Author Topic: Blackgate Manor [Announcement]  (Read 2188 times)

Offline necroberry

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Blackgate Manor [Announcement]
« on: January 28, 2013, 12:54:56 PM »
Ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present Blackgate Manor, where all supernaturals are welcome and puny humans are -well, not. I kid, I kid... sort of. Please be gentle as, technically, this will -hopefully- be my first Sims story, since my last attempt met with some hiccups (involving a melting HDD) barely after its first chapter.

Blackgate Manor will follow the lives of its many and different batches of residents. It is not a supernatural challenge, it is not a boarding house challenge and it most certainly isn't a legacy, as I seem to be allergic to playing the same family for too long. It is a mishmash of many, many things, all inspired by several lovely stories around here. The "rules" -personally, I like to refer to them as "terms"- will be swiftly explained in the first chapter. Once they are out in the world, I shall update this, so they're more visible.

I will make no promises as to the amount and schedule of updates, but I can tell you that currently I have a head-start on the story, with about five chapters ready. I am a student and I have a full-time job, so my time is limited... However,  reviews and constructive criticism are a great incentive.


Notes & Updates
Please make sure to check this once in a while. For better legibility, I shall try to keep my posts solely to story updates. Therefore all that I might want to say, shall be here!
  • I am still new to sims story telling, so any tips and criticism are very much welcome and appreciated!
  • 30.01 - Oh lordy... Over a hundred views? That's lovely <3
  • 05.02 - I am happy to announce that my midterms are finally done, so I'll be able to invest a little more time in this. Next chapter up tomorrow. Sorry for the long wait ; ^ ;
  • Bit later ^ - I might, just might, be a tad late with my promise... I'd like to give the HQ Mod a try. If it doesn't melt my GFX card, I'll be on time if not... well, let's just hope for the best.

Offline necroberry

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Re: Blackgate Manor
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 01:07:27 PM »
Prologue: A series of unfortu- Wait, wrong story

Yay for carpets and disappearing shoes.

When Maude Thibodeaux had decided to pray for the first time in 22 years, she never actually expected it to work. You see, Maude's life was a mess, a complete and utter mess. Ever since her grandmother -her sole living relative at the time- had passed away, her life had taken a turn from worse to ultimate mode survival game. Her grandmother -bless her soul- had nothing to leave her. She had driven herself into debt trying to raise Maude, and when she passed, the bank seized her house and all of her assets and so our Miss Thibodeaux -barely out of high-school- was left homeless and pennyless.

If looks could kill...

She had never been very ambitious in her academical pursuits, despite her rather bookworm-ish tendencies, so her high-school diploma couldn't help her find a job. She was also... not very good around people, she was often snarky and tossed inappropriate remarks carelessly, to top that she was a complete hothead and lacked any sort of patience and understanding for the ignorant and materialistic -which basically defined the entire community of Bridgeport. However, there was something about Maude, that made her absolutely special. She was a witch -more like a voodoo witch, given her parentage. But that didn't do much for her career either... After failing to find any job that she could do with dignity, she eventually succumbed and opened a small caravan to tell fortunes. She had to dress the part -gipsy-bohemian-something- or her clients would never take her seriously. And you don't see Maude in a dress and live to tell the story, normally.

The fortune-telling went well for a while. Despite her less than adequate social skills, she still had a good sense of humor and managed to entertain her clients. And the caravan simply looked marvelous, thanks to her compulsive desire to have everything neat. But she never even bothered to actually use her gift while on the job... No, those wretched celebrities and tourists couldn't be arsed with true prophecies, they just wanted to know about their love-lives and money. However, as luck would have it, the fortune-teller gig also went to hell. Clients were sparse, the money was awful and her life was barely improved. So when she found herself evicted for the fourth time in a month, with no money in her pockets and no food in her stomach for at least two days, she decided to pray.

That dress is a pun, Lulu and "calm" have never met each other

Life had been most generous to the little diva, Lulu Avery. She had grown up in a very wealthy family, with a father that doted on her completely and she had never, ever known refusal. What Miss Lulu wanted, she got with a simple "Please, please, please, pleaaaaaaaase, Daddy!". While other children were playing with stuffed teddy-bears, Lulu was playing with exclusively-made dolls dressed up from head-to-toe in Swarovski diamonds. Most generous, indeed...

The amount of creepy in your eyes, Lulu, is way too high...

