Author Topic: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Orange Skies  (Read 587990 times)

Offline azokka361

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« Reply #1080 on: July 19, 2013, 10:27:51 PM »
Chapter 119 - The Better Day

  Hasan and I have been going out . . . a lot, lately. We always have a lovely time, whether it's at the Grind or dinner at the Bistro. I have to run him around a lot so that the paparazzi don't catch us, which is a challenge, but I'm the sort of person who enjoys challenges.

  It's like being a spy, or a secret agent. I'm constantly on my toes, keeping an eye out for the bad guys (A.K.A. paparazzi) and liabilities. The liabilities are people who have seen me with one of the three men. It's a little confusing, trying to keep track of who has seen me with who and what to do if someone who knows that I'm dating Stephen shows up on a date with Lionel, or one of my friends who went on a double date with me and Lionel happens to stop by while I'm with Hasan!

  I see it as a giant game: quick survey of the venue, sneak a kiss, appear discreet until alone with date while keeping date completely comfortable. As I said, it's very fun.

  Even so, I did have one too many close calls--at least until I came up with my greatest idea yet! The Off-Campus Elysi Love Nest . . .

  . . . located in the unused wing of the art museum.

  I first tried the facility out on Hasan, who I prefer to Lionel but ranks below Stephen. We locked the door and stayed in there for several days. The All-In-One-Bathroom really is a lifesaver.

  Unfortunately, all wonderful things must end too soon. I knew I would face a lecture at home from my Mom, then Grandma, then Great-Grandma, then Great-Great-Grandma--there are some serious downsides to having six live-in grandparents.

  And yes, I seriously messed up, especially since Stephen is practically living at my house. I ambushed him in Grandpa Nick's bedroom and easily convinced him that I'd been on a business trip for the past few days. Stephen really is very smart, but he's so trusting that he believes whatever I say. For me, that only makes it harder. It's like lying to a puppy!

  Fortunately, with Stephen around, my grandparents couldn't descend on me like a flock of vultures--they might disapprove, but they don't want me to lose the only stable relationship I have. Only Grandma Serena ranks monogamy over my one chance of having any kind of normal life, but, as you can see, I bribed her into keeping quiet.

  I've heard that most toddlers mutate or look inhumanly tall as they transform from toddlers to children, but Ilene Azokka remained perfect. Perfect, beautiful, and magical. Watching her, I was reminded of the day she was born--before everything started to slide over a cliff.

  Her age-up outfit was . . . horrific, to say the least, but she didn't seem embarrassed, instead calmly withdrawing to select more appropriate attire: her words, not mine.

  She's gorgeous, isn't she? I mean, I know I'm the mother and it's my job to say that, but . . . I can't imagine a lovelier girl. Not only her features, which are perfect, but her personality, and her odd, dreamy way of gazing off into the distance, as if seeing an entirely different realm from the rest of us. Ilene Azokka loves to play pretend, to imagine, to understand without knowing.

  I suppose it's her turn, now--she might seem young to me, but I'm her mother. She'll always be young in my eyes.

* * *

  My name is Ilene Azokka Elysi. I am many things, but today I am a princess. I am princess of the elven kingdom, and I ride my magical dragon steed to defend my kingdom from the foul ogres of caverns deep.

  First, however, I must stop at the bookstore to purchase the great works of historians from ages long past. Perhaps their scrolls contain information that will aid me in the defeat of my enemies, and perhaps they shall just be a good read. We shall soon discover. Or, I should say, I shall soon discover. You will learn nothing, for the scrolls are meant only for the eyes of royalty.

  The layer lifts, and twilight descends, on a little girl who goes to dinner with her mom, who works for most of the day. That girl, you see there? The one with braids? That's me: Ilene Azokka Elysi. She (I, that is) appears fairly average, if a little strange. But I'm extraordinary, or I'm so depressingly ordinary that I imagine myself to be Extraordinary.

  In the night, I return to my home, which looks like a castle compared to houses below, but is really just a home. Mother tucks me into bed and kisses my forehead goodnight, as she always has, then I hear the sound of the door closing downstairs and the car engine softly revving as she speeds off into the night. As always.

