Not sure if this belongs in WA or Ambitions as I have never had this happen until last night when I sent my young couple on a honeymoon to Egypt. This is the first time I have tried to direct anyone to charm a snake since I installed Ambitions and the new patch.
The new husband - new to my family - had a wish to charm a snake. He went to the market and used the snake charming basket there. He practiced most of the day, then he and his new wife ate and headed back to the base camp. The next evening when they were back at the market, I right clicked on the basket thinking I would have him practice some more. I was given the options for him to 'charm for tips', 'charm', or
'charm snake into clothing' and a list of those sims present in the area. The
'charm snake into clothing' thru me for a loop because I have never seen that option before.
Has this even happened to anyone else? I am including a picture - sorry it is a bit dark. (click on the picture and it will enlarge).