However, knowing she had the whole world at her little finger, Lulu -obviously- grew up to be a spoiled, bratty future heiress. The moment she reached her teenage years, the Avery family was constantly surrounded by scandals. Lulu had a sever case of party-animalism, and the papparazzi never missed a chance to photograph her in her best drunken stupors. And since the Supes came out only a short year ago, the media absolutely loved a fairy socialite, so there was no second of the day when camera flashes couldn't be seen around her. The papers also loved to track down her newest conquests, as she was a most atrocious flirt(y). Despite her mother's best attempts to civilize and temperate the girl, her father still saw his "sweet little girl" in Lulu, as she was ever so childish and most excitable when faced with new opportunities.

Her life was all sunshine and rainbows, until one point when the press exploded with news of Miss Lulu's mysterious disappearance. "Parents declare she has been sent abroad for studies, but how could Miss Lulu agree to leave just as she managed to get her hands on the most eligible bachelor in the entire city of Sunlit Tides? We of the Tides Daily Special think there's something fishy about this and we promise to find out why our favorite socialite has lefts us!" said one publication. But they never did follow up on their promise. Nobody knows what happened, but rumor is her parents managed to cover up a severe faux pas, that tipped even her father over and she was sent away so the story wouldn't get out. And to shade themselves from the shame, of course.

That face defines David, defines...

They say wolves go in packs, but the same doesn't apply to David Rivers. In order to have a pack, a werewolf -because, yes, David is werewolf- must actually stay in one place long enough to form any sort of connections. But David can't settle, he loves the outdoors and finds settling preposterous and entirely impossible for one as rebellious as him. No, David is a lone wolf; it's just him and his motorcycle and whatever the road leads him to. Besides, even if he were to ever stay in one town long enough to find more of his kind and form a pack, he is just too grumpy for anybody to wish his company for more than ten minutes at a time.

You're lovely, David <3 /gigglesnort

He doesn't really remember where he was born originally, as his parents were as free-spirited at him, but since they had finally settled and decided to let their son go his own way, David has lived in five different towns in the past year. He usually stops at a crossroad and tosses a coin to decide the next town, and when he is there he puts his natural abilities to cook to good use and make some money. Given his lycanthropy he has amazing senses and so he can track down and hunt various things from metals to gems and even insects. So when the moon is full or when his grumpiness reaches its peak, he also takes to being an extremely obsessive-compulsive gatherer. It's also a good bit of money, if he ever finds something rare that he can sell.

David thought he was almost on the brink of settling down in Moonlight Falls, where he met a woman of his kind and even found a pack. He even went as far as to let her into his heart as she showed him she could see past his grumpiness and subsequent ramblings. But, he soon found out that it had been a mistake. The girl got bored of him quickly and discarded him as soon as he had gotten serious. His heart was broken and his resolve to never settle down returned with a vengeance. There was only a little problem of finances... Along with his heart, the girl had also squandered his entire savings and because 80% of the locals of Moonlight Falls were her acquaintances and she was very, very persuasive nobody would hire him. He was stuck there with what soon became his nemesis: HER.

A/N: Chapter One coming soon, very soon...

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Offline DeLouche

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Re: Blackgate Manor
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2013, 07:15:22 PM »
Ha, this looks ACE! Have bookmarked. Really good characters, funny writing, and beautiful pictures... Can't wait to hear their stories :)

Offline necroberry

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Re: Blackgate Manor
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2013, 09:08:28 AM »
Chapter 1: Let the games begin... No, there's no "tributes" involved, it's just a saying

I wish my skies looked better in game...

"Oh dear Circe, what have I gotten myself into? Surely this is a bad horror movie, right? RIGHT?!" said Maude while clutching her head.
"This is completely unacceptable! This sinkhole will fall on my head while I sleep! And where is the valet?!" shrieked the blue-haired fairy, otherwise going by the name of Lulu.
"It ain't so bad... It's a roof over my head, at least. But these two spawns of the devil will age me young" mumbled David Rivers, in his grumpiness.

Just a short week ago, each of our three Supes have found themselves reading very peculiar letters. The strangeness of the letters started from the way they had been delivered, or not delivered, to be more exact, as they had just poofed into existence. Lulu had found hers on the unoccupied seat next to her, on the bus to the "relaxation facility" their parents had forcefully sent her to. Maude discovered hers laying on the floor of an isle in a grocery store, while David found his... well let's just say he had been in the middle of seeing to a particular physiological need, and instead of a roll of paper, he grabbed for the letter. The letters had no address, no nothing, they simply said "To Ms. Lulu Avery", "To Ms. Maude Thibodeaux" and, respectively, "To Mr. David Rivers" -not that it would've been too hard to guess the recipient of the last one, mind you.