  My time has ended, set with the sun. Now is the rule of my counterpart: darkness, evil, betrayal that hurts the betrayer more than the betrayed. All I can do, now, is wait. And as I wait, I dream. I dream of the better day that comes with the first streaks of dawn.

I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - The Better Day
« Reply #1081 on: July 19, 2013, 10:36:50 PM »
Eeeeee!  The suspense is killing me!  LOVE Ilene Azokka!

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Offline Wolffie

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - The Better Day
« Reply #1082 on: July 19, 2013, 10:59:39 PM »
Ilene is  super cute. I always hated that hairstyle because it looks much better in the thumbnail than on CAS and was a waste of my sim points, but on Ilene it looks absolutely gorgeous!
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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - The Better Day
« Reply #1083 on: July 20, 2013, 12:01:22 PM »
Wow I have missed so much! Just, just wow!
I love this forum and just want to say thank you to everyone! :) Have a great rest of your day!

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - The Better Day
« Reply #1084 on: July 20, 2013, 12:31:22 PM »
Great update. Child Illene Azokka looks more cute than that of toddler. And her clothes look great and perfect for her. Waiting for next update.
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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - The Better Day
« Reply #1085 on: July 20, 2013, 12:39:09 PM »
So the week I go on vacation with limited internet access is the week you decide to finish and post update after update. At least I have some reading material now. :P

Ilene Azokka is so adorable! It's hard to say that about eighth-generation immortals due to generic features often taking over, but Ilene still has some nice, unique features. I also love her voice and can't wait to read more of it.
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Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - The Better Day
« Reply #1086 on: July 20, 2013, 01:54:14 PM »
Eeeeee!  The suspense is killing me!  LOVE Ilene Azokka!

Suspense? What suspense? You mean the fact that I finished and you don't know what happened  ;) ?

Ilene is  super cute. I always hated that hairstyle because it looks much better in the thumbnail than on CAS and was a waste of my sim points, but on Ilene it looks absolutely gorgeous!

I know! I've never had another sim pull it off, and I had my fingers crossed because it would be perfect for Ilene and--eep! It's beautiful!

Wow I have missed so much! Just, just wow!

That's what you get for leaving for a few days *shakes head and sighs* .

Great update. Child Illene Azokka looks more cute than that of toddler. And her clothes look great and perfect for her. Waiting for next update.

Thanks! I was really going for the "dreamy village girl" kind of thing.

So the week I go on vacation with limited internet access is the week you decide to finish and post update after update. At least I have some reading material now. :P

Ilene Azokka is so adorable! It's hard to say that about eighth-generation immortals due to generic features often taking over, but Ilene still has some nice, unique features. I also love her voice and can't wait to read more of it.

I'm going to update as much as I can, so you should be ready! And yes, it's always the week that you don't have internet access. We forumers are not good at planning things to coincide with days where nothing happens.

Just wait until she gets older:
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I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - The Better Day
« Reply #1087 on: July 20, 2013, 02:17:08 PM »
I rather enjoyed Liya and hope she remains a decent part of the narrative.  Her relationship juggling ways remind me of the Who's Your Daddy Project where there are multiple relationships involved and being juggled, so I think the timing as I just started one of those, then caught back up with this story and ran across her was a bit serendipitous. 

Offline azokka361

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« Reply #1088 on: July 20, 2013, 03:00:54 PM »
Chapter 120 - Maximum Brightness

  Snow has been falling from the gray sky for days on end, which means I cannot go to school. I don't mind at all, for school is a . . . bad place. It's filled with people who have rocks inside their brains and shards of glass piercing their hearts. A black cloud hangs over the building, like the gray clouds but visible only to me.

  In these frigid days and dark nights, I retreat to the place that is my sanctuary: the Papyrus Memorial Library. Here, I read and read, beginning after breakfast and finishing (or being forced to finish) a few hours after dinner. I read whatever I can get my hands on: comic books, children's books, biographies, fantasies, historical fiction, letters from my father to my mother and vice versa (I gave up that practice after the first week), and am slowly going through the library, shelf by shelf.

  I do realize that I have a father, which was an enormous relief to my mother. She thought that, the one time that I met him, I was too young to remember. I do recall quite clearly, I'm simply uninterested. My father is a man named Stephen. He looks like me. That is all.

