle: Hi sweety! Did you have fun at the Prom?

Katie: Yes! I got voted Prom Queen.

Chantelle: Awesome! I knew spending §3000 on a dress would come in

Katie: That much? :o

Chantelle: Yeah. Anyway, may I take a photograph of your prom photograph?

Katie: Oh sorry, they used to use Polaroids to capture the photographs, but the school wants to modernise everything…now they use digital cameras. The camera people are developing it as we speak.

Chantelle: A shame really. Well, here’s a photo of Katie’s crown.

Tomorrow morning

Katie: PLEASE take me to school in your limo!!

Chantelle: You have asked me this 15 130 576 947 times! YES!!

Katie: Sorry mum!

A few days later

Hank: ANOTHER house? Really? This is our fifth one in 17 years!

Chantelle: Perhaps I should bulldoze and order something bigger…

Katie: Mum! This one is fine! Really! BTW, love the fountain.

Chantelle: Thank you dear, it only cost §450.


Living Room



Katie: Look mum, Mochas flirting with another dog!

Chantelle: Hee hee, let’s hope they make some puppies!

Katie: Mum, that is really gross.

Chantelle: Sorry, but I just love puppies.

Katie: THEY’RE NUZZLING!!! This is a good sign!

Chantelle: Good, gimme some puppy cuteness!

Hank: They haven’t even tried for puppies yet.

Later, at the pond

Hank: I CAUGHT AN ANGELFISH! Now I’ll go into the graveyard tonight and catch some deathfish to make my beloved wife and daughter immortal.

Later, at the library

Chantelle: *thinking* Judy Bunch is dying! Oh no, oh no! She was such a good friend to me!

Chantelle: There he is…Death.

Chantelle: I’ve just had a horrible thought! I shall live on, while Hank, and all of my descendant’s spouses, die. And what if Katie has more than one child? They will die too. What have I got myself into?


Chantelle: OK, on happier terms, Katie’s prom photo came in the mail today. It looks a little funny, perhaps the school had a faulty camera which makes Carter’s leg pass through Katie’s dress?


Hank: I caught a deathfish! Hooray! This could be sold for over §200!


Katie: It’s my young adult birthday! I am now becoming ‘fully mature’.

Katie: Ick! Get me out of these horrible clothes, quick! Hey, that rhymes!

Chantelle: Makeover time!

Katie: Phew. I think I’ll get rid of these purple tips as an act of maturity. *sniff*

That evening, at the beach

Carter: Katie! Your makeover looks hot.

Katie: Thanks Carter. You look absolutely beautiful too *giggle*.

Katie: Oh…Carter…you’re so romantic…

Katie: Carter, I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?

Carter: YES! YES!

Carter: I love you Katie Blackburn.

NEXT TIME: Katie's wedding and a holiday!
The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #40 on: March 01, 2013, 08:27:38 AM »
Yay for victorious teen romance! So kind of Carter to age up at the same time as Katie. I like the new house, it is ultra-modern. And congratulations on deathfish too! Yay!
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By samoht04

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Re: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #41 on: March 05, 2013, 08:28:53 AM »

Katie’s Graduation…

Katie: I’ve just graduated! Hooray!! *Tosses Diploma*

Chantelle: Well done Katie! I remember my graduation…when I tossed my diploma, it fell to the ground! It now is really gravelly and gross.

Katie: *Cringe*

That night, Katie’s bachelorette party

Party Dancer: Hey, I heard you girls need a lifeguard to do some rescuing, heh heh. *Starts sleazy dance*

Chantelle: Oh my! Katie! There’s a guy dancing with red speedos that show off his…*Faints*

Katie: Go away! This is a girls party.

Party Dancer: Exactly!

Katie: Listen, my dad is about 25 years older than you and he has more hair because you’re BALD!! GO.

Carter: No, Katie, please, that was a present…

Katie: Bwahahaha!

Carter: Aaaaahhh...!

Tomorrow morning, the wedding

Hank: What a beautiful scene.

Katie: It’s perfect for the wedding!

Carter: Katie, will you thee…

Chantelle: *Whispers* KATIE! Your wedding dress…

Katie: Mum, there’s no way I’m wearing that itchy old thing!


Katie: Dad, shut up! This is my wedding! Mum’s not crying so you shouldn’t be either!

Carter: I take thee thy wife!

Katie: Tell me again why you are talking like someone from the 9th century?

Carter: Dang! I knew I shouldn’t have copied my parent’s wedding vows!

Carter: Wow. This shirt is awesome.

Katie: It’s was once worn by two fabulous people!

Carter: Who?

Katie: Jedward! Both of them!


Katie: You know. I love nooboos. Let’s have one!

Carter: Umm…shouldn’t our first…you know…we probably need a…um…you know in school how we learnt…

Katie: Sorry, I can’t understand all of your vagueness! I need nooboos.

Carter: This is why I hate rushed marriages.


Katie: *Moan* I feel sick…Oh no! GANGWAY!

Katie: Bleugh. Ooh, that tastes awful…


Katie: Yay! I only came in here to get a job but now I’m preggers.

Carter: I think I feel a little kick!

Katie: What? Oh, that’s probably just that huge meat pie I gobbled down earlier.

Carter: Now I think that I’m nauseous.