Dear Miss Thibodeaux,

I am writing to cordially invite you to become the newest resident of Blackgate Manor - "An extraordinary home indeed, for the extraordinary in need". Blackgate Manor, situated at 18 Subalpine Cir, Hidden Springs, exists solely for the purpose of accommodating those of supernatural descent that either desperately need a home, or have come at a stop in their lives. Now, I do mean that quite in a literal way, the Manor doesn't exist unless such circumstances occur, which is why I feel obligated to inform you, that the last time the house has been in use was some hundreds of years ago. Therefore it might look, feel and -perhaps even smell- a little bit... antiquated. However, as the caretaker of the manor I have taken the liberty of installing a few commodities that have more recently made their way into the pages of history. On the same note, I also have to notify you, that were you to accept the invitation, you would have to live with two other beings of supernatural descent. The manor is large enough, that you would not get in each others way too much, and of course, you would all have private rooms.

The Manor is fully equipped for immediate use, but a bit of dusting is highly encouraged. The last time the house has received a serious makeover, I'm afraid to say that frills, ornate furniture and gold were en vogue. But, I hope you will be able to start redecorating soon. And I certainly hope you will be happy to know that there is a complete functional Alchemy lab .

I hope I have not yet scared you away, but if indeed I have, I will list the terms -and they are very advantageous-, below:
1. Blackgate Manor does not require paying bills or rent, instead it is each supernaturals' obligation to hone out the skills specific to their heritage.
2. The witch(es) or wizard(s) of the house -that would be you Miss Thibodeaux- will have to make sure that by the time they decide to move the elixir cabinet is fully stocked with every potion known.
3. It is the other residents' obligation to assist the witch or wizard in their task, to the best of their abilities.
4. It is the witch's duty to help the other residents with their tasks, skills, wishes and keep out for their health and security.
5. From the moment you move in, you will only be allowed to leave the moment you have fulfilled your lifetime wish, but not before making sure your main task is finished. After all, Blackgate Manor promises to help all supernaturals reach their highest potential.
6. Also, as a resident of the house you will be encouraged to try and bring Blackgate Manor up to date... As I have said earlier, I have tried to modernize the house to the best of my abilities, but I myself am not quite of this century. I have made sure to bring the wonders of plumbing and electricity in the Manor, but not much else.
7. To encourage the residents to better assist each other in their endeavors, we have long implemented a chore system. Seeing as you are a very neat person, we have decided to put you on cleaning duty.
8. Unfortunately the house does not allow us to make any structural changes, even if we have tried several times to add another story, but not even another wall is possible. So if you were to get involved romantically or procreate, I'm afraid there is only one spare room, and unless you would like to share your room with them, whomever of the residents encounters the Goddess of Love or Fertility first shall have access to the room.
9. On the same note,  I have to warn you that humans that have had prolonged exposure to the manor, unfortunately often met with a terrible fate...

That is all you need to know at the moment, Miss Thibodeaux. If you decide to join us, we shall be expecting your arrival on the 1st day of Summer. Unfortunately, not only am I not of this century, but I am sort of not of this world, either. Let's just say that I am an extension of the Manor and so, unfortunately, I will not be able to greet you. You're room is situated on the second floor; the door to the left of the staircase.

If you ever wish to contact me, you may do so by writing a letter and placing it in the mailbox. You only need to write "To Monsieur Caretaker" on the envelope. Check the mailbox in a few days and my response shall be there.

Well, my dear, I certainly hope you will accept the invitation. The Manor has been lonely for too long.

Yours truly,
Monsieur Caretaker

P.S.: Do try to get along with the paintings. They're all bark and no bite, really.
P.P.S: I hope this answers your prayers, dear.

"Well color me surprised... or gobsmacked, more likely" were the sole words Maude had managed to get out of her mouth in response to the letter.

Dear Miss Lulu,

Your parents have informed me you shall be arriving on the first day of Summer. I do not know how much your esteemed father has told you about Blackgate Manor, but I shall assume you at least know of its use and how your family has knowledge of it. Now, as I have told your father in the last letter, I have managed to implement both electrical illumination and plumbing in the Manor, the furniture still remains from times long passed, but with a bit of dusting I am sure they are still usable. You will be living with two others; as we hope now, one lycanthrope and one one young witch. You will not get in each others way much, but the terms of the contract underline that you will all have to work together in order to achieve the goals necessary for your stay at the Manor.

Given your Fae nature, I am glad to announce that the garden has been modernized, and thankfully, some sprouts from the last residents have survived to this day. I hope you will find it to your liking.