  I have been trying to explain this to my mother for weeks, yet she refuses to listen! I can understand her sentiment, but it seems ridiculous that I be forced to spend time with a complete stranger. This meeting happened to coincide with my first (dreaded) day of school, in which all of my fears were affirmed, so I spent the day doing my homework. It all worked out quite well.

  On the dramatic side of life, otherwise known as my mother's existence: Lionel has discovered that she has a boyfriend, but, using a maneuver known as the "Smooth Recovery," she has wiped his mind of this information and they are back to business as usual.

  People don't seem to expect my mother to be smart--probably because of the way she looks and dresses. Half of the time, they think she's a model; the other half is convinced that she's a pop star. But ever since I was born I could touch her thoughts, and I know she's much smarter than anyone gives her credit for, including me. That's how she can juggle so many lovers.

  Not to mention her renowned discoveries in science, which she keeps quiet about: she prefers it when people underestimate her, particularly in the conference room. It "makes it that much more fun when I crush them."

  Between work and her string of male companions, I often dine alone, which I prefer. Eating with other people means that you can't eat as fast as you like, and you have to speak and listen instead of imagining that you're a pterodactyl perched on a cliff, gazing out over a barren landscape as you tear away at the carcass of your prey.

  At least there are always the dreams.

  At times, I ride on my bicycle (which is a bicycle only when I choose for it to be) and look at the footprint my family has left on Sunset Valley. There are the buildings we own, the properties we maintain, but what I like most of all are the murals. Some have been here since the second generation, created by Lolita. Others were created by Brandon. Or Kara. And here they remain.

  Mother is so stressed by her work lately that I've been trying to force her to have some fun--which is, after all, my job. I am the light, joyful side of the universe. I have responsibilities that don't allow me to play, but I still enjoy making others happy.

  Her new windsurfing hobby means she can rarely pick me up from the library, but that was always iffy before so I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Nataliya finally has something to distract her from work!

  Naturally, the one time she pulls up in front of the library to give me a ride home . . . an elderly Hasan Varney, in case you didn't recognize him.

  I knew that they were going to the art museum, where she takes the two non-boyfriends instead of home, so that I don't notice.

  Later in the night, she got a call from Stephen asking her to meet him at the school--so at this point, I'm not really sure of what to think. Clearly Lionel is more of a Woohoo-lackey than anything else, but I don't know what she thinks of Stephen and Hasan. Perhaps she is Hermia: loving one man and pursued by another. It's more than possible that she loves them both, but can she choose one to bring with her into the next life?

  At this point, she returned to the museum where Hasan patiently waited (like a puppy--they're all puppies).

  Before leaving for work.

  I love my mother. I love her, I respect her, and I was raised by her. But now I feel like the mother, because she is not living up to her full potential. She needs to be the full moon, not a crescent, and somehow I believe that she won't achieve the maximum brightness until she is no longer weighed down by the dynasty.

  On the final day of childhood, I called into Elysi Towers and told them Mother was sick, then told Mother that Elysi Towers was closed due to an outbreak of llama pox. While she bemoaned a day of progress lost, I packed a bag and walked her down to the beach before showing her the speedboat I had purchased for her upcoming birthday. You cannot boat very far in Sunset Valley, but we did our best to reach the lighthouse before admitting defeat.

  I received a surprise as well: she gave me my very own Jr. Windsurfing Board! Part of my consciousness envisioned that I was a mermaid warrior slicing through enemy troops, zipping past ships and through enormous wave. But the rest knew that I was having fun at the beach with my mother--and, for once, that was enough.

  Later, when we were too tired to windsurf, Mother relaxed on the beach and read while I played in the sand. Wait . . . there's something wrong with this picture . . .

  Aha! Much better.

  Upon returning home, we waited until midnight then Mother blew out the candles on her birthday cake! I was very excited, while she was very . . . apprehensive.

  Isn't she simply lovely? Of course, she insists that she has turned into a wrinkled hag, while I do my best to remind her that it's just the Mid-Life Crisis talking.

  That night, it was her turn to cheer while I blew out the candles.