Chantelle: Ooh, my 6th Brilliant Painting! Hang on, that means I’ve SuperMaxed Painting! Yay…Gee, this painting sure is stupid!


Chantelle: I can’t believe it…I’ve reached the top of my job! I’m a LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD!! Double-hit! I’ve accomplished my Lifetime Wish and reached Level 10 of my job!


Katie: Hmm…what’s that on the floor…AMNEOTIC FLUID! AAAH MY WATER BROKE!! I’m in LABOUR! OWWW.

Katie: Help! Somebody! I’m in need of serious help here! Stop screaming and CALL AN AMBULANCE!

Katie: You are all pathetic! I suppose I have to walk to the hospital...

A few hours later

Midwife: Congratulations! You have a baby boy.

Katie: He’s beautiful! I’ll call him…Tyrone! Tyrone Blackburn!

NEXT TIME: Hank and Chantelle become elders, Tyrone becomes a toddler and Chantelle becomes immortal!!

Author's Note: I am sorry that the Blackburns couldn't go on holiday as I'd planned, all three towns glitched!
Also, Tyrone's traits are Loves the Outdoors and Genius
The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #42 on: March 05, 2013, 12:47:02 PM »
Awww no, glitches everywhere! World Adventures would be so much cooler if it worked more of the time.  Funny chapter as usual. My favourite part was when she was screaming about her amniotic fluid. Not many women in labour could muster that kind of vocabulary! Welcome nooboo Tyrone!
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By samoht04

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Re: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #43 on: March 07, 2013, 09:25:37 AM »

Hank: OK, Tyrone’s room is ready!

Chantelle: Ooh. It’s very…green.

Hank: Well, he seems to like green. I saw him looking longingly at those capsicums…

Chantelle: OK! Moving on.

Carter: Aww…you’re so cute. But it’s really gross how you can drink this frothy green stuff. I’m pretty sure it’s not even sterile!

That night

Chantelle: It’s my elder birthday! I have the brown hair dye ready so let’s hope I have a smooth journey into old people town!

Katie: Old people town? What?

Chantelle: Never mind…

Chantelle: Oooh…I feel weird.

Chantelle: I…OWW!! My back! I have rheumatism or osteoporosis or arthritis or some other crazy old people disease! Not only that, I look like a French peasant! HELP…

Chantelle: Phew…that ought to do it! Hey, that Youth Cream really works! I look 20 years old again!!

Katie: Yeah. Dream on Mum…

Chantelle: Well at least I’m dressed nicely.


Chantelle: I’ve retired! You can stop throwing confetti now. Ouch, my eye! Who threw that? Was it you, Yellow Dress Lady?

A few days later

Chantelle: Oh my. I’ve just realised I’ve completed all my requirements! I can eat Ambrosia! Better get to it…

Chantelle: Bluegh. This has fish heads in it! Raw, green ones.

Chantelle: Mmm…this looks great, smells – a little rancid and feels like a cake made of fruit and fish!

Chantelle: Rainbows! Coming out from…my…body! Uh oh, I think I’m going crazy!

The next morning

Chantelle: It’s Tyrone’s b’day! I bet he’s going to be really cute…I mean, look at his adorable face!

Katie: Wow…he really is cute!

Carter: I’m going to play with him every single day!

That evening

Katie: Dad! You should not be doing vaults on the trampoline – you’re nearly 60!

Hank: Oh come on. It’s basically jumping just with a few extra movements…

Carter: Honestly Hank, I don’t think…

Hank: Honestly Hank? Who is that, a superhero or something?

Carter: Never mind…

Katie: Can you say, Mo-na Li-sa?

Tyrone: Aah, the Mona Lisa. Painted in 1503-1519 by the famous Leonardo Da Vinci. He used oil, and painted it on poplar canvas. It is now housed in the Musée du Louvre, Paris…It is also curious how she has now eyebrows or eyelashes!

Katie: Well…that’s unexpected.


Tyrone: Daddy, I don’t really think it’s necessary to potty train me five times! I’ve already drunk at least two gallons of milk! Oh…My urine is white, Daddy, I think you should bring me to a hospital, quick, before I have a kidney problem.

Carter: What? Did you say you want to watch TV?

Tyrone: Sigh…A genius (like me) does not watch such childish programming! I mean, I once I saw a cartoon, and it said the Milky Way was just cartons of milk.

Carter: That’s what it is…isn’t it?

Tyrone: I’m just going to give up now.

The next day

Hank: I’m now aging up to an elder! I’ll still look awesome  *Puff*

Hank: Umm…I actually don’t want to be old! Please…no!!

Hank: Oh gosh! My hair! It’s white…and it’s g-gone! I think I’m going to need some of that hair dye.

One makeover later

Hank: Oh well…I suppose this is better than before. But do my ears really have to be this big?

NEXT TIME: Mocha becomes and elder and Tyrone becomes a child! Plus a new addition to the family...a non-sim one!
The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Blackburn Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #44 on: March 07, 2013, 09:39:52 AM »
I love little geniuses. Hahaha Tyrone's knowledge is cute and funny. How did Carter interpret "take me to the hospital" as "Can we watch some TV?" Also, congratulations to Chantelle! Welcome to the ranks of Immortals!
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By samoht04