Now, here are the terms of the contract:
1. Blackgate Manor does not require paying bills or rent, instead it is each supernaturals' obligation to hone out the skills specific to their heritage.
2. Those residents with the gift of the Fae -that would be yourself, Miss Avery- have the obligation to raise a five-star garden. Meaning that by the time you will move out of the Manor, the garden must have one Perfect specimen of each of the plants known to us. Trees are optional, as the garden, sadly isn't what it used to be, therefore space is sparse...
3. It is the other residents' obligation to help you achieve your goal, to the best of their abilities.
4. It is your duty to share the fruits of your work with your housemates, by supplying them with fresh vegetables and also with the rest of the town by selling them at the market.
5. From the moment you move in, you will only be allowed to leave the moment you have fulfilled your lifetime wish, but not before making sure your main task is finished. After all, Blackgate Manor promises to help all supernaturals reach their highest potential.
6. Also, as a resident of the house you will be encouraged to try and bring Blackgate Manor up to date... As I have said earlier, I have tried to modernize the house to the best of my abilities, but I myself am not quite of this century. I have made sure to bring the wonders of plumbing and electricity in the Manor, but not much else.
7. To encourage the residents to better assist each other in their endeavors, we have long implemented a chore system. Your... boisterous personality, has made m think you would be most perfect for the task of entertainment. All work and no play will certainly not benefit your housemates.
8. Unfortunately the house does not allow us to make any structural changes, even if we have tried several times to add another story, but not even another wall is possible. So if you were to get involved romantically or procreate, I'm afraid there is only one spare room, and unless you would like to share your room with them, whomever of the residents encounters the Goddess of Love or Fertility first shall have access to the room.
9. On the same note,  I have to warn you that humans that have had prolonged exposure to the manor, unfortunately often met with a terrible fate...

Well then, I am anxiously awaiting for your arrival, however as your father might have informed you, I do not have a true corporeal form and I cannot meet you directly. So on that note, I do very much hope you will like your great-grandmother's room, situated on the second floor, right of the staircase, onto the corridor, then right again.

If you ever wish to contact me, you may do so by writing a letter and placing it in the mailbox. You only need to write "To Monsieur Caretaker" on the envelope. Check the mailbox in a few days and my response shall be there.

Monsieur Caretaker

P.S.: If the candidates we have in mind decide to accept the invitation, I'll have to warn you that some of the tricks your kind loves to play may not be welcomed very well, dear. So try to keep that in mind.
P.P.S: In the eventuality paparazzi manage to discover your whereabouts, ask one of your housemates to assist you in... getting rid of them. They are most capable.

"Esteemed father, my sparkly butt! How could Daddy do this to me?! I am so young and my life is ending!" said Lulu once she was finished with the letter.


Dear Mr. Rivers,

I am writing to cordially invite you to become the newest resident of Blackgate Manor - "An extraordinary home indeed, for the extraordinary in need". Blackgate Manor, situated at 18 Subalpine Cir, Hidden Springs, exists solely for the purpose of accommodating those of supernatural descent that either desperately need a home, or have come at a stop in their lives. Now, I do mean that quite in a literal way, the Manor doesn't exist unless such circumstances occur, which is why I feel obligated to inform you, that the last time the house has been in use was some hundreds of years ago. Therefore it might look, feel and -perhaps even smell a little bit... antiquated. However, as the caretaker of the manor I have taken the liberty of installing commodities that have more recently made their way into the pages of history. On the same note, I also have to notify you, that were you to accept the invitation, you would have to live with two other beings of supernatural descent. The manor is large enough, that you would not get in each others way too much, and of course, you would all have private rooms.

I hope the large, open kitchen will help you make your decision quicker. It is not very modern, and lacks fancy appliances, but I am sure yo will soon change that. The city is also quite peaceful, and rich in natural resources so I am sure your hunting sessions will prove most satisfying.