  As with every birthday, I felt the sparkles surround me, dancing with their own brilliant light. I felt the rush of emotion, the rush of joy and light, even as my body stretched in strange ways, trying to cope with my sudden growth--oops! Picture Limit!

I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Maximum Brightness
« Reply #1089 on: July 20, 2013, 05:55:58 PM »
Ack!  Darn picture limit!

Offline Pyro0001

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Maximum Brightness
« Reply #1090 on: July 21, 2013, 03:58:07 AM »
Pfff....I hate picture limits. Anyway, I see you have Island Paradise. It looks cool! The picture of Nataliya playing with the sand made me laugh! Happy birthday to Liya and Ilene.
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Offline azokka361

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« Reply #1091 on: July 21, 2013, 04:31:20 AM »
Chapter 121 - A Long Walk Down Memory Lane

  Quite lovely, no? It's too early to tell anything for sure, yet, but I believe I have most of the trademark Elysi features, as well as Grandad's eyes. As you can see, I braided my hair and wove in flowers, because I'm quite the romantic.

  I've chosen to devote myself to a single, but immense, project: documenting the entire history of the Elysi family. I received the idea in my bedroom, which is covered with photographs of every heir as a toddler.

  It's difficult for even my enormous imagination to believe that these toddlers are my grandparents. They look so small, so new, so cute! And yet, now, they are elderly, they have lived their entire lives and have lines of laughter, sorrow; joy and grief.

  Grandma alone is identical to her toddler photograph. She has the same curious face, same young eyes, same butterflies who have followed her through life. My mother, on the other hand--I can recognize her, but it's surprising how much she has changed. Here, she has her whole life ahead of her. Now, she's sped through her life and is just waiting for it to end.

  As for me? I'm just plain adorable.

  I got special permission from Grandma Kara to go down into the Hall of Memory (or I stole her key when she was painting my portrait) so I could look at the spouse memorials and take notes. I began with Grandma's husband, Jerry Hart.

  Jerry Hart's family tree contains many members of the Elysi family and original townies. The line begins with well-known townies Dorie and Gus Hart, and their daughter, Bebe. Bebe was transformed into a fairy in early young adulthood, and, over one-hundred years later, began to date Miles Forthright (who will be addressed later). Bebe gave birth to twins: Juana and Jasen Hart.

  Long after Miles's death, Juana (now Iris Bianca's best friend and half-sister) wooed Nicholas Elysi, who had recently broken it off with his girlfriend. Together, they had three children: Willis (prematurely deceased), Elton, and Elton's twin, Jerry. It was soon decided that newborn Mikayla's spouse would be picked from one of these three boys.

  Jerry was an immediate favorite. He had Serena's hair, Nick's nose, and the Hart eyes. In him was the blood of the Hart's, the Wolff's, the Elysi's, and Forthright's. More importantly: He was incredibly adorable.  He and Mikayla met as toddlers and she recognized him as "a butterfly" and developed a crush, then and there as they played in the nursery. Jerry was bugged as a child, a bug that ended when he was a teenager (and affected Elton until adulthood) and, due to the broken family tree, he and Mikayla were allowed to fall in love.

  From this point on, Jerry's previously slow, Story-Progression life began to accelerate. After the death of his older brother, Willis, he was moved into the Elysi household and got a job as an acrobat. Mikayla proposed, they were married, and Jerry reached the highest level of the acrobat career and held a show in the Holloi Polloi Stadium: every performer's dream.

  Life began to slow down a little, become more of a dream than a roller-coaster. As Mikayla rapidly advanced in her career, Jerry became his half-sister's (Bree) sports agent and achieved immense success in this line of work, even if he did miss being an acrobat. He knew that Mikayla would completely support whatever he wanted to do, but he also knew that a non-rabbithole career was putting strain on the dynasty. Besides, after his father-in-law's death, the two newlyweds (not really, but they always acted like it!) couldn't wait to have a baby.

  Jerry died early in his life, in the teenage years of his daughter's life. He was with his wife at the time and passed away at the age of 94 somewhere between the hours of 9 and 11 P.M., a successful acrobat, sports agent, father, husband, and heir to several prominent townie bloodlines.

  Flipping to a fresh sheet of notebook paper, I walked slowly down the hall, my feet making soft clicking sounds on the marble floor. Obviously, I had never met Grandpa Bubba, but I had heard enough about him to have already formed an idea.

  Believe it or not, Bubba Foley's entrance into the family was pure luck. At first, it seemed that Iris Bianca would attend University and marry a young man she met there, Mario Texas. However, due to her not being able to return home, the Watcher was forced to return to a previous save. What seemed like a problem at the time turned out to be a blessing, as Iris Bianca ended up using a genie's lamp to complete one of the logic challenges.

  Even then, there was every chance that a different genie would be summoned, but Bubba Foley happened to be on call that day and, for him at least, it was love at first sight. Iris Bianca had always had a dim view of love, and anyone else would have given up after the first failed advances. But Bubba just happened to be the only man persistent and romantic enough to have any chance with the beautiful and businesslike young woman. In fact, she was the one who ended up making the first move--if only out of annoyance.

  Love that began as unrequited affection rapidly bloomed into something much, much more. Even now, you will hear long-lived townies compare a couple to being "almost like Iris Bianca and Bubba," and they are a widely favorite couple among readers of the dynasty. Even though Bubba was flirtatious by nature, he never showed it--to anyone besides his wife. Every time they were left alone for five minutes, from the moment they kissed to the day Bubba died, they were found together, and believing each other to be "extremely irresistible."

  Their story was a purely happy one, the perfect fairytale. Boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy pursues girl, girl surprises boy and kisses him, girl cures boy of eternal servitude, boy was asked to join the house of an immortal dynasty, boy proposes on beach, girl marries boy--etc. For the entirety of their lives, Bubba loved Iris Bianca, Iris Bianca loved Bubba, and they both loved and cherished their daughter, Mikayla. They embraced her "special" mind instead of running away from it.

  Bubba died several minutes from turning 110, directly after he and his wife went to bed together, which they did every single night for the entirety of their lives. He passed away as a Hit Movie Composer, maxed around one million skills, and was the best dynasty spouse anyone could have asked for.

  Tap, tap, tap. The end of my pencil on the paper. Now, this is the single complicated, conflicted, heart-wrenching love story in the history I am creating. It's the one time that the choice was difficult: frankly, it was a choice between love and the dynasty. Grandma Kara somehow managed to have both, in the end.

  Bianca Frink and Kara Elysi first met at Kara's second term in University. In the previous term, she had met and entered a steady relationship with Miles Forthright. She never tried to tell herself that she loved him and, in fact, thought she wasn't the sort to fall in love at all--at least, until she caught sight of another student passing through the Student Union and fell head over heels.

  Kara always knew that she wasn't interested in dating men, so it wasn't falling for a girl that bothered her. It was the combination of being in love at all and loving someone who she could never marry--if she didn't want the dynasty to fail, that is. But in the end, Kara fulfilled the tradition of following the heart and asked Bianca to meet her, late at night, in the middle of the woods. There, they shared a first kiss and even in the midst of this joy, Kara was more conflicted than ever. It was a choice between her happiness or the dynasty.

  At first, she chose the dynasty. She and Miles were married (in the most depressing wedding in the history of the universe), but Kara was always unhappy. However, she dealt with it until Iris Bianca was born, at which point she went to her mother and asked her to use her Social Networking skills to automatically divorce them. She then called Bianca, professed her love, and, suddenly, everything was right in the world.

  In the end, a story that was depressing began to skyrocket upwards. Kara, who had been expected to be a less-than-perfect mom, ended up being an amazing single parent to her daughter, Iris Bianca. She handled all the responsibilities of a parent effortlessly without a partner to help and raised a smart, beautiful young woman.

  Miles died in his late 100's, leaving only a few who grieved for him. Once again, Kara was forced to wrestle with her heart: she wanted to marry Bianca more than anything else in the world, but leaving a spot open would guarantee that Iris Bianca could move in a spouse immediately. And, again, she chose the heart. Kara Elysi and Bianca Frink were married in the winter, one year after the wedding between Kara and Miles. They honeymooned in Egypt, with teenage Iris Bianca.