If you decide to accept the invitation there are a few terms you must agree with and be notified of. Here are the terms:
1. Blackgate Manor does not require paying bills or rent, instead it is each supernaturals obligation to hone out the skills specific to their heritage.
2. The resident(s) with the gift of Lyncathropy -this refers to you, Mr. Rivers- has the obligation to ensure that the Alchemy lab is well-stocked on gem dust, metals and insects. To be more clear, this means that by the time you will move out of the house the Alchemy laboratory should hold one specimen of each insect in the town of Hidden Springs, all of the metals available and the same applies to the gems.
3. It is the other residents' obligation to help you achieve your goal, to the best of their abilities.
4. It is your duty to also help other Alchemists of the town by consigning the duplicates found on your hunts at Aleister's, the local Elixir store.
5. From the moment you move in, you will only be allowed to leave the moment you have fulfilled your lifetime wish, but not before making sure your main task is finished. After all, Blackgate Manor promises to help all supernaturals reach their highest potential.
6. Also, as a resident of the house you will be encouraged to try and bring Blackgate Manor up to date... As I have said earlier, I have tried to modernize the house to the best of my abilities, but I myself am not quite of this century. I have made sure to bring the wonders of plumbing and electricity in the Manor, but not much else.
7. To encourage the residents to better assist each other in their endeavors, we have long implemented a chore system. Your love for the art of cooking, makes you the perfect candidate for cooking tasks. Please make sure your housemates are well-fed.
8. Unfortunately the house does not allow us to make any structural changes, even if we have tried several times to add another story, but not even another wall is possible. So if you were to get involved romantically or procreate, I'm afraid there is only one spare room, and unless you would like to share your room with them, whomever of the residents encounters the Goddess of Love or Fertility first shall have access to the room.
9. On the same note,  I have to warn you that humans that have had prolonged exposure to the manor, unfortunately often met with a terrible fate...

That is all you need to know at the moment, Mr. Rivers. If you decide to join us, we shall be expecting your arrival on the 1st day of Summer. Unfortunately, not only am I not of this century, but I am sort of not of this world, either. Let's just say that I am an extension of the Manor and so, unfortunately, I will not be able to greet you. You're room is situated on the second floor; the door, immediately to the right of the staircase.

If you ever wish to contact me, you may do so by writing a letter and placing it in the mailbox. You only need to write "To Monsieur Caretaker" on the envelope. Check the mailbox in a few days and my response shall be there.

Mister Rivers, I certainly hope you will accept the invitation. The Manor has been lonely for too long.

Yours truly,
Monsieur Caretaker

P.S.: Even if the furniture is old and will probably be replaced soon enough, I have to warn you that scratching it would be most frowned upon.
P.P.S: I have been informed of your financial problems, so enclosed in the envelope is fair for gas until Hidden Springs. I do hope I got the currency right, the last time I used any money, our bills were as big as a notebook.

"Oh, good, my knight in shining armor is an extension of a house..." he said frowning, before he proceeded to mutter something about "doin' all the hard work" and "hunting 'till I drop dead" and "well-fed brats". In reality, deep inside, Mr. Rivers was as happy as almost bursting into dance and singing "The witch is dead! The witch is dead!"

Yep, I haven't realized until the moment was done and over with, that Lulu spawns no wings here... and the next few shots. I'm sorry, please look past it ;^;

"Horror movie seems mild, actually..." Maude said looking up at the house again. "It might not be The Stanley Hotel, but I certainly expect to see creepy twin little girls going about" she said to no one in particular.
"I expect I will be dead in a week or less from dysentery!" Lulu said stomping her foot and her hands on her hips.
"Do you even know what 'dysentery' is? It's the 21st century, by the magic of modern medicine you can't bloody die from it anymore" he said while rubbing his neck. He would've added a "you mithering idiot" at the end of that sentence, but he thought the winged sparkly devil spawn will rip his head off.

They promptly decided to ignore each other for the moment, while they explored the Manor. There was almost zero interest in the rest of the house for the moment, because they each had in mind one room they were gasping to see. David's first thought was "kitchen"... so kitchen he did.

This collage works best with the following lyrics "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?"

On the second floor, Lulu had dashed towards her room, curious about her grand-grandmother's tastes in furniture. It was... disappointing to say the least.

Never realized the similarity of her pose to the painting on the wall... Strange.

"Why? Why?! WHY?! I feel like I'm going to scatter to ashes and die, I feel so old and dusty... and -oh well, at least it's pink" she said while looking upwards, as if some hidden deity plastered on the ceiling was about to answer her.

Maude's first curiosity was the Alchemy laboratory. Obviously. And she was... overwhelmed to the point of sheer terror. But she quickly got over it and planted a smug look on her face.

I should've taken some close-ups... Her frightened face is epic. Absolutely epic.

"Oh, yeah, baby. I am the man! Well, not literally of course, I'm lacking certain organs and have some I shouldn't. But you, know the m-a-n..." she rambled on. Oh, do shut up darling, you're awkward.

A/N: First of all I hope you have realized how time works for me and what exactly "very soon" meant in this case :)). I'm awfully sorry for the delay, but the game has been moving like an inebriated snail, and on the last second I decided I wasn't particularly happy with my screenshots.
Secondly, I apologize for the sheer amount of text in this chapter, but it was necessary to set the story... And it mostly repeats itself >.>
And last, but definitely not least, DeLouche, I thank you kindly for your interest in my story and the lovely compliments /blushes.  I hope I will not disappoint!