  Bianca passed away in her late nineties, directly after giving a makeover to the Hart twins. She was a master of mixology, acclaimed stylist, and loving wife and stepmother. In my own humble opinion, the saddest part of her passing: Kara had not allowed her to leave the house for days because she wanted them to be together when she died, except for when a member of the extended family requested a makeover. Bianca died without her wife, despite their efforts to the otherwise.

  Four left, four left . . . it's more difficult than I imagined. As I write, I see it in my head, and I feel it. The joy, the sorrow, the pain--especially the pain. And this next one will be the most painful yet.

  Miles Forthright is an original townie, in that he is a starting resident in the University town. His life was always effortless: Miles was handsome, talented, and working towards his second degree. He met a student pursuing her Fine Arts degree, a beautiful young woman--far younger than he was, but he was youthful-looking enough that the age gap wasn't noticeable. At any rate, Kara immediately took charge and before Miles knew it, they were dating!

  Of course, we know that Kara didn't have any deep feelings for Miles, and that she was slowly sinking into restlessness and realizing that she would be spending the rest of her life with this man who she did not love. Miles, however, knew none of this. He was blissfully ignorant of Kara's unhappiness, then Kara's lack of affection, then Kara's unfaithfulness. For the entirety of his life, he never figured out that Kara was cheating on him.

  He and Kara were married, and he settled comfortably into his new life. Sure, his wife never seemed to have time for him or want to do anything, but she had her own stuff to deal with. Besides, what was there to be unhappy about? He was married, his wife was pregnant, she gave birth to a lovely little girl--and that's where things started to go wrong.

  One minute, Miles had an idyllic life. The next, he was divorced, shunned by the household, and effectively shut out of his daughter's life. In vain, he tried to build a relationship with Iris Bianca even as he became an elder. Even as he started to date Bebe Hart and had two children with her. Even as Iris Bianca became a child and actively avoided him. He spent the final days of his life trying to connect with his daughter and reading the same medical book, over and over. Until, finally, he died waiting at her bedside. Even though Iris Bianca claims that Miles has no impact on her life, it is a possibility that his profession (medical) influenced her choice to become a doctor.

  I blinked, a lump forming in my throat. At least the last few were simple, easy, perfect. Just what I needed.

  Brandon was adopted as a child by Kaylynn Langerak. Unlike Alex and Agnes Crumplebottom, he and his mother shared a healthy, loving relationship, and were never distant. Kaylynn's influence on him was incredible: he followed in her footsteps to become a renowned artist and renaissance sim.

  Brandon always had a little crush on his housemate and best friend, Bree--a crush that was inappropriate because when he was a child, she was a toddler. When he was a teenager, she was a child. But, he knew that his chance would come at some point, and he knew that he would have to seize that chance with both hands--even if he was thoroughly intimidated by her beauty and outgoing personality. But, in the end, Bree lifted that weight from his shoulders by making the first, bold move.

  They were a happy couple from that moment on, dating through the teenage years, marrying days after becoming young adults, and departing for University as newlyweds. There, Bree developed her reputation for throwing the most epic parties in the history of simkind and not being very shy when it came to running naked through the streets of the town. Bree and Brandon aced their exams, passed with flying colors, and returned home to a perfect married life.

  They decided to have a baby immediately, and soon had a little girl of their own: Kara, a child as talented as her father and with her grandmother's looks. Brandon was the best dad, a girl could ask for, nurturing his daughter's hopes and talent, holding her hand through the worst of it and cheering the loudest at her graduation. Later, he was the biggest influence on Iris Bianca's life (except maybe Rosetta Classic)--in a way, Brandon was really the only one who understood his granddaughter's genius, and he was her sole confidant. He knew all of her secrets, her hopes and dreams, and he believed that she could accomplish everything she wanted to.

  Brandon passed away in his nineties, while at the festival with his family. He spent the last weeks of his life (and, indeed, his entire life) with his beloved wife especially, as well as his daughter and granddaughter. Brandon Langerak died a happy man who influenced many lives for the better, particularly those of his wife, daughter, and granddaughter. He was mourned for a very long time, and is missed to this day.

  All right, all right. That was slightly less depressing. But, still--he died. Why must they always die? Well, there's no turning back now.

  Lolita Goth's story and that of Bubba Foley couldn't be more unalike--except for the fact that they were tricks of fate. Lolita Goth was born into an era that came nearly half a century before the birth of her soon-to-be husband, Nicholas Elysi. At the time, arranged marriages were not only accepted but expected, so she found herself engaged and married to the only son of the richest family in town, Gunther Goth. The new Goth couple were happy, if not especially in love, and Lolita suspected that she was pregnant when, coming in from an errand as rain fell outside, she noticed that the stereo was unplugged . . .

  Seventy years later, she was resurrected by Serena Elysi, moved into her home, and fell in love in the same hour. They had some trouble getting married, but after a quick wedding in France they were more than ready to have a child.

  Before long, Bree was born and their life was complete. Nicholas and Lolita were the first truly head-over-heels-in-love couple I (the Watcher, I mean) ever had. They never stopped popping wishes for each other, never stopped spamming romantic interactions, never even considered flirting with someone else. Later, their title of "Most In-Love Couple" was rivaled several times, but I've never lost faith in their absolute and unfailing adorableness. I think they and Bubba-Iris Bianca are the two top couples when it comes to lovey-doveyness: they literally could not be in two rooms next to each other without popping wishes, and don't even get me started on when they were in the same room!

  Lolita passed away while leaving one of her concerts--if you don't count the time that she died while ranting about death. She left behind a grieving husband and daughter, and having achieved her lifetime wish and racing up the tracks of the Rock Star career to reach the highest level.

  At this last story, I had to smile. It was just so . . . cute. I already had an impression of the Nicholas-Lolita story, due to Grandpa Nick's flashbacks and less-than-lucid state of mind, but even so it surprises me. Every time. Besides, this next one doesn't look too bad--the pictures of Grandma Serena are startling.

  Thornton Wolff was born in Moonlight Falls--not to the werewolf Wolff's, but the family of Gator's more sophisticated cousin. His parents died right when Thornton was out of college, so he moved to Sunset Valley with his new wife, Morgana, to start a life with no kids and lots of work. He and Morgana had a comfortable, if not particularly happy, marriage--at least, until Serena Elysi came to town.

  Thornton left his wife without thinking and fell in love in an instant. He proposed on their second date at the bistro, Serena accepted, and they were married in a magical winter wedding. Thornton never had to suffer the life of a dynasty spouse: there were other people to do the painting and sculpting. All he had to do was make his family happy, and in this he succeeded to the fullest extent.

  Thornton's passing, at the age of 91, was the third in a quick succession of deaths that claimed the eldest members of the household at alarmingly young ages. He left behind an extremely successful career, a wife who he had loved from the moment they met, a son who resembled him and would soon be married, and the future after the dynasty Serena always spoke of.

  It was almost time for the elders to eat their ambrosia--any moment, they would be teleporting up. I hurried up the stairs out into the snow, weighed down by all that I had seen, when I saw something else--something else that, somehow, made it all worth it. And my heart lifted.

I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Jamie

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - A Long Walk Down Memory Lane
« Reply #1092 on: July 21, 2013, 05:27:55 AM »
Beautiful chapter; I'm still not sure who my favorite couple is.. Can't wait for the next update!

Oh, and Ilene Azokka is a gorgeous teenager! She's got a very interesting wardrobe.   :D

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - A Long Walk Down Memory Lane
« Reply #1093 on: July 21, 2013, 06:30:03 AM »
Man, that chapter has me crying... so beautiful to see it all again.  Wonderful job.  And Liya is just gorgeous.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - A Long Walk Down Memory Lane
« Reply #1094 on: July 21, 2013, 08:02:15 AM »
Downside: I missed a lot of chapters: Bonus: I got to read them all at once and didn't have to wait! My mind is blown right now. When the eighth generation was born I got chills and kept them for the next several chapters following. Seriously, I thought you were a great writer before. I am now completely floored. This stuff is better than many professional authors' novels I've read. Wow. Just, so much wow. I'd be insane to try to comment on everything, but one thing really stood out--the way you wrote Ilene Azokka's birth--with Mikayla--perfect. I don't know how you got her to strangle herself at that moment but the whole thing was amazing. Tell her I got the message ;)
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